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Everything posted by Oxami

  1. Issue 1: Rivens are showing in the Codex As per Update 27.1.0, there should be no Rivens in the codex. However, all of the riven mods show up. Issue 2: Rivens show inconsistent drop sources The drop sources for these codex riven mods only show 1-2 sources. For example, Melee and pistol rivens only show Duviri, while rifle and shotgun additionally show steel path honors. None of these 4 rivens show Palladino, Sorties, or the Nihil fight. Issue 3: Despite rivens showing in the codex, some rivens show as "unobtained", despite being owned. I believe this is because the ones obtained from sorties / Palladino do not update the codex entry, maybe due to them not being listed as sources. The ones from Duviri do update the codex entry. All of the shown rivens are veiled and unequipped. https://imgur.com/4PmguwF Issue 4: Veiled rivens of the same type don't stack if obtained from different sources One of these Shotgun Riven Mods (veiled) was obtained from Iron Wake -> Palladino. This riven did not show as "owned" in the Codex. The other (also veiled) was obtained from Acrithis for 15 pathos clamps. This one did count for the codex. Note that these rivens don't show as stacked:
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