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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. On 2018-12-10 at 9:31 AM, EnomGG said:

    As a graphic designer, I would love to see a board of all the approved clan emblems in Warframe. It would be a nice showcase of both creativity and the size of our community. Do you guys know of any such place? 

    you should see the emblem for TennoHub, they use the same color scheme as a not so safe for work website that shares a similar name; Most of the ones ive looked at were on reddit in the warframe sub.

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/search?q=clan emblem

    then there is this thread https://forums.warframe.com/topic/188830-guide-how-not-to-emblem-a-cautionary-tale


    This one is my clans emblem, gotta love the content aware tools in photoshop does wonders.


  2. On 2018-12-07 at 11:09 AM, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    The same was said about accessories only packs from unvaulting.. 🤔 

    Thats different, that making more money by selling something they stopped selling, OP is talking about them making less money by not selling part of a bundle and adjusting the price accordingly. They are hoping that players like my self that own one or two items out of a bundle will one day want the bundle only cosmetics enough to buy said bundle.

  3. On 2018-12-06 at 11:01 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    I know thats why i suggested this change, its up to DE to decide what should be the baseline stats and every weapon what has better stats than what the baseline is simply doesnt benefit from them at all.

    They could just make all 1 disposition rivens add +0% and -0% so that it will become powerful one day if that weapon falls out of favor and be done with it.

  4. On 2018-12-10 at 10:35 AM, --Raid-Master-Qued said:

    I would like to change unwanted rivens for kuva instead of endo...

    This ^, this actually makes sense, that rivens would give you kuva when you dissolve them if you use it to level them up.

  5. On 2018-12-07 at 5:49 AM, Aramil999 said:

    Consider adding Stalker Mode FOR willing players. What are your suggestions and what issues would such implementation face?

    Kill two birds with one stone and add stalker mode for any player that has 18 riven mod slots and drop one of their rivens at random if they 90/90 in their possession.

    Most new players haven't been tainted by the whole riven mess. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    IF a weapon is already better than the baseline it literally gets no benefits from the riven but if its worse than the user can freely choose how to improve it.

    This sounds great in theory but in practice this isnt what happens.

    You dont need rivens on a Lanka or a rubico, or a gram or any of the other weapons you all are using with out rivens.

    This thread is like watching a bunch of billionaires talk about how tax breaks shouldnt apply to them because they donate so much money to a charity they own. Everyone and their mother knows rivens are broken because you all stick them on weapons that dont "need" them. They were intended to make weapons people would call trash into not trash, because no ips mod in this world could save it for PvE.

  7. 2 hours ago, Atekron said:
    7 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    instead of expecting a business to cater for them, they could instead be saving that money to upgrade their antiquated hardware,


    what if they have life and other priorities than upgrading their perfectly working PC only to play more and more demanding game?

    what if they don't mind to spend couple bucks here and there on a game, but have better options to spend 1000$? 

    why some of the most big and popular games such as Warframe, LoL, WoW, CS and many others don't chase for graphics but instead keep their system requirements pretty low?

    We can play "What if" all day, what if aliens came down tomorrow and gave everyone quantum computers....


    PC Gaming is not a "poor people" hobby to be honest thats what consoles are for.

    If you want to enjoy warframe with out pixelation, screen tearing, stuttering, freezing then play it on console.

    I play on both PC and xbox, my xbox experience is 100x's better then my PC experience with the exception to match making, that is literally the only thing faster between the two.  I already played fortuna, but when it comes to console ill by playing it there more then on PC

  8. 22 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    As far as I know, he was for about a week. They stopped it when they found people using him to AFK farm things like the Index and Rathuum for Credits and Endo.

    In fact a lot of the problems with Umbra seem to come from stopping that kind of behaviour.

    Majority of the problems with warframe come from stopping that kind of behavior. It was those players that ruined stuff for everyone else by abusing things.

  9. 20 hours ago, Slayer116 said:

    I come here to ask is there any plan(s) to reintroduce the power of a player to reobtain these warframes and ask other players what they think on the matter also everyone has their reasons for getting rid of a warframe perhaps low on slots they didn't like the powers at the time it depends.

    You should have spent the 20 plat when you had the chance, now you're gonna have to spend more.

    You dont need to invest money into the game if you're really bent on 'playing for free', if you'd be willing to go and farm prime parts and then sell them to earn the plat back to buy the warframe.

    you can literally do this right now at this very moment to get back any lost warframe, with a slot and a potato installed, There is no need to make any changes to the code to achieve this.

    20 hours ago, Slayer116 said:

    my main point here is I feel like there should be a way to get these frames again even if its 10x harder than before what you all think about this matter?

    To restate what i just stated above, wouldnt this be the simplest solution for both the developer and end users? farming random prime parts is pretty hard as it is if you intend to sell a "set"

    (and that is technically "reobtaining with out paying")


  10. 50 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

    thats no excuse. 

    be that as it may, im pretty sure the reason for having less gore doesn't have anything to do with game rating. We already have blood sprays and dismemberment which i believe the only way we could get a higher rating is if the game was made like ManHunt and we were killing npcs +torturing them.

    but even then grineer have been cloned for so long their appearance is barely considered human that i believe that wouldn't get looked at too hard.

    from previews to release the devs tend to turn down the special effects when everyone is doing it.

  11. I played with garuda for about 30 minutes before figuring out a flow that works with out any of those corrupted mods.

    The kit is pretty easy, you all are over thinking it too much.

    I HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY.......then spam your 1...

    I HAVE TOO MUCH HEALTH....... then spam your 3....


    1 hour ago, GPrime96 said:
    1 hour ago, lZerul said:

    QT doesn't change the problem that having a healing Warframe in the grp, much less her own 2, is directly detrimental to her passive.

    Trinity is one of the worst Frames to bring with Garuda because of this exact reason^^.

    Complaining about too much healing is stupid, spam 3 to convert unused health, then 1 then 2, then 1 then 2 then repeat... Garuda is strictly a HoT healer, its a pretty effective anti dot / CC warframe.

    7 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

    That means Garuda’s damage buff get insta - wiped without you

    1 hour ago, lZerul said:

    directly detrimental to her passive.

    The issue is you all believe this mechanic is pivotal to the warframe, when in reality they are just nice to haves, honestly anything more really warrants being removed.

  12. 23 hours ago, Shelusine said:
    On 2018-12-02 at 11:13 AM, GPrime96 said:

    Also, putting more Range than 145% is not worth doing since you are hurting her 1, 2 and 4 with less Power Strength.

    There's no situation where you need more than 200% power strength for each of these abilities. Past that her passive and/or cast speed is more efficient. 

    Garudas 4 hits 100% status chance at 200% power strength, thats most likely the reason they are modding that

  13. On 2018-11-28 at 10:55 PM, RealHeftyTrout said:

    As I've indulged into the community more and more I've noticed that the players have a huge hatred towards Destiny and even Anthem which is a game that hasn't even released.  I can easily understand just simply not liking the game and preferring Warframe, but what the Warframe community does just adds more toxicity and makes us all seem like hateful fanboys who bash any game slightly similar.  A lot of the hate seems incredibly shoehorned, regardless of what the original thread is, someone will find a way to randomly incorporate Destiny into the discussion just to hate it.  It's essentially everywhere, YouTube, forums, official WF media, in-game chat, and some even go as far as to go onto Destiny's media to hate and that makes our community seem childish and toxic.  I think we need to cool it with the desire to feel superior, I have almost never run into a Destiny player who openly despises Warframe with a passion.  The oddest thing is, aside from being Sci-Fi looter shooters, all 3 of these games are structured completely differently.

    Lol, my wife is an avid destiny 1 & 2 player, i played some destiny 1 and most of destiny 2 with her...

    I actually have fun in destiny cause i dont take it too seriously and crucible is pretty fun as long as im not looking at the horrible cosmetics they add every season for iron banner. 

    My wife hates destiny 1 and 2 cause they went all meh.

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