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Everything posted by TzXtetriC

  1. I've been thinking about this nerf and got to say i kinda agree with it, this game has turned out to be a press 1 button frame to kill everything standing in the middle and not moving at all, you dont even need to equip any weapon or melee..., just press 1 button to kill everyone's fun and make ppl abandon at first wave or mission. I think DE should totally remove meta stuff and make things actually balanced to make ppl use them, why have a thousand weapons if you can just use 1 frame and press 1 button.
  2. Why not just change Overguard to Tap to give allies OG and Hold to give it to yourself
  3. Overguard should be Tap to give it to allies and Hold to give it only to yourself.
  4. Scared? Just leave dant in the box and never touch it again, thats what they acheived.
  5. Why destroy dants's 4th ability? Its complete trash now, thanks for destroying a frame. Would've just reduced the amount of OG he gives to team members but still receive full amount for self cast.
  6. My god what have they done to dante? Do they even know what they are doing? Wtf.... R.I.P dante, back to the closet, they killed a fun frame
  7. When i see an AFK player i just pull enemies to him and kill him xD
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