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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. In short, you can use the Helminth ability Master's Summons to teleport your MOA companion through barriers and directly into the Spy vault, where it uses the Security Override precept mod to auto-hack the terminal.

    It seems like being able to teleport your MOA through a wall is probably unintended?

    Video detailing how it's done:

    • Like 1
  2. On 2024-05-13 at 7:43 PM, ominumi said:

    I think this has been touch on in a devstream a few years back. Something to do with defensive objects. Because, yes, even the enemy units can crit the players.

    Actually, that was recently changed:


    Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17)

    • Removed the ability for enemies to deal critical hits to players, Defense targets, Extractors, Rescue targets, and all other friendly targets.
      • In most cases, enemies equipped with “player” weapons (Grineer Ballista using the Vulkar for example) could land critical hits due to those weapons using the same crit setup as their player counterpart. With a lack of feedback to inform players as to why or how sudden damage spikes were occurring, these enemies could easily jeopardize a mission. Additionally, while it makes sense to reward players for landing critical headshots, whether an enemy hits a head or not is outside of player control - which ultimately made countering it near impossible. So, in an effort to provide more consistent and predictable damage output from enemies, we have removed their ability to deal critical hits.
    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, (XBOX)Dante Duskwake said:

    Aww. K. Thnx for letting me know. Do you guys think we should get a new nightwave? Or are most of us content with mixes?

    If by "Nightwave" you mean the original incarnation where over the course of a few weeks a story unfolds that has custom missions associated with it, then I think Warframe is better off without that.  I would far rather have DE's limited bandwidth put towards permanent additions to the game rather than ephemeral ones.  So if they want to add story to the game, I'd prefer it not be part of Nightwave, and the same goes for new missions and gameplay, etc.

    Personally, I think Nightwave is at its best when it just gives players some optional challenges to tackle while simultaneously rewarding them for the stuff they're already doing.  I think they've more or less found the sweet spot.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    In my mind, more Health/Health Regen and Haste = More fun, but I understand that certain weapons suffer negatively from too much Haste, more so if they are a bullet hose already with a bad Ammo Economy.

    I know some people will say "Who cares what other people think? Just run what you want." but at least personally I don't feel that way. So I'm kinda just hoping to get a general consensus on what people find a tolerable or enjoyable amount that doesn't hinder or ruin the experience of others.

    I admire how considerate you're being, but you're asking the wrong question.

    Because the answer to "how much haste do other people want?" is "every amount of haste you could possibly think of, including none".  There is no singular correct answer.  If I'm using the Grimoire, I want all the haste.  If I'm trying to get big hits with Nataruk, I want none of the haste.  There is no amount of haste that your motes can provide that will please both of these players, let alone every player between them.

    The question you should instead be asking is "how do I best accommodate all types of players?"  That's a question that gives us enough breathing room to actually solve this problem.  My suggestions:

    • Place your Reservoirs so that they can be easily avoided by players that don't want your buffs; for example, don't place them in bottlenecks.  But also, don't place them entirely out of the way, so that players who do want your buffs can easily get them.  Endeavor to find a nice balance between the two.
    • Don't use Wisp's Augment; instead, place each individual type of Reservoir in distinct and separate locations.  That way folks who want a health mote can get one without getting a different mote they don't want, etc.

    That's what jumps to my mind, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's more.  Best of luck!

    • Like 6
  5. I started playing Warframe mid-2015, so I am unfamiliar with the version of the game that this reviewer would have been playing a year earlier.  But based on my experience with early Warframe, I don't find that blurb to be unreasonable.  How many games have grown and changed over their lifetimes to even half the extent that Warframe has?  Even a decade after that review was created, the answer is "not many", and none of the games that come to my mind existed back in 2014.  I won't fault someone for not seeing something so unprecedented coming, but it is a good reminder to never say never.

    Warframe is something special.  It's a labor of love that has been iteratively developed over a decade by a scrappy, experimental team and gradually transformed from something fairly basic into something truly unique.

    • Like 4
  6. 5 minutes ago, quxier said:

    No, I mean bellow or bottom-left corner.


    Look at reply window in the first image or window. There is "follow topic" and "hide" (we don't have that hide option/button/stuff).

    Hmmm, so I just tested that functionality.  It seems like it functions exactly the same as following a thread by clicking the upper-right "Follow" button.  Regardless of which you use, the result is that you're following the thread, though the one in the upper-right has some additional customization options.  That's what I used to follow the few dozen threads I had started with UnstarPrime.

    • Like 1
  7. The backstory

    When PSN users initially activated crossplay, many of us found that we could no longer access our longtime forum accounts.  Because of that, there was a roughly 5-month period when many of us were posting on what appeared to be fresh PC accounts.  Recently, DE has engineered a way that we can choose which of our accounts to use at any given time, so we can at least access our old accounts, which I'm grateful for.  However, I'd prefer to use just a single account, so I want to test what (if any) notification features will work if I have my two sub-accounts mutually follow each other; I'm hoping that this will in any way help me get notifications from users who are interacting with something I wrote on the other account and might be hoping for a reply.

    How you can help

    I want to test 4 different kinds of notifications:

    1. Test: Someone making a new post in a thread I started.
      Method: Just reply to this thread without using the forum's quotation functionality nor the tagging functionality.

    2. Test: Someone liking a post in a thread I didn't start.
      Method: Go to the post linked below and give it a like.

    3. Test: Someone quote-replying to a post I made in a thread I didn't start.
      Method: Go to the post I linked below and quote-reply it.

    4. Test: Someone tagging me in a thread I didn't start.
      Method: Go to the post I linked below and make a new post in that thread (not a quote reply) that tags @(PSN)Unstar.

    I'll strike out each of the above as I confirm that the tests have been performed, and I'll make a follow-up post in this thread to share the results with everyone.


    Because some of those tests require that I make a post in a thread I didn't start, I made the following post in the long-running "Last Post Wins" off-topic thread:

    Thanks for your help!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:
    4 hours ago, SDGDen said:

    B: in the tips section for nova.

    Prove to me this actually exists and I'll agree with you

    I'm torn between two different interpretations of your statement, so apologies that I'm giving you both answers.

    If you're asking for proof that the tips section exists:

    You can access it by going to the Warframe menu and choosing Abilities.  It will show you a full-screen Diorama of your frame, with the abilities and passive listed towards the bottom.  On the right-hand side of the screen is Tips "button" that on hover will show tips you can cycle through.  Sometimes these are beginner tips, but sometimes they detail nuanced functionality that isn't made explicit in actual Ability descriptions.



    If you're asking for proof that Molecular Prime inherits weapon traits:

    AznvasionPlays has a few videos with builds that rely on this technique:

    I made a thread documenting what I know about this trait from both research and the limited testing I've done (unfortunately, nobody has responded with more information yet):



    All of that is stuff you can test and verify yourself, which is probably the best way to prove to yourself it exists if the videos aren't enough.  Personally, I think the easiest place to start is with the Bronco if you have the Dizzying Rounds mod, as the binary-ness of "being open to finishers" is so easy to measure and see for yourself.

    • Like 2
  9. The Basic Idea

    Let's say you want both Electric and Cold on one of your weapons.  Generally speaking, this isn't something you can do, because two primary elements will combine into a secondary element.  So here's the idea: a new type of mod functionality that prevents the previous element from combining.  For simplicity's sake, let's call these mods Blockers.

    So let's say these are the mods on the top row of your weapon:

    Mod 1: +90% Electric

    Mod 2: +55% Attack Speed

    Mod 3: Blocker

    Mod 4: +90% Cold

    The Blocker "locks in" the element that preceded it, preventing it from being combined.  And by doing this, you'd be able to have both of these primary elements on your weapon without them combining into a secondary element.



    At least the way I'm thinking of them, the idea would be that you are giving up the direct power you could have put into a mod slot to instead have the benefits of having two (or perhaps more, depending on implementation) primary elements on your weapon.  Because of that, I don't imagine Blocker mods as being the kind of thing that would become part of the generic meta builds used on most weapons.  Rather, I see them as a way to do interesting things for specific builds, the kind of things players who enjoy buildcraft and combos could have fun playing with.  And in some of those cases, there might be situations where these mods could be meta on certain weapons.* 

    So, how to balance these mods?  Maybe Blockers should have minor stat buffs (for example, +40% Fire Rate) in addition to having the Blocker functionality.  Or maybe it's worth having it just be a Blocker and nothing else.  Maybe it's even worth having Blockers be Corrupted mods that give a downside in addition to their Blocker functionality?  That's a bigger question than I personally have an answer to, so I'm happy to trust DE with that aspect if they ever decide to make mods like this.


    Anyway, this seemed like something that could potentially be interesting, so I thought I'd send it down the pipeline   Thanks for taking the time to consider it!


    *Just to provide one tangible example, Dual Ichors Incarnon with Melee Influence benefits from having both Toxin and Electricity, and depending on the implementation, I can see a build that can provide both of those becoming the meta for that weapon.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2024-01-15 at 7:50 AM, Void2258 said:
    • Energize
    • Grace
    • Barrier

    Personally, if we're talking about use, I would recommend Aegis over Barrier.  I use both on my Hildryn, but if I had to choose only one, Aegis gives stronger returns.  It's also what I use on my Mag when I'm having her shield tank.

    But yeah, Grace is great for health tanks if you just want to passively be alive, and the same goes for Aegis with shield-tanks.

    So my recommendation list is:

    • Energize - Keeps your energy comfy, great for just about every Warframe; one of my default choices unless 2 other arcanes seem perfect for what I want.
    • Grace - Keeps your health tanks surviving comfy without any effort.
    • Aegis - Gives some additional comfy to your shield tanks, lessening your upkeep needs.
    • Guardian - Keeps your non-health tanks surviving comfy by adding some durability for those first few shots on your health, giving Adaptation some time to kick in.
    • Trickery - For Ash players who like his 4, you will always be invisible for free.  That's comfy!
    • Barrier - Never die as Hildryn even more than you already don't.  Comfy comfy.
    • Velocity - For Mesa players.

    The theme is generally "comfy".  If you like being comfy, these are what I'd go for.

  11. I was unemployed after getting laid off and my spouse got me a PS4.  I didn't feel comfortable spending money to buy any games, so I tried the handful of free-to-play games that were available.  I didn't expect any of them to be good, but I was hoping.  And here we are 6 years later, with Warframe being my main hobby.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 hours ago, fulcreteAlchetect said:

    I understand that by no means is this a particularly rare drop, as far as rare drops in Warframe go, but having to spend my Sunday evening running Erpo on Earth over and over again for a relatively basic bread-and-butter mod just feels a little sucky.

    In my opinion, one of the biggest difference-makers between having a stressful time and a fun time in Warframe is knowing this fact: the game is not designed with the expectation that you farm everything yourself.  You certainly can try to farm it all yourself, but statistically you're going to have a bad time because a lot of items have very low drop rates.  That means that to farm everything yourself, you'll inevitably need to spend hours playing game modes you would never voluntarily play.  And that means you're not going to be having fun, which is really counter to the point of playing video games for most people.

    Broadly speaking, what you should do instead of farming every last thing is just play the game.  In basically any content you play, you have the chance of getting rare drops.  This means that regardless of what game modes you're playing, you will accumulate rare drops over time.  If you don't need the rare drops you receive, someone else does.  So play the content you enjoy and play it an amount that you enjoy, then trade your loot for either stuff you do want or platinum that you can use to buy the stuff you want.

    I hope you consider this, and I hope it leads you to a better Warframe experience!  Good luck!

    • Like 1
  13. I recently learned that when a Molecular Primed enemy is killed, the resulting explosion inherits some of the traits from the weapon or ability that dealt the killing blow.  For example, if you kill an primed enemy with a Bronco modded with Dizzying Rounds (shots to enemies within 8m open them to finishers), the explosion considers itself to be a shot from the Bronco, and thus every enemy hit by the explosion that's also within 8 meters will be opened to finishers.  Similarly, if you're equipped with an Argonak with Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger (dagger hits strip 6 armor) and kill a primed enemy with a dagger, the explosion will be considered a dagger and thus strip 6 armor from every enemy it hits.

    This is a really cool trait, but I've been having trouble finding information on the precise details of what does and doesn't transfer to the explosion.  There's so much that could transfer over that I don't feel like I have the bandwidth to test it all myself, and since it seems that at least some people have looked into this, I'm hoping I've just been searching in the wrong places.  For the most part, I've only been able to find build videos that vaguely talk about how this inheritance works in regard to the specific build, but don't really go into depth about what the full potential of this inheritance is.  Our community is full of inquisitive people who love to tinker and run tests, so it seems like someone would have documented this in detail somewhere...right?

    Some things I already know:

    • Explosions can benefit from the Phenmor's +2000% perk.
    • Enemies killed by the explosion will cause post-death explosions when the original killing weapon was modded with mods like Vulcan Blitz.
    • Killing primed enemies with a melee weapon will result in the explosion building combo counter.
    • Killing primed enemies with melee or primary weapons will allow the explosion's kills to trigger Primary Dexterity or Primary Deadhead, respectively.
    • From my testing, it seems like Finishers to primed enemies don't pass on the trait of being Finishing Damage (which would bypass armor), because armored enemies take significantly less damage.
    • Explosion radius does not get modified by mods like Fulmination.
    • Bane mods do modify explosion damage.

    So here are some questions:

    1. Do damage mods treat the explosion's damage (base 800 Blast) as being the base weapon damage that mods from your weapon then modify?  So for example, if my weapon is modded with +100% Impact damage and +50% Heat damage, would the explosion deal 800 Blast damage and 400 Heat damage, since the base damage has no Impact damage to modify?
    2. Normally abilities can't crit, so I'm unsure whether crit chance or crit damage play any role.  Do they, and if so how do they work?  I feel like I see yellow numbers from the explosions sometimes, but I'm not sure if I'm misattributing where these are coming from.
    3. It seems like the explosion has the ability to proc status because when you use Xata's Whisper, some (but not all) of the enemies the explosion hits get Void Bubbles.  Does that mean that the base explosion has a status chance that gets modified by mods, or does the base status chance come from somewhere else?  Any idea what that base status chance is?
    4. Do ability traits get passed on if a primed enemy is killed by a damaging ability?  This one is hard to test without a hefty Helminth budget.
    5. Are there other things that can get passed on that haven't been mentioned here?  I want to know it all!

    Thanks for contributing anything you know, Tenno!

  14. In the past week or two there have been a few times when I've been unable to connect to the servers, and during those times I've seen other users posting in various locations about having the same difficulties.  Since then, I've heard that DE verified that this has been related to their cross-save migration efforts.

    But last night I was unable to connect to the servers, and 8 hours later I'm still unable to connect to them.  That being the case, I'm surprised that I haven't seen others posting about it.  So I wanted to ask my fellow Tenno: are you able to connect to the Warframe servers?  Thanks for helping provide some insight into troubleshooting this issue.

  15. 42 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Ngl, totally forgot about the innofem, That’s it’s own special evolution tree, i’ll change my statement all other incarnnons require times 6 bar innodem.

    NP, this game is filled with 1000 different special cases, it's nearly impossible to keep track of them all ^^

  16. The UI for Incarnon Melee could honestly use a bit of work.  All the pieces are there, but they're harder to parse than their primary and secondary equivalents.  Setting that aside, I can explain how it works to you.

    Different Incarnon weapons have different combo requirements to transform into their Incarnon state.  Some require 5x combo, some require 6x combo, and there are some that have optional upgrades that drop it down to 3x combo.  You can tell how much combo any given Incarnon weapon requires by going to your Arsenal, equipping the weapon, and then on the right side of the screen you will see the weapon's upgrade nodes.  Hover over the top-most node and it will tell you how much combo you need.

    In-mission, you can see when you have enough combo to transform because your combo meter will start glowing; this will be very hard to miss if you're looking for it as it's a vivid effect.  Once you see this effect, you can press the heavy attack button, and doing a heavy attack will transform your weapon for a certain amount of time, after which it will revert back to its normal state.  When your Incarnon weapon is in its transformed state, one of your buffs will be the amount of time you have left in Incarnon state.  If you can't tell which one it is, you can pause the game and cursor over your buffs to get pop-up information about them.

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 4
  17. If I understand you correctly, your request is already in the game.  It's been years since I adjusted my dojo so I'm not 100% sure where to find it, but each individual room has a floating device you can make appear that lets you adjust the color and intensity of the lights, including allowing you to make dark rooms.

    If you can't find this in the normal decorating menu, you may be able to access it from the terminal that comes with every room?

  18. From my understanding of the melee system, I think this might be unavoidable.  After an attack is started, any further presses of melee attack buttons will be treated as queuing the next action.  So if the game treats each scroll "click" as an individual attack input, then the only way to prevent multiple attacks would be to make sure you only do a single scroll click.  And depending on the mouse you use, that might be difficult.

    There might be a way to cancel a queued attack by doing something like jumping or dodging?  Although that's probably not ideal for your needs either.

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