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  1. First thing I checked this update was to see if it was universal polarity but it still isn't.
  2. Apologies for no footage but there is a specific attack with the Fragmented One that looks like this (with bloom disabled) in that it envelops things as if it's some black hole. With bloom enabled, the so called "NaN issue" where the black boxes cover the screen while also moving with the screen. I am using a NVIDIA GTX 960. All my settings are either high or medium. Particles and GPU particles is set to high but happens regardless of level.
  3. I can confirm this problem. I can only build combo if a shot is in about 4m to the target.
  4. Strun Incarnon Genesis Challenge level 2 says it requires 100 eximus kills with incarnon mode but it's only regular kills Like most incarnon weapons, you only require 100 kills with the incarnon mode for the second challenge. However Strun text says 100 eximus enemies instead. It counts regular enemies.
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