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Posts posted by Dark_Lugia

  1. vor 12 Stunden schrieb L3512:

    Eidolons and PT are completely solo-able to the hightest degree (6x3, sub 60 second PT). The only benefit of a squad now days is either you got shafted by RNG loadouts or you want that 34% chance at a rare relic part.

    Yikes, so even less teamplay. And Endurance can be done solo, too. Even allows you to "pause" and go afk for some breaks.


    vor 28 Minuten schrieb SpicyDinosaur:

    I think DE is interested more now in some cooperative play that might need more than a random selection of players. But I don't know, I mean it seemed like 60 eyes went in that direction.

    For me it doesn't feel like they are going for more coop. Imo Duviri and EDA/DA are both just slapping in rng loadouts that are not what I understand as "challenging/endgame" content.
    Same for the 60 eyes boss fight. Didn't feel that different from the normal one and no mechanics that required a team (or I totally missed them?). Just more (e)HP so it became a big bullet sponge you were shooting at for some minutes.

    • Like 1
  2. Still exists: https://discord.gg/wfrsb (as well as an discord account with your name)
    But number of active players who are still playing WF is down to maybe around ~10 players.
    There were plans for a more general "teaching/recruiting" style of server after trials got removed (even with a name change to "Recruitment School Bus"), but it never took of since it's simply not necessary any more.

    Most stuff in WF doesn't require premade squads, so just going public is way faster than looking for groups.
    Even new stuff like deep archimedia are quite doable with public quads. And since DEs current approach to "endgame" is "just make it a bullet sponge and make players loadout rng", I don't see any incentive of premade squads other than fully min-max missions like eidolons/pt/endurance runs/farming a specific relic.

    For the rest: just build for dmg and praise the death of cc

    • Like 1
  3. Yep, that needs a change again. Reload time is an important stat, especially on weapons with a large magazine.


    And I´m overall not a fan of not seeing which stats got changed if I add a mod.
    Having to hover over every stat just to look for the change is very inconvenient.

    Removing/adding fast hands shows no change until I hover over the magazine stat:


    And adding/removing a mod should not reset/jump back the stat window back to the top.
    Like if I'm modding a weapon for its burst mode, it's very annoying to always scroll down and then seeing which values changed (if I can even see any changes because the changes are hidden in the hovering menu).

    • Like 3
  4. S0AKVj0.png

    Imo 30k standing is to much. Now I even miss Kahl....



    [...] in an effort to make Archon Shards more accessible [...]

    Not only is it limiting the shards to MR28+ players, but it's most likely going to take longer getting 30k standing than doing the ~15-20min Kahl runs.
    Maybe reduce it to 20k-25k and add some standing as fixed reward to Deep Archimedea/Netracells.

    Edit: limiting to MR28+ player: only those can farm it in one go due to the daily standing cap.

    • Like 11
  5. vor 39 Minuten schrieb Hikuro-93:

    2. I know that some cosmetics can't be shown on other platforms they aren't allowed on (platform exclusives/tennogen). But can we have some other option other than simply reverting the forbidden item simply reversed to default?

    Yes, that's making cross-save so annoying to deal with. I´m even at the point where I´m only using it as a backup if I´m traveling for days/weeks.

    Even worse: It removes stuff from ALL configs not just from the currently equipped one.
    Switching from PC to Switch and back to PC had me re-equipping for example the asa phased syandana on multiple configs of multiple frames...

  6. Thank you very much!

    Hope this update fixes Novas portals to not move our crosshair.
    Currently wormholes are sometimes randomly changing the direction we are looking at (was already fixed some while ago, but is now broken again).

    Fixed issue where you could end up facing the wrong direction after exiting Nova’s Wormhole if you entered it while Aim Gliding.
    Should be fixed \o/


    I still hope we get some more options for host/client selection.
    Having some platforms/players as host isn’t fun and people often know this (like having a weaker pc), but can’t do anything against it. Meanwhile clients have to suffer packet loss, rubber banding and reduced spawn rates.

    And given the latest talk about spawnrates it doesn't look like we are getting a change to the different spawnrates for now:

    Can we maybe at least get something like this:
    Host/Client Settings: All – pref to be host – pref to be client – pref to have PC host – PC host only

    (Can’t say if Ps5/XboxX are up to PC spawn rates, since I only see the cross-platform symbol, but some platforms have a very noticeable reduced spawn rate. Making it hard to even stack molt augmented in a reasonable amount of time despite having a very high percentage of the teams kills.)


    Ok, I regret complaining about you Kahl... But this has to be an error, there is a zero to much:



    • Like 5
  7. Darf man fragen, wie es zu dieser Aussage/Antwort kam?

    OP war seit fast 11 Jahren nicht mehr im Forum eingeloggt, und von den restlichen Teilnehmern in dieser Konversation waren auch fast alle seit mehreren Jahren nicht mehr angemeldet.

  8. First half might be custom for that reveal teaser.
    The second half is released as WFs 1999 song:

    And in the "whispers in the walls" quest (which also has some parts of a "this is what you are" variant):

    Which is based on Nine Inch Nails': Into The Void:

  9. Falls du sie dennoch wirklich verkaufen willst kannst du das in deinem Inventar machen. Gibt dafür jedoch nur Credits.

    Esc/Menü -> Equipment/Ausstattung -> Inventory/Inventar -> Symbolleiste: Warframes

    *Hinweis: Excalibur Umbra kann nicht verkauft werden. (Ebenso Dagath? Ist wahrscheinlich ein Bug.)

    • Like 1
  10. I have no idea what you are refering to. I don't see a "translucent spinning shield-type Syandana" in the official videos/quest cutscenes.

    An image or video might be helpfull.


    Edit: For those reading this later. The "syandana" is not a syandana, but the Sisters of Parvos' "Gloriana Ephemera".

  11. Go to your arsenal: If you really installed it onto a warframe or weapon you should see a symbol next to its rank.
    This tells you the school and type of lens installed.

    You can also sort your arsenal by "focus lens" so warframes/weapons with a lens are on top:

    • Like 2
  12. Idealerweise die Quest "Ein Mann weniger Worte" die dir die Mission "Rette den Auftragnehmer" gibt vorerst ignorieren/abbrechen.
    Ist eh nur eine Nebenquest und kann gut auch später gemacht werden und Darvos kann jederzeit auf den Relays angetroffen werden.
    Wenn du andere Quests verfügbar hast, würde ich mal die testen/anschauen.


    Um auf den Mars zu kommen musst du in der Tat erst die Erde weiter freispielen, um dann von dort auf die Venus zu kommen.
    Die Missionspunkte sind immer mit Linien verbunden und geben an welche Missionspunkte durch erfolgreiches abschließen freigeschalten werden.

    Um zur Venus zu kommen musst du von "E Prime" über "Mariana" zu "Mantle" und dann über wahlweise "Lith" oder "Gaia" zu "Cambria". Von dort erreichst du dann die Venus Brücke und letztendlich auch die Venus.

    Dort dann das selbe Spiel: schau welche Missionen dich zur Merkurbrücke bringen und schließ die erfolgreich ab.
    Würde aber generell empfehlen alle Missionen auf einem Planeten zu machen (bei Erde evtl. erst mit MR 5 und Archwing möglich) um möglichst viel Auswahl bei Farm-Missionen zu haben bzw. schaltest du so Alptraum-Missionen für den jeweiligen Planeten frei.

    Die Planeten Reihenfolge ist für die Ersten: Erde -> Venus -> Merkur -> Mars-Brücke auf der Erde -> Mars.


    • Like 1
  13. So far linking my PC account to my Switch went fine.

    As far as I can see I have everything on Switch except for the platform exclusive cosmetics (in this case I only checked the Asa Phased Syandana und Rhino Rubedo Skin). This is fine and acceptable since it got previously communicated and was known to me.

    However, upon switching back to my PC account, I observed that the platform-exclusive cosmetics were removed from ALL configurations and loadouts. This was surprising, especially as it affected even those loadouts I hadn't accessed or altered during my time playing on the Switch.

    Considering that Fashionframe is the endgame, the requirement to redo your cosmetics every time you switch platforms is quite frustrating!!!
    There has to be a better solution like a placeholder/dummy item that stores the cosmetic.
    So I would still see that’s its missing on Switch, but I can manually decide if I want to remove the item.
    Since PC will stay my primary platform I wouldn’t mind playing some games on Switch without having “perfect” fashion, but having to re-equip everything when switching back to PC is just way to tedious!!!

    In the new year please think about a better solution for this. Fashionframe is important.


    I just re-read this: https://www.warframe.com/crossprogression#save-guide-title


    [...] In addition, PC exclusives such as the Phased Skins, Rubedo Skins, IAHGames Braton Skin and Rixty MOL skin will not be available on PlayStation. [...]

    So, is it a bug that my equipment gets unequipped when I switch accounts?
    I was under the impression that these skins are available across all platforms, except for PlayStation. However, if I remember correctly, I didn't even spot these cosmetics in the Switch arsenal.

  14. Thank you for the fixed and the additional drop marker.

    Speaking of drops:
    Can we get some tweaks to droptable and mission design?
    Mirror Deff simply feels not rewarding, it takes ages to reach rot c for the grimoire mods and even then we have a 30% chance to get endo (which has a way to high drop chance at the other missions, too)...


    • Like 9
  15. Thank you very much.
    Really like the new tilesets and the destructable furniture, poor necramites are now working overtime.



    Look Brothers, Necratites. Hahahaha (not sorry I had to)

    vor 2 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:

    Fixed the Necratite

    • Like 5
  16. Thank you very much! Can’t wait to talk with the wall.

    Hope this update finally fixed camera issues occurring when taking Novas portals. (At least nothing in the notes.)

    And I still hope we get some more option for host/client selections.
    Having some platforms/players as host isn’t fun and people often know this but can’t do anything against it. Meanwhile clients have to suffer packet loss, rubber banding and reduced spawn rates.

    Maybe offer something like:
    Host/Client Settings: All – pref host – pref client – pref PC host – PC host only

    (Can’t say if Ps5/XboxX are up to PC spawn rates, since I only see the cross-platform symbol, but some platforms have a very noticeable reduced spawn rate. Making it hard to even stack molt augmented in a reasonable amount of time despite having a very high percentage of the teams kills.)

    Anyways, here’s the redtext:

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