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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. What do you mean by "percent"?  Are you talking about the progress bar on the Navigation menu for Belly of the Beast for unlocking the various syandanas, the one that right now is probably sitting somewhere around 20-40%?

    If so, that's not for your clan, that's for the entire community.  Every single mission completed by any player adds to it.  So you won't have to worry about filling that bar; that's just going to happen, because other players are going to be playing this mission for another month.  It will cap out even if you never play the mission again.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, Maqabir said:

    Wouldn't that count as account sharing, which is against the TOS?

    If you gave another user your account information to log in from their machine, possibly.  But if someone in meatspace sits at your computer/console and plays the game for you then:

    1. It's unlikely that DE could detect it.
    2. More to the point, it's unlikely that DE would care.

    There's a real-world reason that account sharing is against the rules in the ToS, and it's not to prevent folks from passing the controller to their roommate.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, (PSN)GER_SIGNUM said:

    I immediately knew it was about pregnancy. I don't know about your feeling it is a spoiler or not, but for me it is. What do you think?

    Personally, I did not think the content warning had to do with pregnancy; I had guessed that it would have something to do with trauma between a mother and their living child, and since the quest was about Stalker I figured that Stalker would be the child in that equation.  Or barring that, that it would be more Lotus stuff, because she's very mother-coded.

    That said, we're all different, and I can see how there's enough of a hint there that it makes it more likely that someone would figure out the twist.  As someone who absolutely hates spoilers of all shapes and sizes, I empathize with the disappointment you feel.

    Since Warframe is an interactive medium, my suggestion would be in the future to have any Content Warnings require unhiding similar to spoiler tags, like this:


    "Welcome to the Even More New War Quest!

    This quest includes a Content Warning for the following content (click to show):


    (insert potentially triggering content here)

    OK - Cancel"


    That way those who are concerned about certain content can check to get the warnings, and those who aren't concerned about that can go in without being primed.

  4. 4 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Though I do find it funny you have to do the quest regardless

    You don't, though; a person who reads the content warning and doesn't feel like they have the bandwidth to do it can choose to not play the quest.  They can come back some other time when they have more bandwidth or assistance to handle triggering content, they can ask a friend or family member to play the quest for them, etc.

    • Like 1
  5. Personally, I feel like Ordin Karris's story is complete.

    It's interesting to learn that Ordis's voice is the same as Ordin's voice (meaning that for a deadly killer, he had a very cute speaking voice), but I can't see them every really doing much more with Ordin since it's already established that Ordis purges his memories of his past life every time he comes into contact with them.

    That said, fiction is infinitely malleable, so anything could happen.

  6. Yesterday I was able to try out a whole bunch of new weapons that I had left behind because their need for repeated trigger presses was more than my arthritic hands could do.  The Phenmor, the Laetum, the Hema, Akarius Prime, Lex Prime Incarnon, a variety of Burstons...it was really great to feel like I could use these weapons, increasing the amount of possibilities my Arsenal offers.  And there are plenty of weapons that I never even built because I knew I wouldn't use them due to their trigger setting.  I'm looking forward to browsing through my weapon parts and trying out even more weapons.

    Thank you very much for this option; it's really great to be able to play in spite of my disability!

    We've got auto-melee and auto-fire, so now the only thing left would be an option to automatically cast certain Warframe abilities like Atlas's punch and Khora's whip.  I know that may be less straightforward, but I hope you'll consider it! ^^

    • Like 4
  7. I don't know if this will help, but you can kill the Jade beams by shooting their tops.  So if you bring a weapon like the Arca Plasmor you should be able to wipe them out.

    I hear there's a bug with how much damage the Jade beams are doing right now, so hopefully they fix that soon.  Until they do, I've been playing as Dante and relying on Overguard to stay up, which hasn't been too difficult with my high efficiency build.  But I feel ya.

    • Like 2
  8. Hey Tenno, I just want to say that I see you and I feel you.  I honestly don't know why The New War is setup the way it is; in some ways it's a great quest, but it's also a trap for players with less skill that entirely removes their ability to play the game they have come to love.  It saddens me that DE haven't ever put in the effort to address this.

    I'm an arthritic controller-user, so I don't have any helpful advice for you.  I hope you're able to find a friend who can visit your place and complete the quest for you, as that wouldn't register as suspicious activity (and DE would be absolute monsters to punish a player for that).

    Just wanted to say that you're seen and I'm sorry things are the way that they are.

  9. 14 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

    What do you mean she didn’t have (an Operator)? In a couple cutscenes, we could clearly see Stalker and Jade’s operators holding hands.

    14 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

    I though those were transference suits like the one we have.

      Occam's Razor suggests that both Jade and Stalker are Warframes without Operators:

    1. Operators are children that were put in an anti-aging stasis when the Zariman was recovered.
    2. The Warframe was pregnant; there was no pregnant Operator.
    3. If the Stalker's Operator was in a relationship with Jade's Operator, then there would be no need to save Jade; his lover would still be a living Operator.


    13 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

    This brings up another question. What exactly is Jade and Stalker’s child? Can it just be classified as a new species?

    It wouldn't be a new species, because that's not how species generally work.  Just like it's mother, it started its existence (in utero) with human biology, and by the time it was born it had Warframe biology.  We don't know exactly when this happened, as the transition could have happened immediately when Jade was turned into a Warframe, or gradually over the course of the in utero process, or a mixture of both.  But it happened, and that transition isn't dissimilar from the process by which all other Warframes became Warframes.

    That said, it's still the first Warframe to have ever been born, and that means it will be the first Warframe to go through certain stages of development like puberty while being a Warframe.  So I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being in some way distinct from other Warframes that have not gone through those processes while being a Warframe.

    • Like 5
  10. 7 hours ago, End_nether said:

    I checked it. Let me tell you something:

    First, Qorvex helped his teammates resist the fire DOT.

    Second, Saryn uses her skills to kill mobs on a large scale, which is why there are relatively few mobs in his videos.

    Third, Dante always avoids mobs.

    If you're interpreting me as avoiding enemies, my best guess is that you're too focused on combat during the elevator ride up.  There's no need to fight off every enemy during that part of the mission, because the defense objective is invincible at that time.  Instead, the goal is to fuel the elevator.  Generally you don't need to fight many Eximi to keep it running, so your time is better spent searching for the special fuel hidden around the level which speeds up the elevator's velocity, which makes the mission shorter.  It's only after the elevator reaches the top that the defense objective becomes vulnerable again and killing becomes a high priority.

    Regardless, you saw me engage in the mission, fight enemies with my melee, lose my Overguard multiple times, and recover from it every time without getting downed.  If you're interested, the trick to survival is in those moments.  And if you auto-match with a group, you'll get helpful teammates just like I did.

    The rest is up to you.  I wish you the best.

  11. EDIT: I learned what was wrong.  There are two separate options for "Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously"; one is for Keyboard, the other is for Controller.  I hadn't realized this and only had the Keyboard one active.  I turned on the Controller version and now I'm getting the great auto-fire I expected!


    • Added a “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” setting to the Accessibility menu.
      • Toggling this on will allow you to shoot manual trigger weapons (including Semi, Burst, and Charge Trigger types) continuously on a singular input. 


    I'm playing on PS5.  I turned on this accessibility setting and have tested in Ascension with the Lex Prime Incarnon, and in the Simulacrum with the following weapons:

    • Lex Prime Incarnon
    • Kulstar
    • Kuva Zarr
    • Hema

    When holding down R2 (the fire button), I only got the initial shot/burst with these weapons, and then nothing.  So it seems like this option may simply not be functioning.

    I double-checked in the Options menu whether I had actually activated this setting, and it was on (it showed a checkmark rather than an X).

    I'm hoping this will be easy to fix, as I'm really excited to explore new weapons with my arthritic fingers.  Thanks for making this feature in the first place, and thanks for your time and consideration in debugging the current behavior!  If needed, I'll be happy to provide any additional details.

  12. Spoiler
    56 minutes ago, Shinoyami65 said:

    The Zariman lore also states that Yonta gave herself to the Jade Light after the ship was stuck in the Void so it must have pre-dated the creation of the Operators and there must have been a way to access the Light on the ship without Jade herself being present. I wish the quest had shed more light (no pun intended) on Jade's connection to the Jade Light and her role before/during the Old War.

    Ah, that's a detail I had forgotten; that would definitely mean that the Jade Light didn't simply come from one singular source, as otherwise it couldn't both be accessible on the Zariman and in the presence of the Seven for their executions. So Jade would simply be one of those sources in that case.

  13. Spoiler

    Some of the quotes from the quest and the event seem to imply that Jade (the Warframe) was the source of the Jade Light that was used in Orokin executions.

    If I'm interpreting that correctly (it can be challenging to tell, as Warframe's lore is often told via implications rather than straightforward statements), then that would seem to fly in the face of previous lore, which demonstrated that the Jade Light existed well before the invention of Warframes. The Crewman Synthesis imprint tells the story of how the Sentients were approved for development, and in that story the Jade Light is used in an Orokin Execution.  As Warframes were only developed after the Sentients had been developed, been deployed, and then rebelled, it seems unlikely that Jade (the Warframe) would have existed at that time.

    I'm curious how others are interpreting the lore.

  14. 2 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    How do I know others won't farm it all at once or get burnt out and quit? Can't do SP by myself, need a squad to help.

    Do you have trouble matchmaking in missions that aren't dailies/weeklies?  If not, I don't think you'll have any trouble finding parties.  At least in my experience, if I pick any random node on the Star Chart (either SP or non-SP) I'm almost always matched with others.  Considering this is a limited time event with hefty rewards, there will be plenty of people who will want to play it all the way up until the end.

    I hope this information can relieve some of the anxiety you seem to be feeling; I've been there, and I know it sucks.  Pace yourself in a way that keeps you healthy and happy!

    Personally, I'd recommend doing some planning.  Figure out what arcanes you want, what the total cost of them is, and then divide that by the number of days left in the event (assuming you play everyday).  If the amount you need to get daily sounds like more than you'll enjoy doing, then I'd recommend reducing the number of arcanes on your list until the number feels reasonable.  And item in a video game isn't worth you feeling miserable.

  15. 55 minutes ago, End_nether said:

    Did you use Dante in the mission? I did. 42900x OverGuard looks just like paper. Attention: the damage from the light is exponential.

    Alright, I just popped into matchmaking and did the Steel Path event mission with a squad of randoms.  This is far from optimal play*, but hopefully it demonstrates how the mission can be successfully done with Dante, and in doing so aids you in overcoming this challenge.  I genuinely hope it helps!

    *I am generally a "good enough" player, and in this video I knew I was going to upload it so I got performance anxiety XD

  16. 23 minutes ago, End_nether said:

    Did you use Dante in the mission? I did. 42900x OverGuard looks just like paper. Attention: the damage from the light is exponential.

    I'm not sure what to say.  I'll go record a video of me doing the Steel Path mission and post it here, maybe there's some detail neither of us are realizing that is the difference between unavoidably getting downed and never getting downed.

  17. 7 minutes ago, End_nether said:

    Thank God! I like Dante, and I use this warframe to play the mission. Guess what? Nothing changed.

    What's going wrong?  Dante's Overguard should give you enough protection to survive.  And if your Overguard runs out you're briefly invulnerable, which gives you enough time to cast and build up plenty more Overguard.  If you'd like to overcome this, I'd love to help you do it.

    • Like 2
  18. If you're able to provide more information, I'm guessing some helpful folks would love to give you some tips that would help you overcome this challenge.  I've been doing the Steel Path version of the quest without issue, but I'm also a long-time player who has nearly every tool at my disposal and years worth of nuanced mechanical knowledge to make things easier for me.

    Personally, I like to play with a Warframes that are built for durability; do you have any Warframes like Rhino, Dante, Hildryn, Inaros, etc who are both durable and can replenish their defenses on demand?  Without knowing anything else about your situation, that would be my recommendation.

    Also, this newest update introduced new enemy weaknesses, so it might help to review what those are so that you can mod your weapons to be better suited to the enemies you're fighting.  For example, if you're doing the elevator mission, the Corpus are weak to Puncture and Magnetic, so try to build your weapons/loadout for that to get rid of them more easily, which will reduce the amount of damage you're taking.  And I'm sure you already know this, but it always bears repeating: you take less damage when you're moving around, so try not to sit still for too long!

    Hope any of this helps you, Tenno!

    • Like 4
  19. Spoiler

    This was definitely one of my favorite Warframe quests.  It did so much right.

    I loved playing as Stalker; I didn't have a great understanding of his kit and he wasn't perfectly customized to my usual tanky playstyle, but because he was a Warframe he felt familiar and comfortable.  And in fact, playing as him reminded me of when I had just started playing Warframe before I became super over-powered.  I felt like there was mild danger but that I could overcome it by playing smart.  It was great.

    I love the narrative.  It struck that perfect balance between camp and "serious".  My spouse told me that she was enjoying my periodic outbursts as I reacted to events unfolding.  Sometimes I laughed, sometimes I was like "no way!"  And I love the fact that I am equally capable of looking at it as a campy AO3 fan-fic romp where Stalker gets a baby and then kills things with his glowing super weapon and a touching, well-written tale about the complexity of human emotions and relationships.  So like, good job with that!

    Often, Warframe quests can be a bit hard to follow without re-reading the dialogue multiple times (and maybe doing a bit of research) to triangulate the full meaning of what is being said.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it can mean that during that first actual playthrough, even as someone who's pretty knowledgeable about Warframe lore, I sometimes lose the thread of what's going on or why.  And during a cinematic quest, I would personally prefer to not get lost like that so I can enjoy the whole ride.  And this quest hit that spot for me.  There were unanswered questions to speculate on, but every player is going to start the quest with the same basic understanding of "Stalker hates Warframes", and then everything else you need to know is given to you during the quest in an easy-to-parse way.  This was great.

    I also really liked the characters and the character development.  I hope I get to see all of these characters again.

    Also, bravo on hiding Jade's tummy up until release.  I've been told that I'm overly sensitive to spoilers, but even with the content warning it never crossed my mind that Jade would be pregnant.  And I think it's cool that Warframe is now one of very few games where you can play the game with a pregnant body!


  20. 31 minutes ago, RagEneT said:

    For me playing as a pregnant frame just feels wrong. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s an odd feeling.

    This is the exact kind of feeling that you shouldn't simply succumb to; rather, you should critically interrogate it.  If you don't know why you feel the way you do, how can you know whether you're tapping into something reasonable versus jumping at shadows?

    Sometimes being uncomfortable can give us helpful insight, but sometimes it can lead us astray, because feelings aren't always logical.  I highly recommend doing your due diligence so you can learn to what degree this feeling is rational.  There's something valuable for you to learn here, and once you do you'll be better for it.

    • Like 14
  21. I imagine it's pretty common for players to moderately burn themselves out on a farm at least once before finally having the epiphany: Warframe is not designed to be farmed by a single player.  There are many items that require a solid amount of time and effort in exchange for every 5% chance at a drop, to the extent that the vast majority of players cannot realistically farm them all alone while still enjoying themselves.  Your frustration is valid!  That's your body giving you feedback that you're wasting your time and energy; listen to it!

    Warframe has a trade system, and the drop rates for all tradable items were designed with that in mind.  In a game without trading, these drop rates would be malicious; but with the trade system, everything clicks.  Regardless of what content you're doing, every player will statistically get a variety of rare drops...they just might not be the exact ones you're after.  And that's the situation every player is in.  So players trade what they don't want for what they do want, often by liquidating what they don't want into currency and then spending that currency on the goods they desire. By recognizing that everything you accumulate has value to someone else, you can make the most of your time in Warframe while keeping a smile on your face.

    That's not to say that every drop rate is perfect, or that there aren't issues here and there.  But overall, the trade system works pretty well in most cases, so I highly recommend dipping your toes in.  Though I'd understand if you need a bit of a break to recover from the burnout.  Please take care of yourself, Tenno!

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  22. I really like the fact that when new players are picking their Starter Warframe, they're now going to be getting to choose from several preset color options.  That's awesome!  Personality and customization right out the gate!

    However, there was one important color preset that I didn't see in the WIP shown on the Devstream - a Megan option.  Please consider allowing Tenno to play the game from the very start with Megan colors.  This won't be to everyone's tastes, but to those who crave that je ne sais quoi, it will enable them to start their journey with their best foot forward.

    Even without Megan colors, this is a great step in the right direction that I think will be very enjoyable for new Tenno.  But if you want to kick things up to 11, I think you know what to do.

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