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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. The way damage is calculated in Warframe is incredibly unintuitive!  Rather than bang your head against a wall trying to reverse engineer it, I'd recommend the video I'm linking at the end of this post, which in my opinion explains how all the numbers fit into Warframe's magical equations quite well.

    That said, I can explain what you're seeing in this instance.  In your test, you're using 3 total mods that get sorted into 2 different categories

    • Base Damage mods
    • Elemental damage mods

    In terms of calculating total damage, all mods of a specific type get added up.  So we get the following:

    • BaseDamageModMultiplier = 1 + Hornet Strike + Pistol Amp = 1 + 2.20 + 0.27 = 3.47
    • ElementalDamageModMultiplier = 1 + Primed Heated Charge = 1 + 1.5 = 2.5   (assuming the mod isn't maxed)

    Now we calculate the total damage by multiplying these values against your weapon's base damage:

    • WeaponBaseDamage * BaseDamageModMultiplier * ElementalDamageModMultiplier = TotalDamage
    • So... 325 * 3.47 * 2.5 = TotalDamage = 2819.375

    I hope this helps!


    Here's the video, which explains other things I didn't cover here like how Multishot works into the equation:


  2. Someone brought up that we can already control a lot of non-Warframe things, but I think it's worth pointing out that the amount of functions these things have and the areas they can operate in is very limited.

    For example, there are only a handful of locations in which we can control a Golden Maw, which has roughly 3 total animations.  Similarly, a Daragyn (the Grineer flying thing) doesn't have much in the way of animations and doesn't function well outside of an open sky.

    But a Warframe needs to be playable everywhere.  It needs to have every parkour maneuver, it needs to be able to use every weapon, every Helminth ability, it needs to be able to use Railjacks and Archwings and K-drives and ride Kaithes.  It needs to be animated to function in every cutscene that involves a Warframe, it needs to be able to carry the (spoiler) in The Second Dream, it needs to hit and be hit by every Kuva Lich finisher, etc.  We are definitely talking about hundreds of animations at the very least.

    With a humanoid Warframe, all of that work is already done and ready to go.  With a non-humanoid Warframe, you have to make all of that again from scratch.  And making that stuff costs time and money, time and money that would otherwise be able to develop other game content.  Broadly speaking, the juice just isn't going to be worth the squeeze.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Is Kalymos a Vasca breed specifically? I was always under the assumption she was a unique Kavat, most likely altered somehow by Albrecht.

    I feel like I recall seeing that Kalymos was a Vasca, though I cannot recall where I would have seen that.  Maybe a Devstream?  Maybe my imagination?

  4. On 2024-01-03 at 12:19 PM, isbergen said:

    It's not a boss power it's the energy waves and the lasers -- they proc magnetic which strips shield and slows regen. Use Arcane Nullifier.

    At least according to DE, a Magnetic proc does the following:

    Magnetic: New Status Effect entirely: enhanced Damage! First Magnetic Status Effect deals 100% additional Shield damage, subsequent Magnetic Status add +25% for a total of 325% (capped). Enemies under a Magnetic Status Effect cannot regenerate Shields. Magnetic Status Duration is now 6 seconds.

    Based on my reading of that, Magnetic status effects result in more damage being done to shields.  So if the player is hit by a Magnetic proc, that still wouldn't explain how OP is getting one-shot when they have shields, because whatever hit removes the last of their shields should activate their shield gate, nullifying any further damage for the duration of the shield gate.  Unless there's something I'm missing?



  5. 59 minutes ago, FeRixia said:

    While we all wait for some reversion of the Bramma Zarr etc nerfs

    With respect, I wouldn't recommend waiting for this, because it's unlikely to happen.  The Bramma and Zarr are still great tools, meaning that DE is unlikely to give them any manner of buffs.  If you've got a build that matches up to the content you're engaging with and are thoughtful about your shots, you're generally not going to have any ammo issues.

    For the folks who want explosions without that thoughtfulness and want to be a bit more "wild west" in their approach, the ideas you posted here are indeed among the strategies that can help prop up a strategy like that.



  6. 14 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

    I have said this many times, in relation to many games.

    Though I do feel like it's something of an oversimplification; for some players, hyper-optimizing how quickly you can get through content is their fun. The issue is often that then other people feel pressured to perform to the same level, and that leads to either friction or people who get bored/can't see the fun in it.

    Oh, to be clear, it's not in any way that optimization is bad!  Rather, as a designer, you just want all of your various sources of fun (among them the potential for optimization) to not be in conflict with each other*. ^^

    *unless the design of the system is to intentionally create conflict for the player, but I'd be really surprised to hear that was the intent in this case

  7. 11 minutes ago, Packetdancer said:

    All joking aside, I have mixed feelings. I like that you can get some variety and depth in the build system by virtue of combining different melee weapons with pseudo-exalted weaponry; it feels like the bones of a good idea there.

    I just think there's maybe not enough meat on those bones to label this implementation as a great one.

    I agree that the bones are there, and DE has shown us the meat in some of their other systems.  There are numerous relationships you can have where equipment in one slot can affect equipment in another.  For example, Primary Dexterity gives a melee combo timer buff to your melee weapon while making your melee kills buff your Primary attack.  I think that's cool!  Similarly, Cascadia Flare makes it so that anything in your loadout — whether it's a companion, your Warframe, or your weapons — can buff your Secondary by generating heat procs.  It's neat!

    I think the meaningful difference between the examples I list above and "the stat stick experience" is that none of the above require trashing part of your loadout to benefit another part; rather, they're all building on each other and simply providing different gameplay-based routes to gain more power.  Because you could simply use Primary Deadhead and focus on headshots to get that damage bonus, but it's an interesting option to be able to generate that same boost by getting melee kills.  Similarly, there are plenty of sources of Heat procs to use for Cascadia Flare that are capitalizing off of something you already want to do (personally, I prefer Verglas); and if you don't want to rely on Heat procs, cool: there plenty of other Arcanes to choose from, each with their own gameplay expectations and benefits!

    Primary Dexterity works great for me because it gets boosted by melee kills, which is something the game already incentivizes and that I like doing.  But in regard to stat sticks, there is no innate benefit to making a bad build for my melee weapon, nor is there any fun gameplay I get to do by having a bad melee weapon.  The design of stat sticks encourages players to limit the fundamental tools they have access to in missions, and that hinders fun, which is bad for players and bad for the game.

    As Pablo regularly reminds me, players will optimize the fun out of a game.  Thus, a good design doesn't reward players for mitigating their own potential for fun.  Melee weapons are in the game for a reason: because melee is fun.  Thus, any design that discourages the use of that feature should be under high scrutiny.  It's certainly a bit rambling, but this collection of words is my scrutiny. ^^

  8. Just had the realization that with the new tome mods, we've got the tools to make a Fastva that can dynamically become a Slova*.  You just need:

    • Mod with Overextended to get -60% Power Strength.
    • The Helminth ability Empower, to have an on-demand +50% Power Strength for your next ability.
    • A tome modded with Vome Invocation, for a 20 second boost of up to +60% Power Strength when your alt fire hits 15 enemies.

    That's enough to go from 40% Power Strength to 150% Power Strength (Molecular Prime's slow cap is at 145%).

    If you wanted your Fastva to push even faster, you could add these to the mix:

    • Power Donation for -30% Power Strength.
    • Zenurik's Hardened Wellspring for on-demand +20% Power Strength.
    • Arcane Power Ramp**, which would make a single cast of Empower give an additional +9% Power Strength.

    That's enough to go from 10% Power Strength to 149% Power Strength.

    Anyway, just thought that was neat and wanted to share the idea and hopefully encourage some buildcraft.  Have a good Wednesday, Tenno!


    *There were ways to do similar things in the past, but in my subjective opinion they were too finicky to feel dependable.

    **On Ability Cast: Next Ability cast gains +9% Strength, stacking up to 4x. Resets when the same ability is recast consecutively.

    • Like 7
  9. 1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    The Boss can disable certain powers and passives that grant you invulnerable stuff. I won't list everything here it can disable but Shield/HP gate, Iron Skin, Rev's gate power thingy, etc.

    Bypassing Warframe powers is common enough that that seems reasonable, but bypassing the shield gate mechanic that is innate to every Warframe with shields?  To me that feels like it crosses a threshold.  Have DE explicitly stated this is not a bug?  Is there a source?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, TeaHands said:

    Step 1. Add Lock and Load Mod to your exilus slot.

    Step 2. Put at least 1 Synth Mod on your companion.

    (Optional) Step 3. Add Atomic Fallout Mod for a bigger magazine/rad damage.

    Step 4. Need to reload? Melee for 1-2 seconds to get ammo back. A lot quicker than manually reloading each shell.

    I would have never realized that using quick-melee counted as "holstered" for ranged weapons.  Thank you for cluing me into this!

    • Like 1
  11. Personally, I'm not a fan of needing a separate weapon to make a frame work.  The Circuit has really shined a light on this problem.

    I also think it's unfortunate that boosting a pseudo-exalted ability generally means giving the corresponding actual weapon a garbage build.

    So because of that, I think it would be far better if pseudo-exalted abilities just got their own ability to be modded like actual Exalted Weapons, and stat sticks become a thing of the past.

    • Like 8
  12. 7 minutes ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    Console players live in a parallel universe.

    With respect, coming to this conclusion requires ignoring that the first post in this thread implying that these mods were tradable was from a PC player.  Console/PC wars are needless, tired, and built on a foundation of confirmation bias.  Let them die.

    And to be clear, no shade to that player.  Warframe is incredibly complex and inconsistent, and everyone is going to misunderstand or forget some aspect of it at some point.  There's no shame in that; that's just human.

    That being the case, it's laudable when folks in the community take the time and effort to write a kind post that corrects such misconceptions.  That helps build a community that's better informed and better united, which is healthy for the game and healthy for the players.  Hell yeah.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, ricuse7 said:

    Why havn't these come back as re-purchasable in Simaris's shop?
    Is there a technical, or logistical, reason I'm not aware of that is preventing this?

    Since the login reward mods are tradeable, it seems fairly safe to assume that the reason you can't buy more of them is so these items keep their status as login rewards.  If you could buy more of them, then you could trade them away to other players, which would bypass the whole login reward thing.

    That said, you do bring up some reasonable points about the downsides to not being able to re-purchase them.  If I were a designer given this problem to tackle, I think a clean solution would be to make all 4 of these mods untradeable (like the default Tennokai mod) and then allow players to re-purchase copies at Simaris.  Thus the login reward system stays intact, and the players who have reached that point can do whatever they want with their personal infinite supply of primed mods.

    Since these mods aren't tradable, my only guess as to why they aren't available at Simaris is to preserve the consequences of trading these mods (for those who did that before the mods were made untradable).  I can see how if players were able to simply repurchase these mods after having made a tidy sum trading them away, that could be seen as unfair for both players involved in the trade.  The player who traded it away gets to keep the (likely high amount of) platinum, while the player who traded for it is simply out that big amount of platinum.  That's fertile ground for some hard feelings and resentment.

    Now, is that more important than letting all the other players have a few copies of the mods at varying levels?  Opinions will vary.

  14. 1 hour ago, Packetdancer said:

    It's like the joke I saw a couple of years back from someone still in the industry for their day job:

    • At the beginning of gamedev: A helicopter is a vehicle, obviously.
    • Late in the project: I mean, when you think about it, a helicopter is just a very specialized type of door, right?!

    This is perfect and it has killed me, thank you for this XD

  15. 2 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:
    25 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Of course that may also be a waste of time if you can't do it politely.  Which seems like could be a bit of a challenge

    Absolutely this. You got a problem with someone, tell them what they are doing wrong. Chances are they didn't even notice until someone gives them a easy heads-up, might have accidentally hit the wrong key and are too engrossed to notice the aura (opr cant; see it with all the particle effects there is nowadays).

    It's amazing what simply talking to people as if they're human beings worthy of respect will do.  The other day I was in a low-level Void Fissure and a Limbo had made a gigantic Cataclysm.  I said something like:

    "If you wouldn't mind, would you be willing to not use Cataclysm?  I don't think the defense target is at risk and it prevents the enemies from coming to us so the mission goes slower."

    I didn't see any reply, but they turned off Cataclysm and didn't use it for the rest of the match.  All because I asked nicely and explained why I thought the change I was asking for would make things better for us.  If you're kind and treat other players like respected equals — instead of treating them like subordinates who should follow your orders — I've found that most of the time they're cool.  A ton of players just don't know what they're doing wrong, and that's something you can permanently change if you take 30 seconds to share your thoughts with them in a compassionate way.

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  16. I've got a few friends who struggle in most games, but they are able to play Warframe because of how over-powered you can make your frame.  Which is pretty great!  Warframe gives us a game we can play together despite our skill differences.

    However, in The New War, all of that excess power gets taken away for the bulk of the quest, and the player engages in much more tightly-designed challenges where there's no choice of character, weapons, abilities, modding, etc.  This isn't innately bad, but it does mean that this quest demands more skill from the player than the Star Chart, as challenges must be met head-on and can't be cheesed.

    The big issue is that some of my friends have a worry that they won't have the dexterity, coordination, and reaction times necessary to complete all of The New War's challenges.  There were definitely parts of The New War that a lifelong game-player like myself found difficult and frustrating, so I think they're right to feel unsure about whether they have what it takes.

    Rather than simply worrying, I think it would be great if they could give the quest a try to see if their concerns are overblown!  Unfortunately, the simple act of trying the quest means that they can't engage with any of the rest of Warframe until they succeed.  Effectively, until they somehow develop the skills to overcome every challenge in The New War (sometimes referred to as "gitting gud"), they would lose access to the rest of their account.  I hope you can understand how that's too big of a risk for some players to take.

    Because of that, they don't even try.  And it makes sense: don't place a bet if you're not willing to lose it.  I think it's unfortunate — and surely unintentional — that the quest is implemented in a way that discourages players from even trying.

    My request is simple: please make it possible to abandon The New War.

    If it were possible to abandon The New War, players wouldn't be discouraged from trying it, and would be able to attempt the quest without fear.  When players fail, let each player be the arbiter of whether they want to get back up and try again, or whether they'd like to give up for now and go back to something more comfortable.  If they choose the latter, they can always try again later (even if it means starting the quest again from scratch) when they have the time and energy to give it another push.  And until then, they can continue to play the Warframe game modes they already love.

    Thanks for taking the time to consider my feedback!

  17. 5 minutes ago, xMarvin732 said:
    52 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    And doesn't that suck?  That the quest is implemented in a way that discourages informed players from even trying?  That seems backwards to me.

    you can also use the fandom wiki

    I'm guessing that you're misunderstanding me, because the wiki won't give players the dexterity, coordination, and reaction time required to overcome challenges.

  18. 6 minutes ago, DarkSkysz said:

    What you want? A walkthrought in the warning pop up? You will play Veso, do that and that then you will play Kahl, so you must do it then go there... nah thats stupid.

    That's kind of the point: there's no reasonable warning that would actually be able to adequately prepare players to make an informed decision.  Therefore we can't rely on warnings and pretend that players have given informed consent.

    The real solution is to simply make the quest able to be abandoned.  Then nobody can get locked out of the rest of Warframe.  That's all.

    • Like 2
  19. 25 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

    Before you start the quest you are warned that this is the case. You have all the information. 

    You most definitely don't have all the information, which is why DE's pre-New War disclaimer doesn't function well as a warning.  A good warning would give players enough information to make an informed decision.  But DE's warning actually misleads players by suggesting that they should prepare.  Which would lead most players to think they need to prepare their Warframe, their Railjack, their Necramech, etc, and that if they do those things, they will be ready to lock-in.

    So you prepare all that, and suddenly you're not playing as your Warframe.  You're playing as Veso with his tactical timing gameplay, you're playing as Teshin with his reactive element gameplay, you're playing as the swordless New War Drifter doing a ton of stealth gameplay.  If it turns out you're not good at any one of these things that the game didn't actually warn you about, well, sucks to be you.  Regardless, you're locked out of everything else until you "git good".


    But warnings aside, there's a bigger problem here.  I've got multiple friends who struggle in most games, but they are able to play Warframe because of how over-powered you can make your frame, which puts them on level footing.  Because I've played The New War, I can warn them about everything in the quest.  And with that knowledge, they can make an informed decision.

    And their decisions is: no.  There's a reasonable concern that they won't have the skill needed to overcome these challenges, and that if they tried and failed they would become locked out of the part of the game they enjoy.

    And doesn't that suck?  That the quest is implemented in a way that discourages informed players from even trying?  That seems backwards to me.

    I think Warframe can only be improved by offering such players a simple safety net: let them try without major repercussions, the same as every other quest and mission in the game. If they fail, and if they don't have the bandwidth in their lives to "git gud" right now, let them abandon the quest and go back to the part of the game they enjoy.  Then they can try the quest again someday in the future, whenever they feel ready to take on the challenge that they now have a better understanding of.

    It's not only the compassionate thing to do, but it's a better design because it encourages players to try something new, rather than fear and avoid it.


    58 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

    Implementing a system for abandoning quest like that may be quite difficult in a game like Warframe. The New War missions are heavily scripted and modify the basic game significantly. Did you ever try using command line in a game like Skyrim to reset or remove an active quest?

    I've actually worked in game dev, so I'm intimately familiar with this kind of stuff.  While I won't pretend this task is trivial since I don't know anything about Warframe's proprietary systems, writing the code/script that resets a quest shouldn't be difficult; you would just set all of the variables relevant to the quest to their initial values.  The bulk of these variables are already being reset whenever a player re-plays The New War, meaning that the bulk of the work to enable such a reset is already done.

    • Like 7
  20. Will always upvote this incredibly reasonable request.  There shouldn't be any content in the game that locks players out of doing normal content until it is overcome.

    Especially when the gameplay in The New War is so incredibly different from the rest of Warframe, which is something that players won't have a chance to practice or even know about until they have already stepped past the point of no return.

    If players realize they're in over their head, give them the choice to abandon the quest.  Then they can come back when they feel ready to try again, without being locked out of the rest of the game until that time comes.

    • Like 9
  21. I agree it's good to be mindful, but turning Gloom off is probably overkill in many situations.  For starters, in my experience a good 50%+ of the enemies in Netracell missions are Eximus that are unaffected by Gloom, so as long as you're not prematurely removing their Overguard they won't be an issue.

    As for the rest of them, as long as you're not running a ton of range, Gloom probably isn't having that much of an effect...as long as you're not simply standing at the edge of the circle waiting for the enemies to step a single foot inside (anyone who's doing this has bigger problems than Gloom).

    The far better solution in my estimation is for everyone to simply gather at the center of the circle and wait there.  Warframe generally tries to spawn enemies a certain distance away from players, and the more spread out players are, the more enemies will be spawning further distances from the circle.  Gathering in the center thus means that enemies are more likely to spawn inside the circle or closer to its boundaries, thus expediting the process.

    Now, will everyone be doing this?  Absolutely not, it's the wild west out there.  But if we're really talking about what each of us can do as an individual player to make things go smoother, I think that's the better advice to give.

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