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Everything posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. I think it's just that artists get inspiration from a wide variety of places; there has been nothing in the lore to connect sentients to crobs.
  2. OP, my best guess is that you have misunderstood what reporting a bug means. Reporting a bug never guarantees that the bug will be addressed. However, it does make it possible for the bug to be addressed, because DE can't fix a bug they're unaware of. And over the years they have fixed many bugs that users have reported — just check the patch notes to see. There are a lot of reasons that bugs don't get fixed, but at the core is simply that fixing bugs costs dev bandwidth, and dev bandwidth is limited. So which bugs do we fix? Unfortunately the answer will never be "all of them", because even the biggest companies never have enough resources for that. The answer comes from a process called "triage". In short, you look at how hard a bug will probably be to solve, and you compare that with how beneficial solving the bug will be to the overall population of users. The more beneficial solving the bug will be, the higher the priority. The more difficult the bug will be to solve, the lower the priority. In other words, the bugs you solve first should be the ones that provide the most "bang" for your "buck". And the unfortunate reality is that that means that bugs that are difficult to solve that offer more meager benefits may never be solved, because there might always be more impactful bugs that should be solved first. And this isn't the case just with games, but with all software products.
  3. Even Chat GPT itself is legally and ethically dubious. A quick skim of the sources used to train it shows that some of the datasets used for this process were not paid for, but were simply scraped from high-traffic internet links. While such information is freely navigable, to scrape it and make use of it for one's one product is a contentious issue. It depends on the implementation. If I write a strategy guide for fighting Archons on my personal website, DE doesn't have any rights to that writing. This is because it's not the information found in the writing that is protected, but rather the writing itself. I wrote it and DE didn't, and that's what matters from a legal standpoint. So if DE made their own internal wiki from scratch, they wouldn't have any legal or ethical issues. But if they were to copy data from an existing wiki, or draw from it in some other way, then there would be an ethical and legal adventure afoot.
  4. As someone who has worked on video game AI, I feel the overwhelming need to clarify that enemy/NPC AI and machine-learning AI are two entirely different things that are for most intents and purposes unrelated; they are as apples and oranges.
  5. The only way you can say this and believe it is if you have forgotten that strong augments exist. Here's just one example: Without this mod, Crush is already well-worth using. It provides temporary CC, outputs damage, and caps my entire squad's overshields (including my pet). This single mod makes Crush even stronger by giving it: a cast speed buff a powerful armor strip a snare There's no reasonable argument to be had as to whether this is power or not. This is power.
  6. This would actually overlap with both of those issues more than you might think! Similar to the art debate, if the data set being pulled from is the wiki, that's a resource that has been created and maintained by many individual contributors, and there are ethical if not legal concerns about leveraging their work without compensation within a for-profit piece of software. I'd be surprised if Fandom (the wiki host) wouldn't have some legal recourse to lean on as well. And in terms of AI voices, if Ordis is answering your questions, then presumably that has to be done via an AI voice. There would be ethical and legal issues to sort through with Ordis's current voice actor, as well as with every other voice actor working on Warframe, since many voice actors take an organized stance against projects that use AI voice-acting.
  7. Unfortunately, AI frequently falls into some manner of morally grey area. Training data for AI is frequently stolen, while the job of categorizing and tagging data is often farmed out to vulnerable foreign populations for wages that are below the poverty line. And all of that is before Ordis tells you something racist because the AI wasn't tuned properly.
  8. I don't understand what this is. Is this a melee weapon? Is this a primary? How does the shield get raised? The block button and the aim button are the same button in Warframe, so typically only one of them is available at any given moment; that seems like it would cause a fundamental issue that would lead to an at-best clunky interface for such a weapon. Unfortunately, unless I'm misunderstanding it, this sounds useless; blocking with any melee weapon already entirely negates damage with no limit.
  9. OP: "It would be nice if we could do this thing in an enjoyable and convenient way." Somehow, people in the replies: "You wouldn't have this problem if you just did it in an unenjoyable and inconvenient way."
  10. Yeah, it seems very clunky and broken that it's possible to fail at the main reason you entered a mission because you were too effective at killing things in the kill lots of things game.
  11. It's unlikely that it actually has anything to do with immersion. Perhaps there was a time long ago when that was the reason, but that ship has long since sailed in Warframe. My best hypothesis is that it's just about keeping certain items associated with their respective events. If moustaches can be used outside of Movember, then they just become normal moustaches instead of Movember Moustaches. Etc.
  12. Ah, thank you for clarifying. Based on GPrime96's phrasing, I interpreted that the punch-through was associated with the Incarnon form. So I went to the Incarnon section of the article and saw this: ...and I thought that was what they were talking about. I honestly didn't expect the weapon to have numerous different kinds of punch-through in different circumstances! Pretty sneaky, devs.
  13. Does it actually have infinite punch-through? According to the wiki it only has 0.5 meters of punch-through outside of some gimmick-requiring upgrades that increase that number. Meanwhile the wiki does say that Catchmoon has infinite enemy punch-through, which I would hope would apply to every part of the Aerolyst since it's an enemy?
  14. Have you tried adjust the in-game setting for what you consider the minimum acceptable ping to be with other players?
  15. Sadly, as a controller player with arthritis, gunblades feel terrible to use, since I need the same thumb to both aim and fire. Though maybe I'll give the Fluctus a try XD
  16. Personally, Boreal is the one I dislike fighting because his encounter seems so drawn out. Interestingly, though, for me the issue isn't his moves (which have never had bugs for me) but rather that killing a flock of Aerolysts always feels like it takes forever; whenever he spawns a new group of them, my heart sinks. In other Archon add phases the adds melt at a swift rate, but Aerolysts outstay their welcome. I blast away at their tummy jars with my 4-forma Catchmoon well past the point at which other enemies would have died 5 times over, and it genuinely feels like luck as to whether my projectile will have actually connected with their targets so that I can finally kill these pests. There may indeed be other issues with the fight, but I'd never notice them because the Aerolysts are such a monolithic annoyance for me.
  17. Why does this give me the vibe that this isn't an argument against a dedicated augment slot and more an argument about weak augments instead? With respect, it probably feels that way because I made a solid argument against the stance you currently hold, so your subconscious human instinct (one that we all share) is to find an excuse to reject the argument outright so that you don't have to honestly engage with it. And to be clear, no shade, intended; this is something that happens to all of us, myself included, and we could all use a friendly reminder now and then to bring conscious awareness to such instincts when they're keeping us from being the fair and kind people we strive to be.
  18. I just wish there was a reason for me to return to The Duviri Experience. I love the gameplay, but the only Duviri currency I need is Pathos Clamps. Pathos Clamps only being given by the Orowyrm incentivizes doing The Lone Story, because all of the other fun activities in Duviri just delay you from getting the Pathos Clamps you need. Which is to say, I wish that free-roam gameplay in Duviri in some way could earn the player any amount of Pathos Clamps; if this were the case, I'd be doing The Duviri Experience all the time, and since I would be able to earn Pathos Clamps in a fun way (rather than just bee-lining it to the Orowyrm, which I've mostly given up on) that means I would also be doing more SP Circuit to get Incarnons. But at present, I generally do neither. No reason to earn Incarnons if I'm not going to have the Pathos Clamps to use them, and I'm sick of running past all of the fun stuff in Duviri so that I can fight the Orowyrm again.
  19. I just wish Fortuna didn't stay that hostile red color. I have a lot of credits in my account, I am willing to put up funds to reduce the nasty vibes.
  20. The fact that a handful of Augments aren't strong enough to justify using doesn't mean that all Augments need a free slot; rather, it means that the underpowered Augments need buffs so that they can compete with normal mods to be best-in-slot, the way that the good Augments already do. The result of your suggestion would be blanket power-creep without actually addressing the fundamental issue, increasing the power disparity between Warframes with strong Augments and Warframes with weak Augments. Because suddenly every build that already had a strong Augment as best-in-slot now gets an additional normal mod slot, while every build that couldn't justify using a weak Augment instead gets a paltry slot for a weak Augment. The strong get significantly stronger, and the weak get only mildy stronger. It's a bad idea.
  21. As a long-time FF14 player, I feel the need to clarify that this is mostly false. There are hundreds of farms in FF14 that are associated with a specific currency that is needed for specific rewards. The alleged "catch-all currency" (Poetics) that you are describing can not be exchanged for "anything out of date"; it can only be exchanged for tomestone items that were once cutting edge but have since been rendered sub-par due to the game's patch-based power creep. And even then, some of those items actually can't be obtained by Poetics, because you'll need things like Sacks of Nuts, Centurio Seals, or Allied Seals to get them. In truth, FF14's farm and currency systems are more similar to Warframe's than they are different. And in fact, I would say that FF14 gates its rewards behind specific farms significantly more than Warframe does, because in Warframe you can bypass 90% of farms with a single currency: Platinum.
  22. It makes sense though; there's a threshold at which anything "fun" becomes "work". Like, if you gave me a piece of cake, heck yeah, I would like to eat that, thank you. But if you tell me I need to eat 20 whole cakes before I can do X, suddenly I'm not having a good time, especially if I'm not in the mood for cake but am in the mood for X.
  23. Agreed, but only in that there's no need for anything in the game to exist, since it's a game full of artificial stuff imagined from the ground up. It's all for the sake of entertainment. I can only speak for myself, but I've enjoyed the Mastery Tests; they're all like little puzzles to solve, and I have felt a certain sense of accomplishment from passing them. But I'm the kind of player who likes puzzles; I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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