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Posts posted by Subject212

  1. I'm pretty sure everyone is now aware of the new infested enemy types introduced at the end of The Emissary. Personally, I found these new enemy types to be quite neat and I find it a shame they are limited to one boss fight and cannot be encountered in regular infested missions, it feels like such a wasted resource.

    Would anyone like to seem them added to the regular infested lineup? Have any suggestions or balancing concerns about them? For me I think the Thrasher needs more armor or health to sell it as the Infested heavy hitter, and I understand some people find the flyer annoying with it's regeneration gimmick, but I think it's just fine.

    I hope they get added, as I feel the infested are far too easy of an enemy to fight, despite how dangerous they are supposed to be in the story, a system wide hive-mind hellbent on destruction shouldn't feel like the easiest of the factions to deal with. Their issue is that they are limited to melee, aren't that mobile, and are way too fragile without high level ancients or eximus units backing them up.

    Being limited to melee I think is their biggest issue, especially since they are far too slow compared to warframes, meaning they can't easily close the gap and be an actual threat, it's too simple to simply stay at range, or use simple crowd control abilities to completely shut them down or keep them away. I think on top of the Thrashers and Flyers, there could be one or two ranged units that used some of the infested weapons we researched. It seems strange we have a bio lab to research Infested weapons, but very few, in any of the infested themselves use them, seems like another missed opportunity. Maybe a unit that uses the Phage to attack from a distance, an infested crewman with the multalist Quanta, or firing an Embolist, Hema, or synapse.

    Have any thoughts? are the infested just fine they way they are or does anyone else have any thoughts on improving the infested?

  2. 9 minutes ago, .Ariano. said:

    You might end up with more prime relics in play

    This is true, since if Fortuna and Plains have separate relic rewards, this would greatly increase the rate of people getting specific relics they desire, since they could just do whatever mission gets them the relic they want. This could be balanced by both worlds having the both new and vaulted relics that could drop, just different ones at different times to somewhat limit availability so people don't burn through primes too quickly.

  3. Before the recent opening of the prime vault, Bounties on both open worlds used to have a chance to drop relics with the new prime stuff (e.g When Wukong Prime was released, the relic drops from a bounty were from that prime access). The exception to this was when the vault was open, and bounties dropped those Relics instead. This was never an issue before, since the Vault was only open for a certain period of time, but now with the Prime vault being open more often (possibly permanently) New relics cannot be obtained this way.

    Is this an intentional decision to make new relics more difficult to get? Doing bounties was my favorite way of getting new relics since I enjoy playing in the open world.

    It seems strange to me that we have two open worlds and their relic drops are the same, we have two opens worlds now, so why not make their relic rewards different? My suggestion is to have separate relic drops each bounties rotation for both open worlds. For example, maybe at any given time, Fortuna drops new relics while the Plains drops relics from the prime vault, or vise versa.

  4. Alright I just ran a few mission on Marina, Earth. Once Solo, Once as the host, and once as a client. For both the Host and solo mission, kills gotten by my clone using either weapon counted toward my kill count. As client it didn't count the kills my clone got

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  5. I've noticed in the Wukong rework that kills the Celestial Twin get do not count toward that Wukong's Kill number. Is this an intentional thing with Warframe summons? I think like kills gotten by the twin and any other Warframe summon (example: Venari) should count toward whichever frame summoned them

  6. Introduction-

    Hey there, just wanted to share my idea on the forums, feel free to post any feedback.

    Since the introduction of moddable exalted weapons, I played around with a few ideas for a warframe built almost entirely around this idea. For a place to start I took some inspiration from Mesa, one of the current users of exalted weapons (peacemakers) and I tried to expand on the idea of a frame built/themed around one of the weapon classes (in Mesa's case the secondary slot). I settled on the idea of a frame built around the Primary weapon slot, with abilities that represented the variety of weapon types that can be equipped there; shotguns, launchers, rifles, and beam weapons. I ruled out bows in this representation since it was hard to make it fit thematically, and we already have a frame themed around bows(Ivara). Primary weapons in warframe are almost exclusively large heavy-hitters, and as their name suggests, are our "Primary" way of defeating the enemies of the tenno, so I brainstormed a frame that encapsulates this role; a no-nonsense heavy hitter that rules the front lines

    This idea is Magna, the Heavy Artillery frame, think homing missiles, loud shotgun blasts, and really big guns. Her name is a portion of the Latin translation for the word artillery: Magna tormentorum

    Exalted Weapon: Arhmas

    Normally frame concepts that include exalted weapons talk about them last, but since the frame was built with it in mind, i feel it is important to talk about it first. The Arhmas are wrist mounted energy guns, my idea was for them to look like a bulkier and more rounded version of the gauntlets that regular Valkyr wears. These guns would be used for Magna's first and last abilities. My idea is for them to use rifle primary mods, with a higher than average crit chance and a damage spread of about 60% impact 25% slash and 15% puncture.

    Passive ability: Battle Hardened - Slightly (maybe 10%) reduces recoil and increases accuracy of Primary slot weapons

    This passive idea is to really drive home her role as a user of heavy primary weapons, rewarding players for using them with a slight boost to their effectiveness without increasing their power directly. I'm not sure if there should be a caveat to this ability, like only activating when Magna has no secondary or melee weapon.

    First Ability -  Buckshot - 25 energy - trigger: press - one time ability -  affected by exalted weapon mods

    Description: Magna fires a fierce blast of energy pellets from her right Arhma, sending a spread of projectiles that travel in a cone toward the players mouse direction, these pellets do primarily slash damage and have an innate 1m punch through

    effects from mods:

    Strength: affects damage of pellets slightly

    Duration: affects the lifespan of fired shots

    Range: positive range tightens shot spread, negative range loosens shot spread

    Second Ability - Blitz - 50 energy - trigger: press - duration based ability

    Description: Magna projects a defensive energy barrier (a small dome around her) that absorbs a % of all damage dealt to Magna and any allied unit within it from any non-status source for a limited time. Once Blitz ends, it grants Magna a small percentage of the total damage absorbed as energy

    effects from mods:

    Strength: affects % damage absorbed

    Duration: affects shield duration and slightly changes energy payout (lower duration grant less energy return)

    Range: affects shield size

    Third Ability - Barrage - 50 energy - trigger: press - one time ability

    Description: Manga takes aim at all enemies that are both in her line of sight and within a certain distance, after 1 second delay, Magna fires a salvo of heat seeking missiles at all targets still within her range, dealing considerable blast damage with a higher status chance when they land

    effects from mods:

    Strength: affects damage dealt 

    Duration: affects lock-on time (positive duration shortens lock on, negative duration lengthens lock-on)

    Range: affects lock-on distance

    Fourth Ability - Bullet Hell - 3 energy/second - trigger: press - channeled ability -  affected by exalted weapon mods

    Description: Magna discards her weapons and transforms her Arhmas into two separate energy firing gatling guns, these guns have a combined ammo pool of 300 and regenerate ammo when not firing, similar to archwing weapons. These weapons fire with the spool up firing type and considerably slow Magna's movement speed when firing, and to a lesser extent when they are not, Magna's abilities can still be cast with these weapons out, and gain quicker casting speed to boot.

    effects from mods:

    Strength: affects damage slightly and increases bonus cast speed to other abilities

    Duration: affects cost and ammo return speed

    Range: affects accuracy (positive range increases accuracy, negative range decreases accuracy)

    Base Stat Ideas:

    Health: 125

    Shield: 75

    Energy: 125

    Armor: 275

    Sprint speed: 1.10

    Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion, any feedback would be greatly appreciated


  7. 6 hours ago, PinkTaco said:

    i would love an option like this since i recently bought the naru syandana and the preview made it look cool but in-game it is a disappointment 99% of the time

    A similar situation spurred me to make this thread, I recently bought the Sari Syndana to give Titania some butterfly wings but was disappointed when they would stay folded down most of the time 

  8. Several cosmetics, be they Syndanas or attachments have several states they enter when preforming certain actions in order to free up the players view, (Arca shoulders fold down when aiming, Sari Syndana opens its wings when bullet jumping, etc). I think that an option to force these cosmetics to stay in one state or another, maybe an option in the game play options menu or as an option when equipping relevant cosmetics would be a welcome addition.

    My suggestion is three modes: (Sari Syndana and Arca shoulders as examples)

    Open/Active: Force cosmetic into its default/active state (Sari wings stay open, Arca shoulders stay upright)

    Closed/Inactive: Force cosmetic into its inactive/closed state (Sari wings stay closed. Arca shoulder stay folded down)

    Automatic/Dynamic: allow cosmetic to shift between open and closed (how it is now)

    What do you guys think? Would you use this kind of option for relevant cosmetics? Any advice for making this a better or easier to implement feature?


  9. Recently I unveiled a Mewah zaw strike riven and decided to max it out, after I did, the riven turned into a generic "Melee" riven and could be placed on any melee weapon. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    Also, why is the strength of the zaw riven 1/5 despite being listed as otherwise? Was this intentional? Zaws don't seem strong enough to warrant a 1/5 disposition.

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