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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. For context, I'm one of the Protea players who really loves Protea's time theme and is still trying to get Temporal Anchor to feel worthwhile.  That said, it's no secret that a significant subset of the community hasn't been able to find value in Temporal Anchor and considers it Protea's Helminth slot.

    And given that context, it feels rough that the new Blaze Artillery augment requires Temporal Anchor to function.  I can only speak for myself, but it feels like it's trying to give players a reason to keep Temporal Anchor by explicitly coupling this Augment to an ability that it doesn't need to be paired with.

    Why not simply give the augmented Turret its own duration?  It feels disappointing that this augment isn't just competing against every other mod that could occupy a mod slot, but that it's also simultaneously competing with the value that any Helminth ability could bring to Protea by being in her 4th slot.

    Thanks for considering my feedback.

    • Like 5
  2. I think they knocked it out of the park. They didn't just correct the mistake by making the new Heirloom system reasonable, they made it feel great.  Well done, DE.

    As for the previous Heirlooms, mistakes were certainly made, but at present things are in the best shape they could possibly be given that history.  Selling them again so more people can get them breaks the promise that the original Heirlooms were sold with, so they can't do that without ruffling feathers.  Thankfully, not being able to buy something that isn't being sold doesn't hurt anyone in the present, so there's no harm being done by not bringing them out of retirement.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Bubba_John said:

    I guess Wareframe is the only streamer that's good enough to share drops.

    This sentence confuses me; the rest of your post makes it sound like Warframe's drops aren't working for you, but this sentence makes it sound like Warframe is the only stream that does do drops?   And that makes me wonder if maybe you're talking about the drops from streams that are co-streaming Warframe streams?

    I'm never brave enough to try to get my drops from partner streams, so I always make sure I have on the official stream.  I try to be at the stream about 5 minutes early so I can open it right when it starts, and I never open other Twitch tabs while the stream is active because in some cases that has seemed like it might cause an issue.  And since I started doing it this way, I have reliably received my drops.  So if you're having trouble with that, I hope this helps.

  4. With respect:

    10 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    There's a massively different perspective between DE's idea of fun and everyone else's mine.

    Personally, I don't want to see much about Jade Shadows.  They've already said it's going to be a fairly short story quest, and everything they show ahead of time will be something we don't get to experience fresh and organically in the game itself.

    Like, if I'm remembering correctly, DE showed us roughly 90% of the Whispers in the Wall quest before it launched, leaving precious little that was new to me when I was actually playing the quest.  I vastly prefer vague teasing so that when I finally get to play new story content, it isn't something I've already experienced in a video.

    • Like 12
  5. I'm happy to see the causes that DE is raising money for as well as the queer creators that are being highlighted and celebrated!

    Unfortunately, the experience of watching these streams has been double-edged; during today's stream a vocal subset of Twitch viewers chose to respond to the Pride theming and activities with a wide variety of vitriol.  Nothing new or creative, just the same old unpleasant stuff you'd expect from that crowd.

    I can only imagine how difficult it must be to moderate a live chat, so I can't blame the mods for not being able to keep up.  But if possible, I think some extra hands on deck would hopefully help so that the Pride celebration doesn't get watered down with deadnames and insults.

    Regardless, thanks for your efforts and your consideration!

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    It kind of looks like a way to implement a stamp of elitism in all honesty.

    Heh, my spouse once said something that I'll never forget because of just how true it tends to be: "Everybody wants to be better than somebody."  And I get why, especially when our society is in many ways designed to neg us into being obedient consumers.  So I try not to judge anyone for having an urge for recognition and validity, since it honestly makes a lot of sense in our current cultural context...but I simultaneously want to encourage folks to clock that urge as a form of elitism that ultimately does more harm than good, in the hopes that they can steer clear of it and find more holistic ways to fill that void.

    • Like 5
  7. We've certainly all found our own ways to make the best of the current system over the years, but I have to agree that typing into recruitment chat and manually forming a party with others is an archaic form of match-making.  I'm sure there are details that would make certain edge cases hard to auto-match (such as a long-vaulted relic that's only half-full of reactant), but broadly speaking there's no doubt that this system would benefit from some automation.

    Now, whether that's the best use of DE's limited bandwidth is another question.  But I think feeling frustrated with matchmaking circa 1995 and pining for modernization is valid.

    • Like 3
  8. Anything that's possible to min-max is also possible to not min-max, and part of playing with others is accepting the fact that they may not be optimized for the way that you would prefer to play.

    The situation you're describing only occurs if all of these factors coexist simultaneously:

    • An enemy has 10 Cold stacks.
    • The enemy dies to a Slash proc.
    • Necros' Desecrate succeeds at its 54% loot drop.

    In pub groups, this is going to be a rare situation to encounter with minimal impact when it does.  I would honestly recommend not worrying about it outside of pre-made farming groups.

  9. 1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    Jat Kusar.

    Has a fantastic skin too, think it's one of Khoras? But it and other Blade and Whip weapons are completely unusable because 2 hits in and it Lifts enemies, and after 3 or 4 hits those lifted enemies are thrown forward out of your melee range.

    It's basically an anti-melee melee weapon.

    Your last line really got me thinking...why is Lifted a status that only comes from melee weapons, when broadly speaking Lifted makes it more difficult to kill enemies with melee?  It seems like Lifted would be both more useful and more fun if it procced from ranged weapons, because at least then you'd get the shooting gallery experience.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    If I remember correctly, Ninkondi Prime has innate Electric damage and decent SC. Wouldn't it be a good weapon for Melee Influence?

    Melee Influence lover here, and I can confirm that Melee Influence is great on Ninkondi Prime.  That said, it really depends on what you want to use case you want your melee to shine in.  If you want to devote your melee slot to clearing crowds, then Ninkondi Prime is a brilliant choice.  But if you want your melee to focus on single-target damage, it would be pretty low on my list (personally, I use the Azothane).  In that sense, it really depends on how you like to distribute your entire loadout of problem-solving tools.

  11. I can't speak for the way things are now.

    That said, in the next patch enemy armor is going to be reworked, and from the sound of it the disparity between mostly and fully stripping armor should severely diminish.  And if that indeed turns out to be the case, then using a single Tau-forged instead of two normals will give you 3/4 the effect while leaving an extra shard slot open.

    So at the very least, my recommendation would be to wait for the new patch to drop as well as a few days for updates and science-framer test results before slotting any new emerald shards.

  12. Are you talking about chatting with your squad, or other channels like Trading and Region?  When you are in a mission, you lose access to most channels like Trading, Region, Q&A, Matchmaking, etc, so that would be normal.  But if you also don't have access to chat with your current mission's Squad, that would be abnormal.


    When in a mission on a console, you have to do a bit of a song and dance to access the chat.  On PS4/5 that dance is:

    1. "Pause" menu.
    2. Press the appropriate Trigger button to get the chat window to appear.
    3. Press square to bring up the typing interface to actually type and then send your message.

    I don't know if Xbox differs slightly, but are you able to access the chat window by doing something akin to this?

  13. 16 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I like you unstar, and you know I usually agree with you, but COME THE F ON bro this guy is just being a goofy ahh sometimes they need to be told this lol.

    Haha, I get it, I really do!

    But also...I used to be a bit of a jerk myself.  I never meant to be a jerk; I genuinely thought I was on the path of being a good, logical, intelligent person.  But in hindsight, wow, there are a lot of things I did that were less than kind, that were dismissive, that made bad faith assumptions, etc.  It turns out the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    It's only due to the generosity of a handful of people in my life that I was able to get the move beyond being that person; they planted the seeds of constructive feedback and gentle suggestions within me, and that opened up avenues of learning and self-discovery that I would never have even known were there otherwise.  It was up to me to nurture those seeds, but I often think about how if I hadn't been given them, that I likely would have remained as the old me.  And I am so so so much happier as the new me.

    So when I see posts like this, I feel a bit of empathy.  I think about how maybe that person is in a place similar to where I was all those years ago.  Without getting too philosophical, I love people, and I think we all deserve better than we've got.  So posts like these can often feel like an opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life.  And being able to reduce the amount of unnecessary conflict in the world by sharing knowledge and compassion is something that feels really in-line with what matters to me.

    So how do I go about trying to plant the seeds of change?  I think about what would have been helpful to me back in the day.  I wouldn't have wanted to be mocked or shamed, and in fact that probably would have made me feel very defensive and less likely to genuinely consider any feedback I was given.  And so I try to avoid that kind of thing and instead approach assuming good intentions.  And I do my best to respectfully offer a different perspective that I think the person might find helpful.

    I don't want to overblow this!  I don't expect that one of my posts will radically alter the course of someone's life, and I also presume that plenty of people may not be convinced by what I have to say or even give it a fair shake.  And heck, I have to be open to the fact that maybe I'm the one who's wrong some of the time.  But I do my best to be operate in good faith, to listen, and to share, in the hopes that some of the time what I say might make some kind of positive difference to someone.

    That said, I'm trying to get better at knowing when to stop trying.  For example, there was a reply to me recently from a user I won't name, but their reply made it clear that they weren't really listening to what I was saying.  And there's a past version of me that probably would have kept trying, but current me values my time and energy more and simply decided not to engage further.

    I know you're listening, so I hope this offers a bit more insight into me and why I at times probably seem hopelessly optimistic! ^^;

    • Like 2
  14. 6 hours ago, Flat_Lined said:

    so hope you all are doing well and having fun this was my little roast and leave any suggestions on how I should better execute my roasts of people who are trolls or just Aholes on Warframe.

    I would like to try to respectfully offer you some constructive feedback, because you seem to not realize that you roasted yourself here.  I'm guessing you may be accustomed to different games that have different mechanics and different social norms, but in the story as you told it, you're the one that comes across as the jerk.  And I'm guessing that's not what you intended, so hopefully I can offer an outside perspective that will shed some light on why that is, so that in the next story you tell you can be the hero of it rather than the unintended villain.


    6 hours ago, Flat_Lined said:

    Meanwhile one of them (Protea Prime or the Wukong) is marking all the traces and does not take the hint we want to get our own too so it doesn't feel like we are getting carried.

    An experienced Warframe player would be incredibly unlikely to get this hint, and I'll explain why.

    In many game modes, being able to collect 10 Reactant before the round ends is usually possible but ultimately unreliable.  Because of this, the overall Warframe community has discovered strategies that make it more likely that the whole team will be able to get 10 Reactant.  One of the main strategies that is recommended is for players to stick together, so that when any enemy drops Reactant (which is entirely random), every player can get that Reactant.

    This helps everyone be able to open their relics, and that helps the whole team by not only allowing each player to get a relic reward, but by multiplying the amount of possible relic rewards each player gets to choose from.  In other words, by helping one player to get their Reactant, every player benefits.  And on the flip side, if the round ends and one player doesn't get their reactant, that puts every player in that match at a disadvantage.  Because of that, being a team player means doing your best to collect reactant and help others get theirs.  This player wasn't trolling you.


    6 hours ago, Flat_Lined said:

    (wasn't salty about the character but ok just didn't want to feel carried by someone who should be soloing)

    As mentioned before, soloing reduces the amount of reward options you have available to you when you open relics.  That's why regardless of player skill or power level, players generally do relic runs in a full squad.


    If you don't want to be carried by others, that's a valid desire!  But if that's the case, I would recommend not joining public relic missions.  Instead, change your squad to be "friends only", and then you and your girlfriend can have fun playing at your own pace together.  You won't be carried by others, and in turn you won't be disrupting their collaboration-focused matches; everyone wins!

    Regardless, hope this helps you to better understand the norms of the Warframe community, so that hopefully your future interactions with Warframe players can be more positive.  Best of luck, Tenno!

    • Like 16
  15. I strongly disagree that Precision Intensify is doing anything besides adding variety to builds.  The choice of whether to give all your abilities 44%(+) Strength or to starve your first 3 by giving only your 4th ability 90% strength is a compelling strategic option that not all players will answer the same way.

    It seems like you really love a 100% Pillage, and that's valid.  But it's not for everyone.  Personally, I've stopped Helminthing Pillage because against enemies without armor and shields it does nothing, and I'd rather have an ability that works under all circumstances.  I also find part of the fun of Warframe to be casting fun abilities, so even if a stripping ability is helpful, I'd like to use a variety of other abilities as well.

    I'm also guessing you love Pillage because of the armor strip, and presuming that's the case, that will become less important in the upcoming enemy armor nerf.  We'll have to wait and see how that pans out, but I'd be surprised if it didn't move the needle.

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  16. On 2024-05-21 at 10:48 AM, (PSN)marshb863 said:

    In a kingdom full of artisans, why are there no cartographers in Duviri?



    Because Duviri isn't real, both in-game and out.  Like most fictional worlds it was fleshed out to the extent that it worked as a reasonable simulacra that served the stories it was meant to tell...but no further.  It's not dissimilar to the question, "why don't we ever see toilets in [insert media franchise here]".

  17. 16 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

    How old is Saryn and a large portion of syandanas dont snap onto her back correctly?

    Like I said, they don't fix every issue.  But the evidence transparently shows that they do fix some.  If there's genuinely a problem, there should be no need to exaggerate, and doing so only serves to distract from any actual problems you'd like to see addressed..

  18. Personally, I think Trinity is fine.  She's not breaking the meta, but she's able to bring great utility to any squad she's in.  When a Trinity is in my group, I am very happy.

    And that's not because I can't stay alive myself or because my energy economy is in shambles, but it's because I no longer have to devote any of my brain to survival or sustainability.  I can be the most careless goof-goof in town, spraying abilities non-stop while running face-first into danger, and that's a blast.  Thank you, Trinity!

    I think the only potential issue with Trinity is that she gives her whole party a free pass to spam abilities but she herself doesn't really have anything fun to spam.  Though the fact that you can use Helminth to give her something like Thermal Sunder arguably lessens the need for that.

    I imagine a new Augment or some reworks of her existing Augments could probably breathe new life into her, but at the core she's a great tank and a great babysitter frame.  And for those who really want to push the envelope with squad design, Trinity can allow your squad mates to treat sustainability as a dump stat and thus pour all of their build resources into maximizing offense, resulting in some powerful builds for team play.

    In terms of Voidshell skins...be careful what you wish for.  I was eager for to Voidshell up Mag, but the skin overwrites the most compelling aspects of her design (her arm coils) while adding a bunch of odd color patches to her face.

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