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  1. How are you all getting through the defense mission? So as Brozime pointed out you get 1 gimme if you don't care about the final reward of arcane dust or whatever it's called and even with that I'm struggling to get past the defense mission. I've tried using titania for the exalted weapon, I tried using an assigned frame and then using a freebie weapon but the mission usually ends in objective failure. Just to be clear don't make the mission easier DE warframe has been missing failure for a while but anyone got tips for defense since CC doesn't really feel like an option since every other enemy has overguard and I've tried overwhelming dps by using a nechramech but some attacks still get to the objective and it does not regenerate.
  2. Ok so I was in conclave ik ik but I was bored and one dude was like suspiciously landing every shot so I reported them and before I hit confirm a little thing popped up being like we take reports seriously and will take action if you false report. If I genuinely think im reporting for a valid reason and just end up being wrong will I like get banned cause I feel like ive seen people get banned for less and I've been playing for years.
  3. Yeah while I love the game the lack there of is always what ends up just burning me out I get on for the new update everything's easy and its impossible to fail so I just stock pile stuff for standing turn them in and then log off cause not like there's anything else worth doing.
  4. You don't know how much satisfaction I would low key get out of that it would be the funniest thing ever.
  5. Only mod I have on any weapons for pvp are melee stances and that's it. I do just fine, also no mods on the frames btw. I don't think they affect much of anything but lets argue they did then I agree they should be balanced but that would require the community to be open to any effort being put into any form of PVP. It doesn't need to be combat id take racing.
  6. Let's start with I am someone who enjoys PVP from time to time my conclave rank is maxed and I lit my syandana for the first time in a long time, really is a beauty. PvP in Warframe is stuck in this endless cycle of people who don't play it wanting it removed even though no or near no resources are put into it, even this week's event which I've been enjoying isn't new. If you've been around it's not the first time we've had the snowball fight and candy cane scyth event yet people seem upset resources went into resuing an old event because it's clunky, takes skill, and "isn't fun" (subjective). People complain that PvP in Warframe is clunky and can never work while also putting up a wall of vitriol whenever a player who enjoys conclave even a little suggests putting resources work into it. People argue fast paced PvP doesn't work but, the people who took the time to learn and get good at it clearly show it can and even then if we look in the conclave section of the forums we see plenty of conclave enjoyers make suggestions that the community as a whole would probably enjoy. People have recommended K drive racing against other players, Kaithe racing, operator pvp, or Kahl style PvP, people have recommended making frame fighter a part of conclave but everyone for some reason thinks it would be better to flat-out remove the mode. I'm curious what people think happens if conclave is removed. There's no guarantee they allow you to obtain its rewards in other ways, arcane helmets are in the game but unobtainable so are many other rewards from past events. Why are people so desperate to remove something that is enjoyed even if it's only by a few; more so why are people so determined to have conclave rott, plenty of games thrive while offering both PvE and PvP. I'd argue those games do somewhat better publicity-wise because they're more fun to watch so content creators flock to them. Final comment is DE was smart to make the rewards for this event minor because honestly this community can be really mean when it doesn't get what it wants when it wants it.
  7. I like the conclave event it's small but it's nice to have the mode acknowledged and to have people playing it.
  8. I want it so bad but im POOOOOOOOOOR ;-; IM on the phone with my girlfriend getting her to convince me not to bite the bullet I'm so weak. I don't even play the game that much anymore but I have 3k hours Bruh they couldn't give a discount for people who bought the tennocon bundle at least ;-; What makes me sad is there wont be any change to these packs no matter how mad the community is because people probably already bit the bullet and bought it.
  9. Im with you to an extent there are aspects I hate like not being able to mod things on the fly or being able to change exalted builds. It also kinda sucks when you get no good frame choices especially if it's frames that were just Mr fodder or weapons you never cared to get or forma. Sometimes it feels like you're getting punished for not investing in every single piece of gear when that's unrealistic to begin with.
  10. I can use a smeeta and a resource booster to get more if the smeeta luck buff is active when you get to 10 you will get a boost and I think it stacks with resource boosters and those stack with event boosters like the one this weekend as well. Run captures have fun Way more with buff or resource booster I've gotten as high as 96
  11. Just tweak it so the light are easier to obtain please I get why they're not on 24/7 but daily's only lasting a day and the fact there aren't enough free for all dailies makes it a frustrating process if you ever wanna rock the fully lit up syandana sometimes. I'm a long time player duviri I'm on a waframe binge atm and it sucks that after all these years this is still something I notice when I get on its a cool syandana I'm using it whether or not it's lit up just wish I could conveniently light it up. Doubt this will get dev attention but hey maybe.
  12. Cna we have enough challenges to light it up in one mode? I know we're never gonna get it lit up for free but being able to do it all in free for all would be nice since it's the only mode anyone plays. Would also be nice if the lights lasted more than a day before resetting. I've owned the syandana for quite some time now and I still use it without the lights but sometimes just wish I could turn them all on.
  13. Most part I've been logging on to max my Zariman standing currently rank 4 haven't really been going for any of the new frames because whats the point. I have seen the trailer for the next update so what do I need to know about the new update is it just more new player bait, more farming, or is it actually worth looking at?
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