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Posts posted by m0b1us1

  1. 4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    [eternal war]

    In his first sentence... 

    "... I cast war cry with eternal war equipped..."

    He's talking about the bug where the duration allies received seems capped even though yours stays active. So allies lose the buff. Though it could be the allies just falling off a cliff or something.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

    Personally I see hysteria as a flash heal and/or a short invincibility (ie, to pop a life capsule), I don't think its meant to be used as a long time ability

    I use it like that as well. However that's also not how it's meant to be played. The wind up time and the damage circle mechanic mean that you would heal, then run to make sure you don't take damage when you deactivate it. Also the circle goes down the more you kill, so it rewards you for killing more. I just think no matter how someone uses her 4, it should change. 

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  3. To be honest, it's hard to change much about valkyr because of her 4. Which is funny because it's easily the worst tanking ability in the game. Her claws are trash. The only redeeming thing about them is their crit chance. However laughably low status and range make her claws drop off obscenely hard. Wukong iron staff and excal chromatic blade scale far far better than valkyr. 

    This is an issue because while valkyr 4 makes you invincible, it cripples your damage output as the level increases. My zaws, meta weapons, and dozens of other melee weapons (and many other non-melees) can all kill any level enemy much faster than my 4. So you get to a scenario where either the enemy is low enough level where you don't need your 4 at all, and by the time the enemy is high enough to really make use of your invincibility, then your 4 damage (having even decent status would fix this) and range is simply completely inferior to a large number of other options.

    I would love to see her 1 and 3 get some buffs or changes, even make her 2 affect your total armor instead of just your base. But I think the core issue is with her 4. I think the invincibility should be removed so then her 4 can be brought in line with other exalted weapons. Also I would love if she dwelled more into her "berserker" theme. 

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  4. 21 hours ago, Shaburanigud said:

    I agree, Inaros truly is one of the strongest frames
    But That doesn't mean he doesn't have his flaws. This thread doesn't claim he should get a rework before Ember/Frost/ or nay other less performing ones.

    Wukong, while was very boring, statistically performed great before his rework since he was immortal as well.
    Chroma, despite being popular for needing a rework, is still one of the strongest Dmg frames as well as one of the tankiest

    Yes, a Frame shouldn't get reworked because "He isn't the strongest", but he should get a rework if there are flaws to fix. However minor.

    And IMO, the flaws in Inaros is not minor.
    As one of the most uninteractive frames, I do think he needs some improvements.
    Especially when half of his kit is almost never seen in normal gameplay. And the other half he does uses is rarely noticed by his teammates if at all.

    And thus, I suggest that Inaros does need some improvements and minor reworks. Preferably around when he gets his prime variant.

    Never claimed the OP said that Inaros should get buffed before others. What I did point out that with the example he gave, there are far more frames that struggle far more. So I was questioning his reasoning as it seems most people here have a flawed idea of Inaros and his capabilities.

    Pre-rework wukong was immortal, however his issue wasn't with his bulk. His issues were with the rest of his kit. They ended up making him less tanky.

    Chroma still is far less tanky and damaging than he once was. These are not his issues, his issues are that his 1, 4, and passive are incredibly underwhelming or simply completely ignored.

    That's my point though, its your opinion. What the OP is trying to argue, at least when talking to me, is that his "EHP" is low. In that regard, I do not find that a flaw.

    What you call uninteractive is not a product of Inaros, its a product of the meta. That is CC has no real place anymore. I do not find Inaros to be purely uninteractive for that reason. When the situation calls for CC, I find that Inaros's skills are quite potent. Even his 3, which I will admit it costs too much for this current meta, has interactions with his 4 that drastically increase he area of control. Half the kit not being used is something I agree with and that is a concrete example of a flaw, unlike just saying "his ehp is low compared to other tanks". However half his kit not being used is not a flaw of the ability itself, its a flaw of the meta and some QoL issues. The meta revolves around kills per second. So you hit a group of enemies with your 4, and they die in 2 seconds because that is what everyone else is doing. Is that because the skill is bad? Not at all, rather its because other players are more focused on kills than requiring healing. Most players don't even know the difference between a target affected by 2 or 4. Nor do they have any other indication what they can do to a target affected by 2. So if an Inaros uses 2 on an enemy behind a wall, how does a player on the other side know? That issue is a transparency issue that can easily be fixed.

    My suggestion is that what Inaros needs is not improvements and minor reworks. What he needs is some QoL changes to make his kit more transparent to his team and his abilities better explained. The kit itself simply does not fit in a kills/second rules all meta and should not be changed because of that. If the meta was more centered around CCing large groups of enemies, would Inaros still be considered flawed? I don't think so at all.

  5. 17 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    Depends. Not all eHP is created equal.

    Armor based eHP like Inaros is the least reliable. Nidus and Trinity can actually take lvl 800 bricks to the face. Not on MoT of course but with normal damage modifiers while Inaros gets killed by lvl 165 Nullifiers in 4 shots with 90% Adaptation thanks to Puncture double dips. Rhino by comparison can take 50 shots before Iron Skin drops. Inaros has very fast recovery but his eHP isn't very high. He doesn't deal with burst well and so after counting his eHP I just decided it was better to rely on his CC for a long run.

    The choice of MoT was just because I went CC. It's like Volt on MoT vs a normal mission. Doesn't actually matter since he's not getting hit but looks more impressive. Chroma was actually kinda squishy even when Vex was Multiplicative since it was Armor based. Nidus came beefier out of the box. Of course Trinity and Rhino. Now both Chroma and Inaros get beaten by Trinity 188k, Rhino 120-200k, Nidus 100k, Baruuk 100k, Nekros 70k, Even though Gara and Nova sit about 40k similar to Inaros and lower than Chroma 66k but will deal with more burst since they're not Armor based DR. Of course all this is before Adaptation and if you wana push on MoT just throw down an Ancient Healer.

    Pretty much all Invis frames can go lvl 800+ which is why I don't use Trickery or usually play Invis frames for endurance runs. A player should already know going in they're going to be there for 3 hours+ however Inaros without Invis I wasn't sure. So I tried it. That's pretty much why I do long runs. To see if something works. I'm mostly going through this explanation to show I've played Inaros enough, understand his limitations and I've pushed others to compare with. I'm not trying to make him stronger since if you play him specific ways he's pushing lvl 800 like I mentioned. It's more taking that into consideration and allowing him more options.

    Most players are fine with how tanky Inaros is and I don't mind because he still scales with CC. My goal is to improve the rather limited kit he has.

    That is untrue about Inaros. Just tested it myself. Well at least my Inaros tanked a lot more, technically he could have tanked infinite depending on arcane grace. Even without arcane grace, it took 7 hits from a level 165 nullifier (10 hits from a corrupted oddly) starting at 0% adaptation all without grace. 6 shots with 0 arcanes. Do note I use a rank 4 adaptation as Inaros and any other tank do not require a full one. Where do you get that Inaros can only tank 4 shots with 90%?

    Note, Trinity 4 only provides 75% DR max, where as Gara sits at 90% DR, so also curious how you are managing to get more EHP on trin than gara. Are you using an old online EHP calc? Are you sure you are not using the old bless values for that calculation? My tank trin can't even tank half the number of shots that my inaros can in the same situation. Though it is an old raiding Trin that has been collecting dust.

    You are missing my point, at some point EHP is quite literally worthless. I never said Inaros was the tankiest, that easily goes to Nidus and it has nothing to do with his EHP but everything about his easily renewed death gates. However what makes Inaros unique is that his bulk in not reliant on any abilities. All those other frames you mentioned, the moment they have 1 ability blocked whether by nullifier bubble, disruption, running out of energy, falling into a pit, or even just forgetting to recast, they are insanely squishy. Inaros? He has enough regen and naturally high EHP to be perfectly fine standing in a bubble.

    Your previous statement claimed that you wanted to make him better at all levels, but if the only example you can give is against level 800 enemies, then I don't think that holds true. I don't think you have played Inaros enough or have a strong understanding. Even more so if your Inaros can only tank 4 level 165 nullifier shots. I'm still trying to find a case where I get 4 shotted by a level 165 nullifier and the only way I can find is by removing arcane grace and guardian and other mods. My inaros doesn't even use quick thinking either.

    Here is what you haven't considered, and this is something a lot of people never consider in tons of games. At what point exactly does a difference become the deciding factor? Inaros's bulk and high regen alone, no skills absolutely necessary mind you, allow me to casually outlast everyone except a nidus clanmate that I play with all the time. If the EHP difference is only apparently at level 800, then I don't think that should be a focus of your changes. You are free to add me so we can compare builds. I want to know how I can tank twice as much as you claimed even starting from a worse position.

  6. 15 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    I didn't rely on it at all last I pushed him. It's just better than most passives. ie Nova / Rhino.

    My longest run was Lvl 800 Solo MoT. I only used Vitality for defense and a CL Dagger with Energize spamming Blind complimented with a Viral + Rad Ignis to shoot rad blinded enemies and distract Nully's from shooting me while hiding around a corner.

    Scales better than any Defensive means he has muster outside Trickery x2 but I tend to avoid Invisibility runs. It was incredibly lame through and that's pretty much Inaros in a nutshell; pressing 1 over and over with a melee weapon once his eHP can't hold up. That's my main goal to fix here for all level ranges.

    Usually for that I prefer 1 energize and trickery. Once you start hitting those levels then the 25% heal on finishers really has no value as the damage per shot is too high. While it is an OK passive, its worth nothing for endurance runs where tanking damage simply isn't an option. If you didn't rely on it, and you did go to that level, then you must realize that its worthless in your case right?

    Remember, at those points, you have to rely on either invisibility or death gates. The single best warframe for long term survival like that is Ivara. 1 ability, CL, and 2 sets of arcane energize and you are good to go for however long you wish. Or you just ran naramon focus school, threw on a crit melee and went to town before it was changed. Either way you had to avoid damage at a certain point if you were going solo.

    See thats the issue, his EHP before adaptation was amazing, and after it still is. Only Chroma back when vex armor and ice element could reach such high EHPs or Trin with 99% DR. I think using eternal prowl Ivara is incredibly lame, but I am not going to use my purely subjective opinion to try to argue for an Ivara buff. She is a strong frame, Inaros is a strong frame. The likes or dislikes of an individual do not provide sufficient reason to call for a change.

    So why Inaros if that is your goal? Out of all the frames there are, Inaros has at least 1 way to go that far. How many frames can truly and reliably go that far into solo mot? The longest Nidus run I have seen was about 7 hours. Did you know what good his EHP did? It was worthless. Every time he took damage from an enemy, it would instantly drain 15 stacks of his passive. At that point, enemy HP scaling is so absurd that the only reliable way he had to kill enemies was by using an octavia specter since they scale with enemy level. If you are saying that you are trying to balance Inaros because his method of survival in endurance runs in a damage boosted mot against level 800 enemies is boring to you, I find that incredibly short sighted. Why don't you try to balance Frost, Atlas, or Trin for that level? Sure, when trin could reach 99% DR she could reach extreme levels of EHP, but she can't now with 75% DR (about the same as having 900 armor) and she has no reliable way to quickly deal damage if you are running tank because HP scaling. Chroma ever since the vex armor nerf has a mere fraction of his old EHP and no way to prevent enemies from damaging him or stunning them.

    I don't buy your claim that you are trying to make him "better" at all levels. It seems to me you are trying to think of a scenario to justify your proposed changes. That is such an extreme that the vast majority of players will never even attempt to reach. If your goal is to fix frames for all level ranges, there are a ton of others who need far more help than Inaros. I will gladly admit there are many other frames who are stronger than Inaros at doing 8 hour runs, but a frame should be changed because of that alone! My point still stands, Inaros is one of the overall strongest frames in the game and needs no help. A simple straight up tank build can clear everything the star chart, sorties, and 3 hr arbitrations has to offer.

    If I understand you, you are wanting a change because there are frames that you find subjectively more fun than Inaros against level 800 mot enemies because you have to use a cheese build. Is that correct?

  7. On 2019-08-20 at 2:29 AM, Xzorn said:


    That's why it's not very good though.

    For any other frame your team could just revive you as normal and yet Solo it stops working because it's a set damage value on % of health value.

    Not to mention a normal frame can move and shoot while downed making them considerably more effective. The mechanics are just very short sighted.

    Thankfully his %Life Steal on Finishers portion is more than most passives because last time I did a Solo run with him I didn't use the dying portion even once.


    It's not easy, but it can be good. It just requires a large amount of time invested before you can use it reliably.

    Any other frame, without the vazarin focus school, can't be revived instantly. And if you do go down, at a certain point some frames simply can't last that long without some form of defense. Also while the wiki might claim %HP, I think there might be more to it. Because I have managed a few times to revive despite not apparently hitting that %HP mark.For the most part you are right though. I think there just might be some weird spaghetti code there. I haven't done too much testing though as the only way I can reliable test it is by forcing myself in a down state with something like a rivend zarr against a bunch of level 165 corrupted gunners (not corpus techs because I try to test on armored targets). My guess is that it also has an EHP mark it looks to hit, though I haven't really been able to determine that or not.

    Also a frame that doesn't have a fear of going down until level 300+ is far more effective than a downed frame at 200. Also a frame that a team can insta-revive from as far as they want without taking time to manually revive them is far more effective than one frame stuck using a secondary and another standing there reviving.

    See that is an incredibly entry way to play him. Also its not %life steal on finishers. You heal for 25% of your max HP whenever you get a finisher kill. So you have to get the kill. I haven't needed to use a finisher to regain HP anything below 200. This is because Inaros, with arcane grace, has an absurdly high EHP regen. I think the last time I ever purposefully used the finisher kill regen was when I was in a sortie survival mission with the fire condition, thus lowering max HP and regen.

    Now it just might be me, but usually when someone talks like that it usually means that they haven't really given him enough time. What was your build with Inaros to feel the need to have to use finishers to regen? Most Inaros mains don't rely on that because it takes too long. Even without arcane grace its much faster just to expend some of your 4 cause it heals starting on the very first proc.

  8. On 2019-08-18 at 2:22 AM, Nezorus said:

    @m0b1us1 That's mostly due to his health and aug for his 4 alone sadly. His passive doesn't hold out and his 3 is pretty trash. I do say he needs some tweaks to some abilities. Maybe give him something that makes him pull aggro. 

     Actually his passive is quite strong, it just does a horrid job fully explaining it.

    His passive, while giving you a laser, is more about "marking" enemies. When you go down, all enemies within a 14m radius are "marked" by sand. This looks like the same effect as your 2, but does not CC, unless you mark and pull an enemy with the laser. If any marked target takes ANY sort of damage, it will count towards your revive. This also works with your 4 cc. So if you somehow manage to go down, your ally can simply deal a bit of damage and instantly revive you. Or you can shoot off your 4 right before you go down and the damage from that will also revive you.

    3 is just too costly for what it does. Paired with your 4, it acts as a way to mass spread your 4 cc. Hit a group with 4, use 3 to scatter them all over. Now you have vastly increased the area of your 4. However it costs a ton of energy, 25 for 4 blast and 75 just to start 3. Also the meta right now is all about kps. So with a team, you almost will never be able to benefit from that combo. However in the past with raids like NMLoR where CC was king, I used this very combo to lock down huge areas for a solid minute at a time. Which in warframe time is quite long.

    I think you just want him to be more like a nidus. And let's not kid ourselves, nidus is amazing all around and imo the best overall wf. But that isn't inaros. Inaros is great not because of his damage or synergies in his kit, he is amazing because what he gives you the freedom to do. Want to use a "non-meta" melee or any weapon? Inaros gives you the ability to use it and not worry about much else. Nidus has to worry about stacks, wukong has to worry about his new defy, chroma has to worry about vex armor, ash/Loki need stealth, saryn needs spores, etc etc. A fully built Inaros with arcane graces and negation swarm? Nothing. He can solo any content in the game easy and is one of the few frames you can so multihour long survival with, though if you want to go for crazy long you have to use an odd build.

    I'm just saying this from experience, but inaros is far stronger than an average player would expect. Veteran players don't doubt his position as a top tier frame overall.

  9. On 2019-08-16 at 1:32 PM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    Strongest? Lol, Inaros is not even at the top 3 tanks, and he is designed to tank. 


    Says who? The last time I went down as inaros was in a 2 hr long arbitration where we outlasted a nidus and chroma. Even then I went down from somehow getting a slash proc through negation swarm and holding 4 revive orbs trying to save the nidus. 

    Take it from someone who has played this game for years, inaros is easily in the top 3 frames overall. In the realm of tanking? Still top 2. Haven't really had the chance to put the reworked wukong through his paces yet though but initial thoughts have wukong trading bulk for power. 

    Nidus can definitely be tankier than inaros. Who do you think is a better tank and tell us your builds. If this is your main account, at not even 2 months old, it would be interesting to see what you think.

  10. While Inaros is by far my most played and favorite frame, it is a horrible idea to buff one of the strongest frames in the game. He does not need any buffs, only QoL changes like making it easier for allies to know when a target is affected by 2 vs 4, and a timer for 4 CC instead of showing the armor buff in 2 locations.

  11. I don't see the issue here. The only difference between primes and not are small stats. 

    Also, to do sorties I'm fairly certain you have to beat the war within. I have a hard time believing that it's common to go get that far and still not have a clue how to build a warframe.

    You could just solo everything. I do that all the time when it's spy missions.

  12. Yeah no. He doesn't need a rework at all. He is one of the strongest overall warframes in the entire game. 

    The only thing he needs is QoL changes such as...

    His 4 CC duration currently has no indicator of how much time is left, instead it shows the armor buff both in the top left of the screen and above the ability icon. Change one of them to show the CD duration. Maybe add some indicator to the healing aura as well so then players know when they are in range? 

    His 2 and 4 cc are extremely similar in terms of looks. Make it more apparent that an ally can eat a target afflicted by his 2.

    His 3, it actually is useful, but not enough to justify the cost. You can hit a group of enemies with your 4, tap 3, and spread the enemies around leaving living mines that further spread your cc. However since cc in this game lost it's place to damage, it's incredibly rare you would ever want this. Doesn't help that just to cast it you need half your energy pool.

    His 2, ignore. His sand shadows suck and are not worth using at all. Make them scale with duration and make it so you don't have to kill them with 2 to turn them. Shouldn't be op as you rarely use 2 and even when you do it takes 25/150 energy.

    This is coming from an inaros main who has mained him for years. And I know the op might have multiple accounts, but this one at least has only been around since this month (july). So my advice to you op is to build a bit more experience before you suggest changes to frames. Inaros is obscenely strong when you get him fully built with arcanes. He is also one of the few frames that can go solo for crazy hours if you use a CL and arcane trickery build. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, zhellon said:

    You can use the operator to control enemies using Lockdown arcanes and use the ability calmly. Or does that not look like a solution either?

    You miss the point. I said it was a solution, but how can there be a solution if there is no problem? Hence my original point stands that at higher levels with large numbers of enemies the cast time and losing pre existing stacks is an issue. So thank you for providing supporting evidence for my point.

  14. 6 minutes ago, zhellon said:

    Why do you always throw unverified facts?

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    Thralls, quite literally, do not taunt. When I say taunt, I quite literally mean taunt as in guardian derision or atlas 4 augment. Taking a small number of enemies and enthralling 7 of them proves nothing as now you have far less enemies and far more targets to pick from. They do not taunt, merely provide more targets for the enemy to pick from. Still don't believe me? Go take a look at the wiki and tell me where it says thralls taunt.

  15. 8 hours ago, nslay said:

    It's not an issue because you almost never get hit when you do this. Yes, you could get hit still. Does it really happen in practice? No!

    Your position is like "Well, you could still get hit even though you almost certainly won't, so therefore it's a problem." If you want to play Revenant most effectively I am telling you from experience that this is how you do it. Do it this way and it will work wonders. Most enemies do not have good fire accuracy. If they did, Mesmer Skin would be terrible. Now if you're moving in the air, there is very little chance you take any hit. This use of Mesmer Skin works very well in practice.

    You are still missing the point. If there is a flaw big enough to warrant a specific playstyle, then it is infact a flaw. 

    If you are claiming that "cast in air" is a solution, then it has to be a solution to a problem. Like I said before, in general gameplay you can usually recast it whenever. However in far longer gameplay like 3hr survival and more, you have to start using stealth or death gate mechanics. Also you will still run into this issue if you are facing a constantly leveling growing number of enemies. I don't think you have been in that kind of scenario yet. I'm talking far more than 40m arb. 

  16. 10 hours ago, zhellon said:

    You can use your 1 and enemies will not shoot at you at all. And you can upgrade your stacks by passing through the slaves. Even the nidus has no such invulnerability. You can generally use 2 once per mission and not worry about it.

    1 is a soft cc and enemies can still shoot you. Thralls do not taunt. Nidus's passive gives him complete invincibility if he has at least 15 stacks and drops to 0 hp. He becomes completely invincible for a couple of seconds and can quickly and easily regain stacks at higher levels. So yes he has that as well on top of DR, innate hp regen, and the ability to cc with maggots. 

  17. 25 minutes ago, nslay said:

    I'm not suggesting that being in the air makes you invincible. You do this precisely because you are vulnerable while recasting Mesmer Skin. And when you do this, you almost never take damage in any mission, no matter if its Sorties or low level missions or 40 minute arbitration survival, or 1.5 hour Mot survivals... It doesn't matter man! You have his 1 and you can jump in the air and re-cast it and you look in the score screen and you almost always find "0% damage taken" at the end of the mission. Sometimes you get unlucky and there was an exploding barrel. But from enemy fire? Almost never! In other words, this is really not a problem in practice. It's a learn-to-play Revenant problem for people who actually complain about this aspect of Mesmer Skin because it doesn't really happen (and those people are really greedy given how powerful Mesmer Skin is).

    Being in the air reduces the chance that you are going to get hit, it helps but it's not everything. So obviously if that is required, then taking damage while mesmer skin is being cast is a big enough issue to warrant that exact action. Saying "It's not an issue" and then saying "players do this to avoid this issue" completely negates your prior claim. Go for more than 2 hr and higher and that simply is not an option as a single shot from an enemy can take you out. At that point you have to rely on either death gates  (there is a video of a nidus going 7 hr solo) or an ivara who can basically go as far as however far you personally can. 

    You are saying xyz is not an issue, but then you are saying that players have to play in a manner that avoids that issue. If it truly wasn't an issue, then there would be no need to avoid it. You see the flaw in your argument?

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  18. 22 minutes ago, nslay said:

    No, it's really not true in any case. It's not unusual to do, say, 40 minute Survival Arbitrations with Revenant and have 0% damage taken the entire mission. This is accomplished by refreshing Mesmer Skin stacks by re-casting in the very same way the Kela de Thaym video shows it in the first 20 seconds of the video (not even talking about the fight). That's how you do it. Here, I linked the time for you...

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    That's how real Revenant players cast Mesmer Skin.

    Its "really is true". You said it's not unusual, which indicates that it is common. Meaning that you can take damage. So that entire argument can easily be completely disregarded as many players would go hide while recasting it. You aren't always taking damage in missions so therefore saying "you take 0% damage" is not a supporting argument whatsoever. Players have been casting abilities like that years before rev was even a thought with chromas old vex armor and rhinos iron skin before the augment. 

     Being in the air doesn't make you invincible, it gives you DR. Also like I said, kela is a bad example because outside of 1 attack, she really does not pose much of a threat. Even most of her other attacks are very easy to avoid. Go face high level enemies where you take consistent damage and you will see that it is not at all something that happens in a vacuum. It is common enough to make better players use either built in mechanics or getting to safety. If it operated like vex armor does now then you would see no attempt to gain DR or recast it when you aren't in danger. 

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  19. 2 minutes ago, Oldskinzz said:

    I've not noticed myself taking damage during recast of mesmer skin in all the time I've played him, but if what you say is true then i do stand corrected... will need to test this out myself.

    It will probably take a very specific mission e.g. profit taker where his 2 can't stun the opponent to create the necessary scenario. Anyway a scenario such as profit taker or exploiter where his 2 can't stun the enemy is probably where it falls well short of other time based defensive buffs. I've not used him in any such mission due to such considerations either. Then again it's a case of different tools for different tasks.

    It does require you to be taking consistent damage. Profit taker is not a good idea because it will shred your mesmer skin incredibly fast (I know from experience). A better way is to face off against some grineer or corpus in an open area where multiple can attack you. Not that it requires multiple attacks but rather to ensure that you get damaged in that window. 

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  20. 5 minutes ago, nslay said:

    In a vacuum, this is true. But nobody stands in a crowd of enemies and casts Mesmer Skin while standing still. Instead, you can refresh it while jumping in mid-air. An example of this can even be seen early in the Kela de Thaym video I linked. That's how real Revenant players re-cast Mesmer Skin with practically no risk of taking hits no matter how many enemies are around. Alternatively, you can use his 1 which distracts even the thickest of crowds.

    This is a non-issue. This scenario with Revenant caught with his pants down while re-casting his Mesmer Skin does not happen in practice.

    The quote said that you would keep the skin, which I corrected. And no this is true in many cases outside of a vacuum.

    Kela is not a good indicator at all as there is only 1 attack  (bombardment) that really poses any risk at all even at sortie level. Even then that attack and the rest of hers are easy to avoid. 

    Avoiding burst damage is easy. When the enemy damage starts climbing and all forms of consistent damage start piling up, the possibility of dying while recasting mesmer skin is far more real. Boss battles generally are not a good indicator as they often have very clear and obvious attacks so you can react to them properly. 

    Also enthrall is a soft cc, and the enthralled targets do not taunt. So while it may distract some enemies, the AI might still target you. 

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  21. 17 minutes ago, Oldskinzz said:

    You used the word, I was just quoting it for effect. My point stands.

    Number of charges scales with ability strength as pointed out many times. Sure other abilities have their own pros and cons. How about you name some for comparison?

    I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you the reason why you feel so negative about it, is because you've been using it wrong. From the way you're describing it, you're recasting it when you've run out of charges. You do know you can recast way before you've run out of charges? So regardless of how long it takes, you're protected throughout. You don't need natural talent or rolling guard at all. In fact revenant is one of the few frames that won't need these mods in a long endurance match because he can literally have 100% uptime on his defensive buff, unlike most other frames.


    The issue is that mesmer skin doesn't refresh like vex armor or even rhino iron skin augment. When you recast mesmer skin with charges already, it loses all charges while the animation is playing and then gives you them in full.

    So no, even if you recast mesmer skin with pre-existing charges, it does not protect you during those 2 seconds or so because you lose those charges. This is fairly easy to replicate. 

    • Like 2
  22. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    That right there is what we call an oxymoron. Tho only in the context of which you’re saying it.

    While Mesmer Skin is always stuck with the same number of charges, all other tank abilities with a form of resource are able to scale to take more damage before being depleted. And I’m going to go out on a limb and say that 99% of the time they’re going to protect you for far more than 18 hits. As for it’s recast. It’s slow, it’s unbearably slow and it leaves you vulnerable to get shot. Now there are was to remedy that. Natural talent and Rolling guard. But why does Revenant require two mods to fix issues with Mesmer Skin that no other tank frame suffers from? Chroma doesn’t lose his buffs when recasting vex armor and Nezha has the AOE best proc stun when warding halo runs out. It can’t all be justified by the 100% damage reduction. Because the only place that’s really necessary in is facing off against enemies that no normal player is going to face because 2 hour Endurance runs are no more rewarding that doing two 1 hour endurance runs. And there are a few frames that can perform a similar feat but also provide far more beneficial functionality than Revenant. So ultimately, Mesmer Skin existing the way it does in the game right now has no justification for its existence. It’s just a bad tank ability. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Like you said, being completely invincible is only an upside when facing extreme levels of damage where the damage is far greater than ehp. Also being invincible is counter productive with his reave (cause it heals) and his passive (which requires your shields to get damaged). And the long cast time to even refresh sucks.

    • Like 2
  23. Nope nor should it be. That was a reward for those clans that got a high enough score. The bp is easy to get as it can be bought from baro and many clans and people will gladly give you one. My clan has been giving them away for ages.

    If someone really thinks that having a clan with an ignis wraith bp is mandatory cause it's hard to get, they are giving you horrid advice. If you want to start a clan and are willing to put forth the work, then go for it.

  24. DE... in a recent interview you were asked to talk about the melee changes. And all you had to talk about was the stupid thing none of us asked for and talked more about cinematic finishers...

    DE! We don't care about that right now! What we want is for you to address all these issues that we have been telling you about for months! We don't want you to stick your head in the sand and ignore it and work on something so trivial! Address the problems we keep bringing up then go back to that. 

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  25. 6 hours ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    I rarely use his two... only in that rare But puckering moment. Not needed otherwise

    I am interested to see what your build actually is now. Cause free thralls is super nice and you end up casting 1 a lot more than your other abilities. But if you use it just for emergency, then you either have super high eff or don't use abilities much. 

    To me it sounds like you just built him like a pseudo-hildryn or just spam 4. My guess is 175 eff, shields, probably adaptation, and a decent amount of power strength with a bit of duration?

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