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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. Not many concepts get tons of views and replies, usually the ones that do will have concept pics. Deep information etc.

    There are a few out there generalizing many types of possible boss types, and then asking people to add onto the idea and be able to flesh out a boss together.


    And talking about the second part:


    -Having detailed loot drops

    -Having exact layout of what the boss fight is like

    -Giving a clear image of what the arena is like

    -Clearly explaining what the boss attacks are and the multiple stages he has (if any)


    Does all this sound fleshed out or rather, has deep information to you? It really just seems as if people don't want one.

  2. I've been seeing a few topics on the fan concept forums about having orokin assassinate keys. I even made one myself over 2 months ago.


    However each of these topics only gets at most around 180 views and four comments.



    I would like to hear from you guys why this idea doesn't get as much attention.




    (ps. I thought real hard on where to put this in the forums and General Discussion was the only one that seemed best, I am sorry if someone thinks otherwise)

  3. Also I'd like to mention, it being secondary with that high crit, and multishot AND that it's already toxin based, it will melt corpus as if they were nothing.


    Honestly this would be like an acrid just as it used to be so this is kinda what the acrid needs.(the multishot is not the part I mean and the second rate of fire also not, however that the acrid is missing crit is what is making it 2nd top tier weapon instead of making it parallel to akmagnus and the other hand guns.)

  4.  This thread isnt even worth my time. It makes me so angry that just because a good mod has been released, all these players expect to be able to access it with a click of a button.

    To be honest, the current system just requires too many fusion cores to level up anything to max rank. I've been saving up cores since around rank 12 (I did use some for some newer mods), however I'm still not able to fully max serration. The grind fest needs to be changed to something a bit more accessible, however still be a challenge.


    I currently have a 2 from the top serration, 5 from the top heavy caliber, and that's for rifles only (pistols I'm going to save til I can finally get those maxed out). And now the newest mod? Sure going through 20 t4 survivals each lasting 40 minutes will give you enough cores to level it up, however the reward usually isn't good enough (leveling a mod by 1 level to get 15% increased damage (yay - unmotivated face)).


    And here's the thing, I'm getting close to rank 15, very close to be exact, and the insane amounts of cores and credits (currently at 4.6mill) required to level up a mod for the last 2 levels is just a huge waste. This is one of the reasons I've stopped playing warframe as much. (The other is that the endgame is basically grinding for loot :/ )

  5. One thing, Void bosses aren't being looked at by anyone, so it seems as if no-one wants it. However I believe they should include a boss that is relavent to the lore of the orokin. (btw. I already have a boss concept for the tower itself being the boss, however it died out after 4 comments and 180 views, so I wish you luck with your topic :D)

  6. What's the total ammo at?



    also here's something to consider: these are the braton prime stats:


    38.51 total damage


    rest of stats:

    28.60 accuracy | 1.00 bullets | 9.60 fire rate | 2.0x/10.0% critical / bullet | 20.00% status | 75 magazine | 2.20 reload | 375.00 ammo


    and your total damage is 36 and still has 13.0 fire rate

  7. ...eh... I'm not averse to this being like, ONE MOD for each weapon type, like the sentinel mod. Maybe as corrupted with a drawback. Conditional damage is good and we need more links between gameplay and performance.


    In the end though this would encourage the least beneficial aspects of the community: trying to rush and get all the kills for yourself.

    Now watch as someone comes to tell me it doesn't matter because XP is shared, even though no one said anything about affinity... -.-*


    Enemies also seem to be becoming more and more dangerous as time goes on, dealing more damage in more ways and with more damage types. This would mean people continue to push the Rhino Prime + Iron Skin, old Trin, old Frost type mentality of assuming they're supposed to be invincible so that they can run/stand around without a care in the world pwning everything without being shot to death.

    Thing is, this isn't one mod like the original sentinel fired up mod, instead it would add an extra damage base value to weapons, to spice them up a bit more, so even more varieties can be made with different weapons. The extra mods would instead change the way you could and would use a gun to allow even greater variation in builds instead of having: oh we're against corpus, let's take acrid and use it with (enter weapon here). Instead it would be that a lot of weapons could gain benefits while only needing to sacrifice mod slots.

  8. overheating is not actually ever beneficial to anything


    if all tenno weapons overheated, all tenno weapons would immediately clatter to the floor and all tenno would immediately be dousing their hands in cold water


    tenno can get burned hands from overheating too

    How useless ember would be if that were true :P

  9. First off, I'd like to say that I don't know if someone already posted a similar idea onto this forum before me so I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm taking ideas.


    Anyways, the new damage type would be overheat damage. This damage is added to every weapon in the game.


    So what would overheat actually do?

    Overheat damage is a damage type that works best on spammable or fast firing weapons. The more you shoot a weapon in quick succession the more overheat you gain. At base you gain 20% overheat damage to the base damage type. The damage multiplier would only take effect after all other calculations have taken place. Another way it could work is that every weapon has their own overheat increase per shot fired. This would mean an ogris would gain max overheat within 1 shot or 2, while a soma would gain it after 30 shots. Overheat starts to disperse (slowly go away) after 2-4 seconds of not shooting.


    How would it work with mods?

    There could be quite a large number of mods for overheat, like:

    -increasing overheat damage by 200% at max rank (So the o.h. damage is at 60% if the base value is 20%)

    -changing the overheat damage to be a certain element only (combos would work)

    -adding extra elemental damage on top of the base o.h. damage increase

    -increasing time before o.h. starts to fall off.

    -decreasing shots needed to fire to gain max o.h.

    - (anything in the comments could get added with their names next to the addition)


    What is overheat trying to accomplish?

    Overheat will mean that players will focus more on firing and using o.h. to the fullest. It will support fast gameplay and the players will want to run through rooms, trying to keep their o.h. up. Overheat will also be useful in high tier missions, allowing Tenno to choose whether they want to have a straight increase in damage with elementals or have it so their damage increases to a really high dps when there are enemies to be killed.


    I gained inspiration for this damage type by the new weapon, Kohm, and the overheat sentinel mod which was only really useful for one sentinel weapon.


    There will/might be more added to this topic but for now I'd like to hear what you think of this addition. Anything you would want to add might get included.

  10. I can see these as mini-bosses that protect a room full of loot, but as actual bosses (aka assassinates) they just don't seem to work. The reason why is because you could easily equip a punch through mod (like shred) on a rhino, and just decimate them all in a few shots or clips. They look quite fragile too, so I could imagine them as a trio have really high burst but lowish health. It's a really good idea and I'd love to see them in game. However they are basically a more powerful version of the eximus.

  11. I'm not going to repeat what a bunch of people said, however Rhino could use some reworks on his first 3 abilities.


    Rhino charge could work where he starts off at a walking speed and then over time he gains speed up to a certain point. Once he reaches the speed limit he can 'charge' for ever and stuns won't affect him at all, and bullets coming from head on curve to the side. However if he charges into an enemy before max speed, he loses the charge, deals less damage than the maximum charge, and gets stunned for a small amount of time. The animation of his max running speed (which can be increased by damage mods and the time it takes to reach the speed uses duration mods), could be him in a kind of on all fours like a real rhino.


    Iron skin honestly is a hard one to change. It doesn't have the right feeling to belong to Rhino, so what could work is that the armor has a damage reducing, but not negating effect. It would reduce incoming damage by ... (40%?) at max and damage mods increase the percentage (btw, the number is just a placeholder). You would get the same or similar visual effect and it breaks after the total damage intake is increased. What could also be is that you gain health regen when the skin is up.


    Roar is a good idea, however it could work so abilities (idk if melee is also affected) gain a buff in damage. It could also give a % health back (25%?) when cast and slight attack speed increase, (it will increase gun fire rate and melee attack speed). However it would have increased cooldown and reduced duration.

  12. I'd recommend that you also reduce his sprint speed to something of 0.9 or so, due to him being a tank and all. At max rank with a maxed vitality the frame would have 1310 health, add a maxed steel fiber and the frame has 1050 armor. What does that mean? Well it would make the frame have a total of 5895 hitpoints, which is basically total amount of damage it has to take to die. (sorry if it's math and if you hate math but considering his already somewhat good mobility he would be quite powerful, also considering this is a concept and it's all yours you don't have to change it.)

  13. I want to bet that  lot of people already did something similar, but here is my go:

    (best pose I could get from valkyr)



    and here's the 'character' I have it from:




    (this image does not belong to me, but it's the best reference I found)

    ((and incase you didn't know this is Naruto in his rage mode (sorry for spoilers :S)))

  14. Well here is my entry: (shirt found from google)

    here is the design on a shirt




    here is the original design:



    (put the images in spoilers so it wouldn't lag up those with weaker internet and to reduce the size of this page since I'm telling you these pages take a long time to scroll down)

  15. Control Tower


    I have an idea for a boss that will be available in the void, it’s either called control unit or control tower. The boss isn’t the usual type of boss where it shoots you (it will shoot you but the boss isn’t shooting). The boss is in fact just a super computer in the void. The boss will be in a circular room with the floor being removed in-between the Tenno and the boss.


    This boss is a boss that is meant to break the ‘rules’ of the game, since it will have 2 stages. The first stage is where you walk in and try to destroy it in the void. He will mostly use void enemies and traps to try to eliminate you. There will be mini stages of the fight where he will have shields and such but that is not important for now.

    The second stage is after having dealt a certain amount of damage to it, it will spiral out of the void which means that the infested, grineer and corpus have access (and will start spawning) to the tower. During this stage you will not only have to fight the void but also all the other factions. The tower will stop using traps and instead go on closing the gap between you two (literally) and start using its defense mechanism arms. During the second stage the ship will have lost some power which means that you can see infested start to spread, and the longer the second part goes on, the more powerful the infested become. Of course you don’t want it that the other factions gain the technology of the control tower so you have to defend the tower (while it’s attacking you) from the others.



    The environment, as said, is void at the start, and includes all factions (where the orokin ship turns to derelict) spawn at the second stage. There will be lots of hidden traps that the tower will use against you. There will be a force field that will block you from reaching the area from where the enemies can jump down and attack you, and if you fall down into the pit of death, you will respawn with half the health, shields, speed, and damage than before. There are also hidden wall panels that are impassable (you can shoot through it however) and there are turrets or enemy units inside. The arena will be about nearly double the size of Lephantis’ arena.


    Here is a concept of what I think the room would look like during first stage:



    The tower (the boss itself)

    The boss will be in the center of the arena, and will have metal shields that come protect it. The shields will go down if it is trying to attack you with one of the arena traps (so walls coming up or trying to push you down). During this time you will have to run to another area quickly and shoot him from there. If you have a frame that can teleport or reach the middle sector, and you land on the platform it’s on, it will spawn in a force field that will push you into the pit. The force field expands from the center outwards till it completely surrounds the “island”. The force field can’t be shot through and is impassable.

    During the second phase, the boss will still have the metal shields and will summon mechanical ‘tentacle arms’ like hydroid and they will be there to attack if the tenno or any other unit gets close.  While the arms are out the metal shields are down. Due to the boss being a mechanical being and super computer, it is REALLY sensitive to having some of its cords ripped out, so melee deals 2x if not 3x the damage. The arms that he summons are actual objects that can only be shot through with piercing, and they will also fling the enemy (aka you or another unit) away instead of slamming them into the ground.

    During the whole fight, whenever the boss is taking too much damage it will summon the metal shields and regenerate its shields.


    The attacks

    This boss has an array of attacks that he will use against you. I will differentiate the two kinds of attacks in two categories: debuffs and regular attacks. During these attacks he will have his metal shields down.



    -The first debuff is an attack where he hacks into your warframe and makes you walk into the pit, during this attack you still have slight control over movement but it will feel as if it were pushing you. This lasts for about 5-7 seconds.

    -Another debuff attack, is where he scrambles your view (as if you were just hit with magnetic except you don’t lose energy) and it will last for 2-4 seconds.


    Regular attacks

    -The first regular attack is an arena attack, he will start to lower the floor (one of the many floors), the one you’re standing on, and you have to try to run to another one before it makes you fall into the pit. (This attack will either lower the floor or make the floor be pulled into the wall, making you fall into the pit.) This attack will only occur during the first stage.

    -The second attack is where he will close the sliding walls (slide them up so you can’t go to another floor), and attack you with the hidden panels where turrets are located, these panels have a force field which will make it so you can only shoot through them and not walk in them.) This attack will ONLY occur during the first stage.

    -Tentacle arms is the 3rd attack that will only occur during the second stage. Whenever you get too close it will summon 3-4 arms that will block you from entering from that side, and also fling you into the far back of the room if it catches you. This lasts about 8-14 seconds and will instantly be available again once the ability is over.


    The room

    The room will have a few hazards as well that are separate from the control tower. Some of them include all the void defense systems, so the turrets and knockdown traps, etc. The room will also have a few hacking panels that will turn off the power (rending the tower useless and exposing the damageable part) for 2-3 seconds. However this will ‘anger’ the tower and it will usually use all attacks at once.


    Characteristic of the tower

    The tower has an AI built into it and it will scramble the Lotus messages sometimes and will laugh and discourage you, debuffing you from time to time. The debuffs grow stronger the more people you have in your party.


    The loot

    Due to this being a robot-technological-supercomputer boss it should drop quite a few rare resources once defeated. It could also drop up to 3 blueprints from any orokin weapon/frame. It could also drop retired weapons or vandal versions of weapons but that would be a 1/20 chance of dropping. The vandal versions would have increased damage and crit, while having slower reload and smaller clip size.



    Anyways Thank you for reading this, I hope you guys can come up with a few other awesome ideas that could make this fight even more interesting. Please feel free to comment and criticize (constructive criticism please). I would also appreciate it if someone could try to do some art for it due to the fact that I can’t draw all too well.

  16. I tried my best, could add some shadowing:


    kubrow nudging a sleeping excalibur (trying to wake him up)





    first off, sorry for the huge image, second off, it was drawn with mouse and keyboard, really need to get a sketchpad.

  17. Dear DERebecca, I've got a few questions:


    1) Will the infested get a planet again?


    2) With the introduction of the dark sectors introducing a new difficulty, will there be a planet that is only meant for challenging the player(s)?


    3) Exploration and parkour seem to be getting neglected and are only done if the exit was in that way, are you planning on adding any form of gain or bonus (and also adding new areas to parkour to) from parkouring around a room or introducing new "hiding places"?

  18. Name: Grineer Wheeler


    Behavior: He will run ahead of crowds, with a speed matching and even exceeding that of a loki with rush on. While he is out of melee range he will parry shots.A second after he goes into melee range, he starts spinning wildly dealing massive damage if you don't kill him quick enough. He spawns usually in groups of two, and will also spawn in a larger group of an assault team.


    Attacks: He parries out of melee range and when in melee range he will spin around his torso (while his blades spin too). This attack is an aoe attack, thus he tries to hit as many targets as possible. The blades do cut through enemies (aka hit enemies) more than once.


    Environmental restrictions: Can only spawn in groups of twos and only spawns in assault teams.


    Here is a concept art I drew:


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