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Posts posted by DemonScarf

  1. On 2024-01-21 at 8:23 PM, DezerayTwT said:

    So that's the problem. The improved Artemis Bow cannot be played without slash damage, and even with a slash, it has very, VERY little damage compared to other exalted weapons. In my opinion, this is absolutely abnormal.

    The damage is not little at all. 2-3 shots to kill 20 SP 195 gunners is on the higher end of exalted dps. 

    Being only able to be played with Slash is an issue i agree, but if it had huge base damage people would still just slap on HM or IB and it would be even more broken so there really is no winning in this scenario.

    Personally i think CA is just a bad concept and Artremis Bows augment should have just been somthing else. 

  2. 8 hours ago, DezerayTwT said:

    I'll explain to you - the Bow of Artemis itself is quite limited to the use of many modifications. And improvements for the Bow of Artemis does not impose any explosion statuses on the area, moreover, it has a greatly reduced damage and does not have a damage multiplier in the head, which makes its damage just ridiculously small, you can try to use it yourself, you'll understand what I mean)

    I tried it out in the sim and with a pretty basic build i could kill 20 level 195 corrupted heavy gunners in 2-3 shots, the explosion damage isnt much but if you use internal bleading it gives a pretty potent slash proc. 

    The gameplay of having to hit heads and being bleed based is very limiting though so im still not a fan of the mod. 

  3. On 2024-01-16 at 5:12 PM, DezerayTwT said:

    Concentrated Arrow... bro, are you aware that they still haven't fixed it? Now Ivara is a great frame for what she can offer and her bow is still very good, except for this non-working augment, there are no problems with her, I'll even tell you more, a couple of her skills are still absolutely broken.

    Im not aware no, i never liked Concentrated Arrow playstyle and its just vastly inferior to normal Atrtemis Bow in so many ways i've hardly played it tbh.

    What exactly is the issue?

  4. On 2024-01-07 at 12:43 PM, sunderthefirmament said:

    This one would likely be the most complicated.  Animation overhauls and such.

    Honestly, out of the things i listed this is more of a "would be nice" type thing rather than "we need it" but at the same time being on the Dashwire is not much different than being on the floor or in the air, you could just play the animation without any change imo. What currently happens is you jump, use the ability and land back on the wire, if you can play the animation in the air i dont see why it couldn't just play on the wire. 

    On 2024-01-08 at 8:14 AM, Azamagon said:

    No mention of Prowl having way too many restrictions? Primarily, Iwould love for her to be able to bulletjump etc without breaking the invisibility, even if all those mobility actions are slowed down - this is less about speed and more about the jarringly different way you are forced to play to, well, not so  suddenly die. 

    If Ivara was released in the current day i honestly believe she would at the very least not lose energy for taking damage and maybe not spend more by moving, those things i believe are a product of old design, but also i don't think it really needs to be changed. As for no Spint of Bullet Jump, i kinda agree with those, given the nature of inifnite invisibility it needs at least some restriction. 

    Though i do miss the days when you could bullet jump while prowling by leap frogging, it was so on theme. 

  5. Couple of things as an Ivara main that i am waiting for in some cases years but seem to never be comming:

    -Bows got a charge speed increase way back, but Artemis Bow didn't. Please reduce the charge speed to 0.5 to be in line with other bows. 

    -I will die on the hill that Infultrate should be an Exilus mod. 

    -Artemis Bow like all exalteds still don't have access to Arcanes, and also no Exilus slot (this also applies to Titania, Hildryn and Mesa), which is quite unfair as melee exalteds at least got Exilus slots when they were added to the game in the last update.  

    -Let us cast Subsumed Abilites on Dashwire.

    I really dont feel like there is anything too crazy here.

    -Special mention to Split Flights that still cant be equip on Artemis Bow after it being teased for literal months and this being the main, if only reason anyone was interested in it. (thought honestly i kinda understand why)

    • Like 4
  6. If you use Archwing while having Artemis Bow active in both open worlds and Railjack when you leave Archwing mode the Bow is disabled and you have to recast but if you use K Drive, Mech or Horse it does not disable it.

    Can Archwing be fixed to not disable it also? 

    (It would also be cool if you could use it while in Archwing but not necessary, just not having to recast it would be good enough)

    • Like 3
  7. 17 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

    Dear PC Tenno,

    Today Baro Ki’Teer brought back the Split Flight Mod that was leaked a few months ago when it wasn’t quite ready yet. At that time, we were working on the Kuva Bramma concept internally and knew this Mod would cause some issues, so we held the Split Flight Mod back.

    The Split Flights Mod, upon hit, drastically increases multishot while reducing accuracy for a short duration for bows. Making this Mod pretty powerful in the right moment!

    Split Flights is not compatible with Crossbows, the Lenz, Ivara’s Artemis Bow or the Kuva Bramma. This is intentional and completely our bad for not exposing that truth beforehand.

    While bows like the Lenz and the Kuva Bramma see plenty of use across the board, they already vastly outperform regular bows in terms of multishot and AOE damage. Split Flights give these regular bows a chance to still be viable options to fit your playstyle by increasing multishot. Extra multishot for the Kuva Bramma or the Lenz would remove any realm of choice for what bow to equip, as they already do an incredible amount of multishot! 

    Sorry for any confusion this may have caused!

    Lenz and Bramma make sense but it should 100% work on Artemis Bow. 

    • Like 1
  8. Required players not decreasing when someone dc's on phase 2 pad room and the core not appearing where it actually is to non host players are my 2 personal biggest issues with LOR.

    Hearing the sound of the core dying and panicking for a second before you realise its just bugged is not a good feeling.

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