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Everything posted by sorinmarkauv

  1. I've had the same issue. It is wildly inconsistent. And I though I had to add more power strength to like 150% strip which wouldn't make sense. Seems to still exist despite line of sight fix that came out recently
  2. Sometimes when people joined mid mission on a void storm after double checking they got enough reactant because i wanted their drops. we made it to the relic opening page and they could not select a relic. i thought this was their issue untill i wasnt a host. twice in a row i filled up my reactant and no relic opening. i never lost the relic from what i could tell. i just didnt get to share in the glory of opening relics. i missed out on a gauss BP for this!!!!
  3. i experienced the same issue. I also experience i think it could be related the same style of bug where no relics are opened despite showing reactant on the side of the screen if you join an already in progress void storm mission not as a host.
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