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Posts posted by Mylif4AIUR

  1. Hey guys I wonder whether each strike part of zaw will give us 3000 mastery points ?

    I've got my first zaw since the first plains update and at that time we could only see "zaw". And i've heard that each strike would give us a 3000 mastery points so i began to forge a new zaw, lvl up to 30, donated it and forge another one.

    Some updates later the game add all "Zaws" so we could see which strike we hadn't farmed, but I saw that all the strikes that i've donated has... gone ! It seemed that i've never touched them !

    What's more, after I reforged every blade and got them lvl30 again, I found that my mastery exp stayed the same !! Nothing changed !!!

    So actually, only one zaw that could count 3000 for mastery points ?

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