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Posts posted by -CM-NineFingers

  1. 1 hour ago, dopey_opi said:

    Limbo's ability to stop teammates from using their guns really needs to be looked at.  I am tired of being forced to rely on melee when a Limbo decides that doing things his way is more important than the rest of the squad.  I am sick of not being able to charge antimatter drops because some Limbo decided to make my guns useless.  This is ridiculous, DE, there's no logical reason for this to happen and it's disturbing that you would take such a course to give the worst of the worst so much ability to dictate how the game is played.

    not stoping the bullets would make the ability clearly overpowered, and stopping only limbo's would be just another extra drawback to using him. People already complained about that, read the two last pages to see the latest responses.

    No, I think it's fine just how it is. I do recomend low range for Limbo's on pugs for the same reason, to let everyone play the way they want to.

  2. First of all, congratulations on Octavia's quest, boss was amazing. Kudos too to whoever is breaking their back remastering earth, looks just breathtaking.

    Now, choose one!

    Is there an aproximate date at which the new enemies will arrive?


    What do we know about the new frame? No, not Umbra. You know who. Bobo!


    Any plans to make kuva farming less tedious? I wouldn't mind actually having more difficult (not just a raw level augment, more complexity) kuva missions that give x2 or more kuva. Floods are okay-ish, but kuva needs to rise!

  3. 41 minutes ago, Ketec said:

    They should show usage charts before and after "fixes" Since the update i haven't seen a single limbo in any game. Can only assume they are used for moon spy only now - or rare sortie defense.

    I've seen it everywhere now. Excavations, rescues, defenses, mobile defenses, he's great for them all. It was my most used frame before the rework, so I'm not the one to judge, but I never seen so many Limbo's as I do now.

  4. Just now, Fallen_Echo said:


    I dont think stasis would suddenly become OP just because you can shoot normally. The only thing it does is stopping enemies, removing the bullet stop would only speed up what we would be doing with a strong melee.

    Its a pointless bonus to the skill. It serves no usable prupose the only thing it does is annoying people.

    And seriously why do you think people would stop playing frost or vauban just because you can shot enemies in stasis?

    Frost has more useful capacity and can actually kill enemies  and vauban can lock down multiple places not just one while having more offensive capacity than limbo.

    Because a Limbo can protect you better than Frost with a Cataclysm, and be more efficient at trapping enemies than Vauban with Stasis, while dealing more damage thanks to Rift Surge. He has the best combination possible of CC, and can deal big numbers of damage with his augment, effectively locking a dome up to 60m in radius and dealing up to 10 times the normal damage, while enemies can't defend or attack. While Vauban can protect multiple zones, you need a frost to have safety from outside enemies. Limbo can provide both at the same time, in a large radius, and can even protect other frames on the move, at the cost of them only using their abilities to deal damage, with the augment he can even heal you. And the only thing you need to do when you're ready to get out is roll.

    What do we have? without augments, a perfect mixture of Frost and Vauban that also gives you energy back.

    With them, we have a perfect CC that can make you invulnerable on the go, give you energy (albeit slowly) and heal you, while also boosting his damage, using the Cataclysm as a battle arena where he gains plenty of damage.

    And you're seriously asking why I think he would rise over Vauban and Frost if stasis didn't had that drawback people complain about all the time? It's literally the only reason it's not the new meta yet. But since the release of the rework people has started realising the sheer utility Limbo brings with him. He's now meta for high level content everywhere, on Hieracon it has almost completely replaced Ember, frost and Vauban (another frame that, btw, needs an augment to be useful without high power strength when there's more enemies) case his stasis let's you power the machine while completely negates damage, from outside and within the bubble at the same time.

  5. 24 minutes ago, dreadgame said:

    I don't get why people say stasis is op when there are enough downsides to playing limbo to balance it all out... Meh idc just make it so every enemy that dies under the effect of stasis(NOT cataclysm) makes limbo lose 10 power each. This way, other frames can troll limbo back; would either lessen trolling potential or spite them for more. Would also lessen limbo spam in every missions or force them to solo. No more reckless melee spam everything under stasis, bullets only to specific targets and stasis is more cc than safe killing everything.

    That's nonsense. 100 energy for the cataclysm, 50 for stasis, and 10 per enemy? Not all Limbo's have a primed flow, and even if they do,  they're doomed sooner than later.

    About the "trolling" thingie. Allies can deactivate Limbo's ability just by shooting. Limbo can't troll now, he is the one who gets trolled. The 10 energy per enemy would make stasis unusable, and would send Limbo lower than he ever was. If you get sent into the rift, you can roll and keep playing; If Limbo loses his only defense mechanism in the rift, he outright dies.

    Let's do some math.

    You cast stasis and cataclysm on top of 15 enemies. When they die, you will have spent 50+100+150 energy, making it cost 30 energy per enemy. That would make it the most energy consuming frame in the game, and not even his 2 energy/s regen rate will make it usable. That would, at most, make him able to recast every two and a half minutes (300 energy = 150s).

    What does that mean? The only one who would suffer from any disavantage is Limbo himself. As you already said, there are enough downsides to playing Limbo. The change you suggest is as useless as enabling friendly fire towards limbo. Both would get him killed, make him unusable with a team, the victim of all trolls in the game, and the only one suffering downsides of a great ability while the rest of the team enjoys killing everything.

    Why do people think stasis would be OP if allied bullets worked normally? Well, that's easy to explain. That would be like Vauban's bastille with an unkillable frost bubble on top, plus free energy. No, stasis needs downsides, or Frost and Vauban would stop being used. Why provide cover or trap enemies, when you can do both?

  6. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

     "Confusing" might be the wrong word -- it's pretty clear what it does. It's more a matter of adding one more feature to an already pretty busy button. 

    I don't think they're going to switch rift walk to douple tapping the roll button, since the loss of roll is the price to pay for the free, instant rift walk. I guess it's just a matter of getting used to move that way.

  7. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)ZenithLord 42 said:

    Again, the only thing I ever wanted for Limbo was the ability to cancel Banish so I wouldn't be a troll by accidentally placing an ally in the rift! 

    -Holding down the power to select a group would also be great! 

    -Making Stasis and Rift Surge one power on a toggle, would also help immensely! 

    -Return Rift Walk, but lower the energy cost. 

    Otherwise, Limbo played fine pre-rework. 

    No, returning rift walk is a bad idea. I heard the rolling thing is confusing on controllers, maybe they can give you a different option for remapping it, but turning it again into an ability is not the answer. It's too much of a hassle for something that the frame  should be doing at will, free and is mandatory to his survival.

  8. 4 hours ago, DonOctane said:

    What make u think limbo is a good cc Frame? He can only stop some enemys for some time. If only one nullifier is in range all his cc is gone. Then u cant use Cataclym for cc as well. So u ve to use his 1 outside the rift. Looks like spam 1 in all direrctions while hiding behind frost globe. In that case u can skip limbo. Just use frost max range with his 4. There u will also get bonus dmg and enemys can break apart. Limbo is no good cc and he can´t also dealing damage. His Rift torrent is not working. I ve had missions on hiracon with over 1k % bonus damage with rift torrent. BUT i never had more damage from that. Not even + 100 %.

    There are way better frames for cc then Limbo. I think he is only usefull at arena for fight with kela. I gave up fight for Limbo here. Seems like DE dont like there own creation.

    yeah, nullies deactivate cataclysm, just like snow globe, bastille and all CC abilites with a fixed area. But it's also the only one that negates incoming damage and doesn't depend on enemy level (since at high levels snow globe will be deactivated in seconds), and gives you up to 80 seconds of perfect, total and absolute safety, with all incoming damage reduced to 0 and all enemies in range freezed in time.

    Limbo is not a good cc, he is the god of CC. Had a frost in a survival, at 1 hour the globe was useless, while the cataclysm+stasis combo can go on infinitely.

    And personally I can achieve 1000% damage effortlessly with the rift surge augment.

    I suggest you modify your builds, because your comment clearly points to a wrong build for the desired effect.

  9. 23 hours ago, LazyKnight said:


    The more I think of it, the more I am convinced his '4' is the main issue with his 2 being fixable with a tweak in its behavior. His 4 is obtrusive visually and if it is going to stay it doesn't need to have that sphere effect. It could be something like Oberon's hallowed ground or Nidus's '4' with it on the ground or something similar to Nova's 4 and just debuff the Ai. There are too many special effects going on at once during most group games and having that much of a distortion is distracting.

    I am extremely biased against his 2 and how it works with his 4. This type of CC is toxic in warframe and and it's the only hard CC that I can think of that slows that game down so dramatically. No CC should be safe, nor should it allow an area lock down. There is nothing about this power that seems remotely balanced to me.

    His 2 could be fixed by making it automatically kill the Ai if the damage suspended is in excess of the Ai's total effective health. Make it imminent, if someone points a Tigris Prime and shots a level 30 runner in stasis, it should instantly kill them. The player shouldn't have to use melee or whatever, well maybe if they want bonus damage or something.

    Hard CC and area nukes are why DE put Nullifier Crewman in the game in the first place. I do not want more factions getting bubble boys just to balance out limbo.

    I agree you should get a feedback on how much damage you dealt to an enemy (for example, shooting at an enemy darkens a part of the health bar according to the damage he will receive). The visual change you propose to the Cataclysm is the same one I proposed a few post ago, I totally agree with that.

    On the 2nd point, Vauban. You can toss massive range bastilles everywhere, effectively deactivating all enemies, with no cap on the number of bastilles active at the same time. That and stasis work exactly the same when you put more than one bastille, with the perk that bastilles won't freeze your bullets, and the visuals are even more cancerous. 

    To be fair, I would prefer that stasis slowed enemies and bullets and dealt  damage over time(based on each mob's health and shields, not armor) when an enemy is trapped in stasis. A low percentage, not linked to strength, so higher than 200% duration would kill an unarmored mob. that would encourage low range, high duration cataclysm that you can use as a safe bubble for defense objectives or to regain some energy and shields, while you can still shoot at will and receive feedback on your shoots, and make enemies able to leave the rift too.

    I think that would erase the problems with stasis, while making it still useful to use. If enemy and allied projectiles travel slower thru the air, you can dodge them, and while it's still safer than being outside, it stops being 100% deathproof.

  10. 22 hours ago, RedDirtTrooper said:

    @-CM-Limbo You say they can always shoot, but completely ignore the fact that the ability takes away all feedback for those shots. Do you know if you have fired enough to kill the target? No. Do you know if you hit? No. Do you know if someone else has already fired enough to kill that target? No. You act like just anyone can override that 300 projectile limit as well. Tell someone stuck in their with a Dread and their Lex Prime that they aren't being forced to melee. Hope they don't have a rank 6 ceramic dagger equipped. Pretending there aren't massive problems with his kit doesn't make them go away. 

    People know how much damage they deal per usual. If you're not sure, just give it a couple extra shots (or a mag if it's an auto weapon). It's not like ammo is scarce in warframe, I legit never ran out of ammo in my entire life, and Amprex is my most used weapon. While I agree you should get a feedback on how much damage you dealt to an enemy (for example, shooting at an enemy darkens a part of the health bar according to the damage he will receive), I see no actual problem with shooting in the cataclysm. Only problem you will face is beam weapons, that get seriously #*($%%@ in stasis.

    On the other point, not everyone carries only semi auto weapons on warframe, even more when semi auto weapons are not suitable to be your only form of attacking in a horde killing game. Everyone carries at least an auto, and if they don't, they always carry a good range melee. It's just how it is. I never saw people carrying semiauto only weapons and crappy melees at the same time. If they have at least a good melee or an auto weapon, or a shotgun, the problem is non existant. Statistics say the problem is not a massive problem like you say, so please avoid overexagerating issues. They need to be adressed, but overreaction will get him nerfed to unknown levels, and that's never a good thing.

  11. 17 minutes ago, DEATHLOK said:

    What was so wrong with the way it was before this ridiculous OP update? I've watched Limbo mop the floor with high level enemies better than most. He was a very powerful frame. Now he's a troll.

    Don't think so. Been a Limbo main for 4 months now, and he was capable of doing great damage with the rift surge augment and a long range cataclysm, but still getting oneshoted past lvl 100. I don't care about his mechanics in lvl 20, were Oberon's abilities still kill lots (can't wait for that rework btw).

    The problem with the old limbo was that he could kill enemies one by one from the rift, or cast a bubble, cast rift surge, and become a glass cannon, dealing incredibly damage before getting two stray shots from a trashmob and dying.

    Now you have an indestructible bubble (not like frost, cause frost's SG gets deactivated easily at high levels) that stops enemies on their tracks, thus making it a safe haven for squishy frames like himself, making status last forever and regenerating energy slowly for the whole team. If it didn't stop allied bullets it would be OP as hell, but since it doesn't let you just headshot everything without problems due to the bullet cap, it's balanced. Melee, tho, doesn't get affected, so you can now mop the floor with enemies without dying in the process. Can you shoot inside? Sure. reach the 300 bullets cap and bullets will start killing. Just recast stasis and repeat.

    So let's see the facts:

    -Visuals need to be enhanced? True.

    -Is the best CC in the game? True.

    -Doesn't let you shoot inside? You can always shoot.

    -Can stasis be deactivated by team mates? Sure.

    -Is limbo as prone to die trying to kill as before? Nope, unless you're out of the rift, where a single bullet can kill you.

    -Does he force you to go melee inside the cataclysm when stasis is active? Nope, shoot until limit is achieved, then recast.

    Limbo's passive energy regen on enemies killed in the rift is there to give you a chance for one thing, and just one thing: Cast Stasis, cast Cataclysm, line headshots, deactivate stasis, enemies die, you gain energy, recast stasis, repeat. Allies can do this too.

    So, given that his life depends on an ability that allies can deactivate at will (unless he stays in the rift and doesn't do anything, which is not the funniest way to play warframe), meaning it's currently the only frame whose life depends on abilities that your team can deactivate at will, how does he troll? I'd say Limbo gets trolled way more that he trolls.

  12. 1 hour ago, malekas said:

    Banish accidentally banishing allies because of the AOE, and the leave behind tears from Rift Dash are worse than Grineer electric mines.

    While I don't necesssarily object on the rest, why is enterinf the rift (just roll out) worse than taking damage from a mine that you usually cancel by getting away fast, hence... rolling?

    P.S.: If that limbo is using a short range cataclysm, just step out and let him have his part of the fun. If he's using a long range build, whip out some automatic fire and shatter that stasis like nobody's business.

  13. 14 hours ago, LazyKnight said:

    When inside the event, the optical distortion gives me eye fatigue and seeing the event horizon with a bright color gives a sharp contrast that is too much for me. I know some people chose black as a color and then it's hard for me to see where the event horizon is and what has been put in stasis. Just to contrast this, It's very clear with frost and his chilling globe when something has been turned into an ice sculpture.

    My other issue, is that I can not shot things outside the event horizon or things on the edge. This is just me being annoyed, because on a Grineer map everything is outside the event shooting at it with few Ai moving inside.  This makes the game-play (for me) feel like a worse version of snow globe.

    Edit: I am not ignoring the other points just clarifying why his '4' bothers me.

    I agree that cataclysm visuals can be eye tiring. Maybe if they just removed them all and added a sort of glow at your feet with the limbo's energy colour that problem could be eliminated, while giving a clear indicator of when one is in the rift.

    About the second issue, I feel having the ability to do interdimensional damage would be way too powerful in this scenario. A reduced damage perhaps could be used, but I feel there's no need to shoot anything outside a long range cataclysm, and on short ones it's easier to get to the edge and shoot anything you want to, and step back if something else enters the bubble. Since the change is costless and instantaneous, I see no actual problem with it. When I play another frame and a limbo pops a bubble it's usually what I do, aim at coming enemies and step out to shoot, back again to reload. Or if it's a long range, there's usually enough enemies for me to shoot inside to care about the coming ones. Carrying twin grakatas or akstilettos also helps with way too big catastasis too.

    A good thing also could be to add an enemy indicator like enemy radas gives you, but only in the cataclysm, so you always know if something is in there with you or not.

  14. 1 hour ago, LazyKnight said:

    Limbo does force both allies and enemies to play by his rules. Let's not move the goalpost on something self-evident. Can I deactivate what is done with limbo's "4" Nope, I have to move away from the player to get away from the effect. And if that a defense map I need to be away from the object, so why am I there?

    Why would you want to deactivate a long range cataclysm that is not using stasis? Only change you receive is energy regen. and if it's not a long range cataclysm, yes, you can move away from it. In any case, why would you want to deactivate the cataclysm? The thing you want (and can) deactivate is the stasis. Don't see the need to deactivate his 4th -honest question here-.


    Lets see, how a maximum range cataclysm interact with a defense map or mobile defense game? So I have to leave the targeted area just to have the game behave in a normal way. Everything is under limbo's controls, if limbo want to keep thing banished or in stasis i have to play around him. He is far worse than the old blade storming Ash that made everything invincible.

    If someone uses long range Catastasis on defenses or MD, empty your mags in the area, that will teach him. I use a minimum range, about 8-10m, and people (myself included) just play around it. It keeps the objective safe, and we just clean the enemies around it. Never had a problem with anyone using that tactic.


    Not true, in this case. It's not misinformation. It's called having a grievances with the negative.  This is not an issue where the abilities positives come into play, they are neither necessary nor needed to be in a discussion when talking about the effects of the negatives.

    Well, I too want changes to happen with stasis and cata to make them less intrusive and more rewarding. But that doesn't mean that I would only list the positives or the negatives.

    Let's face it, does a limbo, in general terms and with a standard pug team, benefit the team overall? I'd say, in most cases, it does. Having the ability to create a safe spot on a level is unvaluable, limbo can mantain choke points by himself with a minimum range cata, immobilize bigger threats or keep a squishy caster alive and safe, all while atracting aggro and moving between dimensions to capture enemy groups and kill them fast and easily. Let's not talk about rescue missions, where he truly shines.

    Does a Limbo have negative effects? Sure as hell it does. A range/duration build can mess you up if you use a bow or sniper (as shotguns and automatic weapons have little to no problem breaking the stasis cap), but if you break the cap, all bullets will travel to the target, and if he recasts, do it again. He's the only one who will lose with that strategy, you will play as normal, he will lose energy. And I'm perfectly okay with purposefully breaking limbo's 2, because it can be detrimental if nobody knows the limbo will be popping timestop bubbles the size of an aircraft carrier.

    I'm not in favour of an intrusive skillset either; But Limbo can be an unvaluable asset to a team, that's a fact. It's just not well suited for public games, where people (a big portion of them are just trying to learn how to use him, keep in mind) don't go with a set strategy, and just try to shoot things in the face until a reward is given. Should we have an option to not play with X or Y frame? I hope that doesn't appear, ever. I would probably use it too, and to purge a considerable number of frames, but that would be seriously bad for the game.

    I mostly play as support roles, to me part of the whole fun is adapting to the rest of the team. Finding frames that don't let you participate in the mission (old Simulage, and mostly all nukes and AoE dmg dealers, awful Limbos) is never fun, couldn't agree more. But what I mean is that we can't always play exactly our way, and you can have lots of fun overcoming the challenges other players pose. This is a multiplayer anyway, why shoot in the same map that other 3 guys if nothing ever changes?

  15. 2 hours ago, LazyKnight said:

    If you want to argue over the semantics of the word 'drastic'; OK, that's sounds like fun! I see nothing radical or extreme in the limbo reworks, if you do great!.

    Does anything about the change require math?

    Does it require an in-depth study and a comparison to figure-out what was done?

    Was it a large change like with ember going from a tank to glass cannon? 

    Is limbo, still limbo?

    Lets get one thing clear. A limbo user receives 100% of the benefit of all his power with the most import thing control over them. 

    No, lets not skip over this point. I tried limbo and I have played with other people using limbo and I see his negatives as far out weighting his positives. It's not up to you to decide if something is pointless or not. And If a limbo is in a party he controls how I am able to play, That's not misinforming anyone.

    I do not need to list his positive when I am expressing how negatives irritate me.

    So you're saying that a limbo has a right to force another player to melee only or use powers? Good to know, that you're cool with a limbo having the right to dictate the LAW concerning what is and what is not allowed given field.

    A limbo player doesn't not have the right to tell me I am forbidden from using my gun. Sorry, but the limbo can get lost.


    if you call me shortsighted again, I am reporting you

    I know what his power do and how his CC function. However, I see him adversely affecting other players in game-play and overshadowing everything positive in his tool set. I am not blindly bashing, I am focusing on the issues of how he is able to control other player's actions.

    Valuable feed back: I would rather have an AFK limbo or an empty slot over a limbo using his powers.

    How's that? I do not care about any of his positives, if I am not playing as the limbo. Sorry, as far as I am concerned he is a black-hole that eats my immersion.

    I didn't ignore it, i conceded it to avoid arguing who is the most complicated Warframe to use. People keep saying "people just do not understand limbo and that why he's hated. "and i would responds that he takes as much skill to play as loki or frost. Nothing about him needs complex planing out of his rotation. 

    Report if you feel the need to do it, but I never insulted you. You also avoided giving an answer to all my points, and that says enough about your arguments. I'm done arguing with you sir, have a nice day.

    Not giving all the information, just the negative one, IS missinforming. Not counting the positive aspects of an ability when critizising it IS missinforming. You don't like the cataclysm? go a few meters in ani direction and voilà! a whole map full of enemies for you to slain with your tigris and your aklex, enjoy it. It's absurd to say a limbo forbids you to play, unless we're talking about small maps. Then, bring an automatic weapon and crack the stasis. Done. Nobody forces you to use melee. a normal weapon with multishot mods can crack stasis in a mag, maybe two. Just fire at the enemies, he will recast, but you can keep shooting. Limbo doesn't force you to play by his rules, limbo's powers break because other players can still do what they want. It's the only player whose ability can be deactivated by other tenno. So how does this exactly forbids you from playing?

  16. 1 hour ago, LazyKnight said:

    Old news, if you call that drastic, I think you have a bar set too low.

    Do you think I haven't tried limbo? Old Limbo and New LImbo, I have tried both limbos and I know how to play as the character. 

    CC that affects other players is different from that which targets the Ai. If you can not tell the difference between limbo and Vauban then maybe there is something wrong.

    What did I post that is misinformation? Limbo affects and limits my game and that's a logical conclusion. The emotion I have is not liking the the limitations of said intrusion, and is beyond the point.

    What Data? How his power works?

    Keep calling me shortsighted. Keep insulting me whatever.  

    1- It's not drastic going from "only enemies inside this bubble can hurt  us" to "nobody can hurt us, and we can only hurt those inside the bubble"? Damn, and here I was thinking that going from "everyone can die in rift" to "no ally dies if stasis is up, and no defense objective takes damage" was a big change.

    2- Oh, no, I believe that you tried limbo. But if you can't see all the positive effects of something, and only list the bad side, that's both missinforming to everyone who hasn't and just pointless hatred to a frame. You know it, I know it, the neighbor dog knows it, let's move to the next point.

    3- Yes, I can tell the difference. Vauban holds enemies still so you can shoot at them, while everything outside his bastille shoots at you. Stasis makes every enemy capable of hurting you stop, makes status last forever and forces you to use melee in exchange for that huge difference.

    Does Bastille make you able to kill an enemy just with the slash procs of an unranked destreza with vulpine mask? (I use this as example cause it always produces a slash proc on the first hit of the combo, but any weapon can be used and the point still stands).

    4- see 2.

    5- give me proof of someone unable to play because of limbo. You can, I can too, but it's extremely rare to see a frame without damaging abilities and without a melee at the same time.

    6- Shortsighted is not an insult, it's a description. Start giving feedback that can help a frame work better with a team instead of whining about how horrible it is to deal infinite lasting status effects, be immortal and regen energy at the same time. Don't have nothing against you for not liking a frame, but give good, valuable feedback instead of blind bashing.


    P.S.: Loved how you ignored the part where I ask you to give me a warframe harder to use right than Limbo, and one to which the sentence "He is not complex or even take a working brain to use, and implying as much is a joke"  can't be applied to.

  17. 9 minutes ago, ColdWarFish said:

    While true, that's not much consolation for frames that rely mainly on buffing their weapons with their powers instead of dealing direct damage with them (Chroma and Rhino come to mind).

    And while ones content with Limbos kit might very well be down to personal preference/opinion, I would really enjoy a Limbo that is less... let's call it intrusive, to the play of their own team.

    Anyway: I, for one, am quite happy that "4 spam" Limbo is not a thing anymore. That constanct cataclysm opening/collapsing was unbearably annoying, even for me. And I am someone who generelly doesn't take/took offense in embers, miragulors, etc.

    I'm happy too, believe me. Nuke is not a thing Limbo should do. And personally would prefer to make allies do reduced damage across dimensions, at least, to give all frames the opportunity to deal damage to all enemies. Plus making enemies in stasis receive more damage from melee could make it perfectly useable for everyone.

  18. 1 minute ago, LazyKnight said:

    I have limbo and  I know how limbo works. He is not complex or even take a working brain to use, and implying as much is a joke. I do not enjoy having a good limbo player that knows what their doing anymore than that idiot limbo that caused a mission fail.

    Give me another warframe as hard to use right and I'll believe you. Give me a warframe that doesn't deserve that sentence at least.


    Calling me shortsighted? I know how his tool set works, i know how his cc works since he was added to the game.

    News flash, his CC changed drastically with the rework, mainly it was BORN with the rework. Learn him again, not that difficult.


    I think it's beyond the pale that people accept enjoy having that type of CC inflicted on a mission.

    "CC inflicted" I had to stop here just because it made me laugh. On high level content CC is the only thing keeping you alive. Vauban can make lots of enemies unable to hit you, but only Limbo can make them vulnerable and protect you at the same time. Plus, Frost SG falls hard at high level content, while Limbo is time based and thus a better protection overall.

    It's okay if you don't like it, but that is missinformation, based on emotions and not logic at all, with 0 data taken into acount and based entirely on hatred.

    You only insulted a frame, their users and gave 0 coherent arguments apart from the "He's annoying hurr durr". Hate is not gonna make a frame be better, just makes you more short sighted.

  19. 6 minutes ago, LazyKnight said:

    How he works is wasting the entire teams time by making something untargetable. That's not a play style, that's trolling. He does not protect teammate he prevents them from playing the game. 

    If DE gave me an option I would NEVER play with a limbo ever again. I do not want a limbo's "help" or anything else that twisted skill set inflicts on my game.


    That's perfectly fine. But your personal opinion should not eliminate an entire warframe from the rooster. You either found really bad limbos or don't understand the rift mechanics, cause when I play limbo nobody disconects, nobody complains, and sometimes I get compliments (rarely tho). Not everyone is that short sighted to not see the extreme CC and team benefits a limbo gives, in exchange for your firearms inside stasis.

    PS: given that limbo doesn't make you unable to move, attack with all weapons or use abilities, how exactly does he prevent you from playing? The only frame that gains something out of not carrying a melee is mesa, and I rarely see one without a melee, cause the 50hp bonus is kinda S#&$ty. Would you care to explain?

  20. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Snakeboy1990 said:

    I'm liking the rework. Only thing I don't like is banish. It's just too risky to use now. Limbo is too squishy to be walking up to enemies just to banish them. Sticking to my mini cataclysm build to avoid being an annoyance to teammates.

    That's basically what I do. But remember that surged enemies in the rift will banish nearby enemies when they are killed, you don't need to leave the rift that much. I' on a max duration, 79% range build and it works great, try it.

  21. 4 hours ago, Shadu said:

    They didn't get the rework "just about right", I've seen the problem with the rework for quite a while already due to not liking the spam 4 build and thus running into the problems with the rework early on. Now that the damage is nerfed and people look at other possibilities of the abilities more people tend to see the problems and as such we get to see this.

    Cataclysm had to be nerfed.. it just had to it was too strong, but nerfing the damage wasn't the right way according to me, instead they could have made it so you don't get energy back for collapsing and thus you wouldn't be able to spam it as such. Now the skill is worse than the pre-rework cataclysm in the damage area and we got a confirmation that the shrinking won't be removed.

    Banish is still as horrible as it has been since the rework.

    Stasis is still as horrible of an ability in a co-op setting with randoms in the squad.

    Rift Surge is still as useless as it has been apart from the augment.

    They missed a whole lot with the rework and what needed to be done, but they would only need some minor tweaking to make it work properly and right I think.. buuuut they already moved on to Oberon so good luck getting those tweaks between now and a few years.

    Rift surge is actually pretty useful if a Limbo doesn't want to interfere with the team, you can banish a group of enemies, surge them, and when they're killed other enemies enter the rift automatically, it's a great way of not having to leave the rift to deal damage and be useful.

  22. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    Now that the reworks on ps4 i still am not seeing a lot of limbos...like at all actually.


    Saw mabye 1 newbie limbo learning the ropes and...zip.

    Except myself of course.

    In fact ps4 players seem to be having more fun when a limbos around moreso than what i saw on pc. Ppl running in circles around 1 mob surrounding it with explosives or asking for stasis to be used.



    They got it right. People on pc cares more about being the one who deals more damage more efficiently than to have fun with what the game offers.

  23. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

    I was genuinely serious about what question you were asking, because you typed out a paragraph and ended with a question mark, but didn't actually finish the question. "Tell me more about how taking an ability..." what? 

    But we're done here, since my question didn't actually warrant an insult. We are not going to see eye to eye on this, and that's fine.

    True, just corrected it I apologize.

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