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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. +10/+20? Hopefully that's just a bug, otherwise maybe it means they're going to make a trend of diluting void tables with cosmetics. Side note - is the gene masking kit available anywhere else, or just through PA and not the accessory pack?

  2. Warframe is all about speed farming and looting - that's like 98% of the gameplay. Vacuum is strictly QOL and should definitely be available on all sentinels. If you don't see it as an inconvenience, maybe it isn't for you, but it will be. Here's why: if you're at the point where you're sticking around long enough in rooms to collect items without it being a bother, you probably haven't spent much time playing. After playing a lot you'll get to the point where 99% of mobs die instantly if you so much as exhale in their general direction. You're not going to want to stop at that point and bounce around on their corpse to make sure you get all your Alloy Plate for each enemy - you're going to want to run through the stage as fast as possible and insta-kill everything to grab the loot to make the items to get the mastery so you can do it again, that's just how it goes. If you aren't at that point yet you probably don't understand why Carrier is ubiquitous.

    Personally, I can't stand the idea of using a floating pear with a built in vacuum to pick up items for me. I'd much rather be involved in the game and gather my own loot.

    That being said, there is a reason I've been seeing as to why more sentinels should be given some sort of vacuum of their own. Whenever I run the void with my Diriga and Steel Meridian weapons, my Syndicate proc often activates in rooms with containers hidden behind the walls, and Diriga's Animal Instinct mod usually shows a mod or two. This usually leads to activating every switch in the room, only for every wall except for the one hiding the mod to open, and the mod itself tends to drop just a hair out of our normal pick-up range. I don't really know if vacuum can pick up loot behind walls or not, but if it can, this is pretty much the only viable reason I can think of for giving other sentinels some kind of vacuum, otherwise DE could increase a Frame's pick-up range enough for this to not be an issue.

    It can pull mods and resources through walls, either when they're behind them like in the void or when they fall through them or through the floor. You don't realise how often it happens until you've got Animal Instinct on, but vacuum lets you get all those resources and mods.
  3. Either Nova Prime or Trinity should be fine. Weapon-wise just take Soma Prime and some mastery fodder - you won't be doing much attacking anyway. I would say Nova Prime is the easiest frame for the raid. Just build her with full slow and max duration, slap on Corrosive Projection (you can use something else if you don't have it), and stick with the main group, using M-Prime on everything. Nova doesn't usually have any special jobs, aside from standing on a panel in phase 2 like everyone else. Alternatively, go as Blessing Trinity - the same goes for her more or less.

    Tell people it's your first time but you're ready to learn. Don't bother much about the weapons, they don't really get used much.

  4. I think the resource problem would be better solved by a more even distribution throughout the map. For example, Neural Sensors and Polymer Bundles are two of the most farmed resource - not because their drop rates are the lowest, but because they only come from a few very low level places that most people will never play again after a few hours, and that results in annoying and unrewarding grind.

  5. I am gonna have to disagree with that. Unless they nerfed her stats she's one of the strongest durability frames out there. Arguably if she had stats similar to Loki's or Nova's I'd 'kinda' agree but doesn't she have durability similar or arguably higher than Rhino and Frost's?

    Now when you use Hysteria it counts all the damage you take at the top and if you end Hysteria you'll get hit with all that damage at once if enemies are in range. It's not an opinion thing, I was just referencing that, which can quickly go into four digits + on T4.

  6. Although she's limited to melee that melee still does a decent amount of damage from what I'm hearing. I wouldn't mind a 99% DR but invincibility is a bit bad imo.

    That wouldn't really fix it though. In low-mid game content, 99% DR is invincibility. In crazy scaled content, 99% DR is insta-killed by any attack.

  7. The trade off for high damage and invuln is that she's melee only. Her effective DPS is still going to be way below the good primaries and Brakk/V Marelok on almost all content because of that. Also, if she loses or runs out of her energy after being in Hysteria for a while it can insta kill her. I like the buffs and I don't think they need to be changed. I doubt it'll make her one of the more popular frames, but at least you'll see her once in a while now.

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