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Posts posted by Sharkgoblin

  1. basically what happened is:

    i jump into tier4 bounty, the one with vigilante offense as rarest reward, for first task i have to hack a drone, i go into mission zone, but the drone wasn't there, i looked up everywhere inside the mission area, and it wasn't there, then i tried a second time and the same thing happened. 

  2. https://imgur.com/a/05qKM 

    you should aim to make your weapon build looks like pic related, v hek is a crit shotgun, twin grakatas is a bullet hose with S#&$ty ammo economy so probably ammo mutation is better than heated charge, nikana p and dragon build is the one i linked except that d nikana got 5 dispo so with a riven you can make it stronger than nikana p. for rhino i cant help you out except that vitality for an iron skin build is not really worth since iron skin makes you invulnerable

  3. 1 hour ago, Atilla said:

    Question #1:
    Status update about "100 rooms limit". Will you increase it? Let us know if there is any issues with this limit.
    Will be there new Dojo's rooms and statues/decorations what you guys teased sometime ago?

    Question #2:
    Do you remebmer Loki?
    What about rework him?

    Most of his abilities already useless, or not strong enough comparing with other frames. For example only one way to use Decoy it's for teleportation. Disarm opponents is okay, but not enogh, cause they die in next second anyway. So what for? Rare situations - defend teammates while they busy or afk. Transposition? Good for Spy mission, but that all. 

    you cant be serious

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