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Posts posted by Vuthakral

  1. I feel like you ignored Sintag's response to you earlier entirely when writing your response to me, as he stated this isn't a personal problem and isn't a "I bare the blame" one. As Sintag said earlier, this thread isn't about being abandoned and trying to risk solo'ing five waves like you keep saying. This is about people who make it appear like they are going to keep going for five more waves, then at the last second of the extract menu (or under) they press the extract button fully knowing what they're doing. It's not an individual user-blame case either, because for this to be successful the people involved in extracting need to be on the same page and understand what they are about to do to accomplish it. Imagine being on the extract menu, one person sits undecided or on extract, while three others are sitting on "Battle" and awaiting the next five waves, then when under a second is left, the other two on the "Battle" side with you suddenly swap to "Extract", intentionally leaving you alone when, in a place like Akkad or Hydron, public cooperation is fairly common up to higher waves. This isn't someone's fault for "risking what they cant handle", it's because everyone in these kinds of defense locations is expecting people wanting to push farther for more mastery on their weapons and warframes.


    Sure, I know the risks involved. I came prepared to farm mastery, like everyone else did. Sure, I know the outcomes. But I do not have a way to prepare for people jumping ship at the point so fast I can't jump with them without risking becoming one of them. By that I mean, at the point of how late they do it into the countdown, the only way to really avoid the problem is to do what they are doing, and that could end up making me extract in the middle of a game where people aren't going to screw me over, and I could end up doing it to them. As well, you are right. It's not actually my fault three complete rude players teaming together made the collective decision to play me, and ditch me after making the gesture they wanted to go further into the defense on a defense mission which I have already made the point several times that you seem to ignore, people actively go into using low or unranked equipment for the sole purpose of getting mastery experience for them. Their intention is specifically to ruin it for the one player not in their group fully hoping they fail the defense objective.Which I must bring up again, contradcits your own point, as in my cases my equipment is still good enough to finish the next five waves solo. So I must ask, why are YOU being defensive over this? Is it because you're afraid you are wrong? That's what it seems like to me. Whatever, this is off-topic to the point of the thread and you are starting to derail it by ignoring the points made presently obvious to you. I do hope you realize this and come to your senses and stop doing it.

  2. 44 minutes ago, MakeLuvNotWerFrame said:

    you have nobody to blame besides yourself for banking on the efforts of others and should count this experience as a life lesson instead of trying to control what others are able to do.

    when you get greedy and take risks it's annoying to see these type of forum posts when it blows up in your face. "someone didn't behave how I wanted them to and now I'm going to throw a fit about it in the forums so I don't have to experience it again"

    Sick burn attempt, but no, every time this has happened to me it was in Akkad, a place a lot of people pub to farm mastery on weapons and warframes.(Much like Hydron) Not a random defense I couldn't handle. If equipped to do so I could probably solo akkad for an hour or two before succumbing to boredom. I'm not quite endgame but I'm far from midgame currently. I had bad equipment on because I was farming mastery. Your point would make sense if I was actually being a spoiled little brat that is mad people left me on a defense I couldn't handle, but it's not, and I'm not. These people actively knowing what they're doing to the people they're leaving behind at the last possible second, intentionally forcing them to solo something. Akkad generally falls under people extracting from waves 10-20, so from there when you're in a squad that isn't communicating it's really up to see how many people are willing to keep going vs leave when the extract screen pops up.
  3. Yeah, we're here again. It's becoming a problem, again. I understand that steps have been taken to remedy this problem without punishing people, but at this point it's starting to look like there's no other way. I just had a game where the other three people were in on it, and all but one were all going to keep going, (with the one being undecided) but after the extraction timer hit one second they all practically in sync hit extract, leaving me there alone to do another five waves of high-level defense on weapons not meant for it. I mean I luckily made it out after running out of ammo on everything because for some reason the npcs stopped dropping ammo. This isn't the first time either, I've had it happens maybe three or four times in the past two weeks of days I played the game, so the problems only getting worse, like it did last time the extraction system was changed.

    This kind of action in the community isn't just bad, but it could hurt it, as I know it's deterring me from wanting to bother if people are just going to keep doing this. I can only imagine if they do this to new players, who wouldn't have the knowledge or equipment capable of surviving as deep into a defense as I can. Be in their shoes, these guys just dumped you against what you see as high level enemies you have no hopes of surviving against, much less protecting an objective. It's just wrong, and I hate people who do this.

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