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Everything posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. It seems like a pretty normal build to me. Remember, any build using Blind Justice is going to be proccing plenty of slash due to the stance's forced slash procs. Because of those there's no need to have a high ratio of slash, especially since in many cases it will be better to have viral procs synergizing with your guaranteed slash procs to multiply their effectiveness. As for Condition Overload, you don't need a primer for it to be effective. In this case I'm guessing it's simply to add more True Damage to the slash procs for hardier enemies, since the enemy will all but immediately be subjected to at least viral and slash statuses.
  2. I've had that happen a handful of times over the years. Never quite sure what the cause was.
  3. I welcome correction if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that the "issue" is simply that black isn't a legitimate color for light. Black is the absence of light. I've seen all manner of colored light in my lifetime, but never one that was black, and I presume that this is the reason. Video games are fake so a pre-made visual effect can be made to "simulate" what black light might look like, but such an effect wouldn't be playing by the same rules the rest of the normal lighting system played by. So when players are given access to a single lighting system, it makes sense that we would get access to the full breadth of what actual light can do because that scales well to 300+ frames and weapons, whereas a "simulation" of black "light" would presumably need numerous custom effects so that it could achieve all of the various behaviors that normal light is capable of.
  4. Personally, I don't think anything meaningful has been lost; in fact, I would say these changes make the forums better. "Like" buttons make sense because they express something very clear: "The sum of what you said here, I agree with it, I second it." It's the same as if each "Liker" posted exactly what has already been written, but in an easy, compact form. Lots of utility here. "Dislike" buttons cause problems because they express something incredibly vague. "You said something I disagree with." But which part(s)? And why? It's impossible to tell whether 5 "dislikes" means that 5 people see a compelling counter-perspective to your comment or that 5 people have dumb ideas. Because of this, "dislikes" actually get robbed of any meaning they could possibly have and just become negative noise, a distraction. Thankfully, the forum provides the ability to "dislike" in a much more productive way: if you scroll down a bit, it's incredibly unlikely that someone else hasn't already written a counter-post. If you agree with that counter-post, "like" it. Now not only have you left your "dislike", but it actually expresses context, and thus has value to the discourse. And in the rare situation where you can't find a counter-post that you agree with, you have 2 options: Take the time to write your own so the discourse can move in a positive direction. Take 20 seconds to make a new post saying, "I disagree". There, you made your own "dislike" button. I think the forum is better without this. Discourse is at its most productive when we judge a comment based on the ideas being communicated; to add or subtract weight from words based on who's saying them invokes the ad hominem fallacy, which is counter-productive. Kudos to the folks who removed this "feature".
  5. This is just the nature of a free market. Purchases are a zero-sum game, which means that a sale that's better for a buyer is worse for a seller, and a sale that's better for a seller is worse for a buyer. Thus, sellers will sell for the highest prices they can because that's what benefits them, and buyers will buy for the cheapest prices they can because that's what benefits them. If DE stepped in to do something about any of this, it wouldn't make the game better. Because anything that makes your sales better makes things worse for the people you're selling to, and anything that makes your purchases better makes things worse for the people you're buying from. And in that way, it all evens out. There are some solid reasons to regulate such transactions in the real world where supply chains and power structures can make things extremely complex, but in the context of Warframe I don't see any benefit to that since everything is 1-on-1 bartering. That said, if you're not feeling great about free markets, you might enjoy learning more about the work of certain people who felt similarly.
  6. They explicitly clarified on the Dev Stream that the April Fool's Ammo Drum is the only broken mod that will be staying.
  7. These players aren't leaving "early", they're leaving when Warframe's designers said they could leave. So if you've got a problem with this, the devs are where your finger should be pointing. If you want to play with people who will stay as long as you want, you can recruit like-minded people to guarantee you're with such players. Don't know about this one. I see lots of connection issues at the very beginning of missions even outside of relic missions. But certainly could be folks trying to match with relics they don't have. I really wish the devs would just design better match-making systems for relics, seems like it would handle a lot of issues like this. I see this so rarely that I'd never even think to complain about it, but I'm guessing you see it often? I'm going to categorize this one as a design problem as well. Players like you and I who understand the game know that it's best to stay together for both loot and reactant...but the game never explains this to casual players. It seems like this is something the Lotus should be telling players every time one of these missions start. Again, I think this is a design problem. It's absolutely bonkers that the fissure system is designed so that doing a mission too fast results in failure. The Warframe devs know how people play the game, yet they designed a system that quietly fails when players play that way? And again, without even giving players an explicit instruction to play differently? I can't blame this on the players. Haha, y'know, we've all been there! So accustomed to Warframe being easy that we forget things can actually fail. But hopefully that first failure acts as a wake-up call so when that same group goes back in things go smoothly the next time? Yet again, I say this is a design problem. Killing enemies quickly? In a hoard shooter? Who would do such a thing!? The game never tells you to do otherwise, yet punishes you for playing the game the exact way players play it. It's silly.
  8. With respect, this is like saying that wheels show how flawed the design of a car is, because without them the car becomes clunky to operate. Yeah, the car would indeed have a problem if the wheels weren't there, that's why the designers added them. The teleportation orb is an important part of the system's design. If you're experiencing bugs with the orb not appearing, I'd recommend make a bug report in the bug forums.
  9. With respect, this is an incredibly spurious claim to make. The idea that a tileset needs to be spacious to have items to hunt for is debunked by basically every other Warframe map. Beyond that, I only have my own subjective experience to go by, but I think the Zariman is easily one of the best tilesets in the game, and my experiences there have been some of my favorite in the whole game. I haven't had any of the issues that you're having. Not sure why: could be bugs, could be playstyle, could be different perspectives.
  10. Judging the state of melee based on Hysteria is kind of like judging the state of melee based on the Heat Sword; your results are going to give you data on that specific weapon far more than the overall system. There was a time when Hysteria was worth using, but in my opinion that time has long since passed. Prevents you from using ranged, lackluster combos, and Hysteria doesn't even truly make you invincible since getting hit with an energy-draining attack can instantly empty a full energy pool and kill you. Hysteria melee becomes passable if you use the heavy attacks to instant-kill, but it's repetitive and simply not worth it when you could have all that and more by just equipping a good melee weapon and using a tanky frame that won't be one-shot by gimmicks.
  11. What level of content are you doing where there's any risk of Hildryn's overshields getting one-shotted? With Redirection, Adaptation, Arcane Aegis and Arcane Barrier, I can generally go make a sandwich and come back with my girl at full health. And when actively using Burning Pillage with Roar in SP Circuit, I can't recall ever hitting a wall where she felt in danger (though I don't do multi-hour marathons). I'm sure there is a point where Hildryn can't keep up at extremely high levels where shield-gating and invisibility are the only way players are surviving, but I don't think lacking strength in that specific niche warrants labeling an otherwise amazing frame as "useless".
  12. I don't engage with the Riven system because it's a huge needless gamble grind. So I do agree that Pathos Clamps would be a better reward, since then you can exchange them for a Riven if you want, but if you want something else you can get it in Acrithis' shop.
  13. With respect, I think part of your distress might come from the fact that you're misinformed. Weapons like the Phenmor and the Laetum also kill the Archons at a very reasonable rate, just not in a single shot. You don't need 1-shot weapons to get in and out in 15 minutes. You just need a weapon that doesn't do no damage, which currently means something like the Phenmor or Laetum. Ultimately it's your life and your call, but it sounds like you've accidentally stumbled into making Warframe your second job. You're doing Circuit and Nightwave on a weekly basis but you find them "tedious". You feel like you don't have the bandwidth to play the game unless it's cheesed so fast that you're all but skipping the content. Obviously I don't know you or your life, but your framing of this issue sounds a bit concerning. I'd recommend taking a step back and doing some soul-searching about why you play Warframe in the first place. You've got a bunch of weekly tasks that you want to get done, and that's cool, easy to respect. But if you can't get them done, that's fine. Warframe is a game. What you don't get done now you can get done later. Those Circuit rewards will keep rotating forever. Every reward from Nightwave will come back later down the road. You've got the rest of your life to accumulate Archon Shards. It can all wait. And perhaps most importantly, I hope that when you're spending your very limited free time on Warframe that you're actually having fun, and not simply completing tasks that you feel compelled to complete. So maybe ask yourself if you're really following your bliss. Maybe even take a break from the game to reset your brain. All your call of course, but I encourage you to think about it, because even though I don't know you I want you to be happy. Other pro-tips: Each week, your second Incarnon Adapter takes twice as long to earn as the first. So consider just getting one Incarnon Adapter each week to make more efficient use of your time. The overwhelming majority of Nightwave points are extra; if you do even 20% of the Nightwave challenges, you will get all of the rewards long before the season ends. So just do the challenges that are easy and chill. If you feel that Nightwave is tedious, it's because you're wasting your time doing more challenges than are remotely necessary.
  14. I suppose that's one way to frame it, but I'd say that when a pity system is added the design changes, because the pity system is now one aspect of the design. And the result is at the very least a better design, if not simply a good one. Generally speaking, I think pity systems are a great idea because they create an upper-limit for any farm, and that's great for both the health of the game and its players.
  15. Forgive me if you already know this, but Hildryn's health is immune to damage as long as you have Overshields. That's the functionality they gave her to mitigate this type of scenario.
  16. Anecdotal, but my spouse and I both play Warframe from the same location on the same internet connection, and this has been at various different homes we've inhabited for the better part of 10 years. We've traded numerous times and have never had any issues.
  17. While I love the Kaithes aesthetically, let's be honest: they do not feel good to ride. They're clunky and stiff even in open-worlds with endless skies; I can't even imagine how awful they'd feel in tight quarters.
  18. If you have problems with this stance, fair enough. I'm just pointing out that auto-melee doesn't move the needle.
  19. You can still auto-melee with it, you just "let go" instead of "stopping tapping".
  20. Just a hypothesis, but I think that for truly new players, Vacuum would be a detriment. It's hard to learn what various drops are and what they do if they're just flying into your face. In this case, I think walking is the best way to start; they'll be able to run via modding soon enough.
  21. Glad to see these. One of these I'll be using for my own accessibility needs, and some of them I'll be using not because I need them, but because they seem like great QoL. So please keep it up, and thank you!
  22. I will admit to being sad that Undertow is disappearing. It was a cool concept. Though I understand that to truly make it work in this modern age of Warframe, Hydroid would basically have to become Grendel: a mobile pool that sucks in enemies and quickly dispatches of them. And while cool, that would be a bit redundant. I'm sure this Hydroid will be a big improvement, though, so I'm excited to see this new flavor of salt water!
  23. Shield gate changes overall look great, but I have one thing I'm hoping to clarify because I can't tell based on the wording: does the "partially depleted shields" scaling of shield gate duration only apply after shields have been fully depleted until shields have been fully recovered again? I'm guessing that's the case, because otherwise higher max shields wouldn't necessarily correlate to longer shield gates, but wanted to double-check. In other words, are these 2 scenarios correct? My shields are full at 1000. I take a hit that reduces them to 500. I then take another hit that wipes them out. My shield gate duration is based on 1000 shields. My shield cap is 1000, but my shields are currently empty. They regenerate to 500. At that point, I receive a hit that wipes out my shields again. My shield gate duration is based on 500 shields. Thanks!
  24. With respect, I would say this is a non-issue. The concept of a Prime frame being less optimal at shield-gating is in no way new to Grendel Prime. In addition, there's a solid argument to be made that this difference adds to build variety by requiring that players make a strategic decision between whether they would prefer a more optimal shield gate or a more optimal EHP. It's counterintuitive, but not being able to get everything you want is a good thing because it gives you the chance to make such strategic choices. The only way to perceive this as a problem is if we choose to believe that Prime frames can't have any downsides relative to the normal frame; this certainly hasn't been the case since shield-gating was introduced, and I'd be surprised if there weren't other niche gimmicks that benefit from lower stats that mean this was never true. So if this is indeed an issue — which is debatable — it's not one that will be solved by making any specific design decisions in regards to Grendel Prime himself, because the "issue" will exist regardless of what happens to him.
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