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Posts posted by gkuoni

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jabarto said:

    Playing with other Mag users would be a legit good idea. If you're offering I'd love to tag along sometime.

    Also, if I seem dismissive of the advice given to me so far it's because I've tried it and it doesn't work. I've explained this before but let me go over my specific problems again:

    1. She has a cripplingly low energy pool for how dependent she is on spamming her abilities. People talk about spawning multiple Magnetize fields and using Pull to yank enemies into them while casting Polarize whenever your shields get low, but unless you carry stacks of energy restore pads everywhere you go this literally is not possible.

    2. Magnetize blocks your shots. If you're inside of it you can't damage anything. If you're outside of it you can't damage anything behind it. If enemies don't walk into it, it's just a piece of cover at best.

    3. She's fragile. A lot of her abilities have long cast times that root you in place and you simply can't afford to be that vulnerable for that long.

    Here's my suggestion for each point:

    1) use zenurik focus tree, (presuming that you know what that is) at the start of the mission, yes, you will run out of energy, but that's the only tough part you'll have to endure.

    2) Use pull while inside the bubble if you want enemies to get inside, it helps (they just have to be pulled close to the bubble, the bubble will still pull them in slowly. Also, while yes, you can't shoot through it, the enemy also can't. That effectively removes one area of crossfire from a fight if the bubble is placed and maintained correctly.

    3) Pretty much use your abilities while bullet jumping. You have magnetize, which effectively blocks bullets; use it as a shield. Shield transferrence augment I feel is a must have, since the overshields will boost the survivability most times. If you are still getting 1 shot with overshields, then you would get 1 shot with almost any other frame. However, use mobility as your method of survivability and casting time - enemies are less accurate if you keep moving and it's easiest to accomplish this by just rushing through them. (I was doing a high level corpus survival with mag and had two valkyrs (one was warframe level 10 though) and an equinox, the valkyrs died the most, equinox once, and I didn't die. I also had 40% of the damage.) Even nullifiers aren't a problem with shield polarize, just keep max shields, quickly jump into the bubble, melee or shoot them and jump out instantly.

  2. 2 hours ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

    it seems like you can not see the problems.

    1: too low energy pool

    2: pull is decent, not amazing. greedy pull augment is useless

    3: magnetize: looks fine to mine, better than the old bullet attractor for sure

    4: polarize : total garbage skill, use 4 corrosive projection is a way better option. bring the old one back ! who is using shield in 2017 ??? i would play redirection ONLY paired with a set of arcane barrier to have the chance of the instant shield regen.

    5: crush: please dont tell me you can CC with this crap because it means you dont even know what CC is. too low damage, the augment is useless as well. as i said before  4 corrosive cp is a better option.

     Conclusion: bring back old polarize ( since youre adding more annoying corpus units), tweak a bit pull, magnetize is fine, crush is either to be tweaked or to be removed for another brand new ability.


    Dont get me wrong people, I really like mag , the skins, the theme, I used to play her a lot in the past years but since rework it doesnt give me any fun anymore. Speaking about theme : once she had the title " corpus killer" , now what title does she have ? " the almighty nerfed " ? Lets be real guys.. the rework was 70% a nerf. I would like to see Mag good again, i still have 3 mag prime and normal mag in my inventory hoping for a further rework.

    actually, I found a suggestion on the forums somewhere where the person suggested adding a debuff that's unique to mag on polarized enemies. The debuff then interracts differently with her abilities, allowing her to have more control over her cc abilities while dishing out more damage. I do definitely agree that mag needs a higher energy pool, not only because she's a caster, but because if valkyr can have that high energy pool, then so should mag. I do also think she could use an additional passive added on because it is not really a useful ability in combat or a way to cleverly use its passive in a way that can lead to good choices in the fight.

    Here's a link to the rework I mentioned:




  3. 11 minutes ago, Fast_98 said:

    Then what makes him A good frame? I seen people use hydroid and pretty well mind you  but I've also seen those player equip any other frame and do even better.

    Plus this doesn't include the fact that alot of frames can be taken to high level content with just weapons alone, heck when sortie didn't have level 30 frames as requirements I would level my frames there with a strong gun.

    When someone says that something isn't terrible that doesn't instantly make it good. It means what it says, namely that it isn't terrible. That simply means that there's potential to do something instead of completely useless, which being terrible would imply.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    Her playstyle boils down to "press 2 and then shoot the Lanka/other weapons with travel time into the bubble." And if you don't do that and instead try to use all of her abilities, you'll find yourself spamming energy pizzas. She's a caster frame with the energy pool of a tankier frame like Rhino or Frost. Add in the fact that you need to spam her 3 for it to be effective at even second mission Sortie levels (due to the lack of scaling), and she'll be starved for energy real quick.

    And if you decide to go for Fleeting Expertise to combat this, her kit suffers for it. Same with the rest of the corrupted mods. But Streamline isn't enough.

    So... yeah. Press 2 to win, or you'll have a bad time. Is it effective with the right weapons? Yeah. Is it extremely limited and boring? Also yes.

    So you don't like mag's playstyle, good for you. No reason to bash it into everyone else's head. The thing is, other than her 4, she really only needs a few minor tweaks on her abilities. While yes I do agree that her energy pool should be larger, that doesn't mean that she's completely useless. I almost always use her for sorties, and get through it with ease (and I don't use lanka with her). I think you are just stuck in the old mindset of how powerful her old 3 was, and due to it no longer clearing rooms, you think she's useless unless you use lanka and her 2. 

    Real talk: she's not useless. She just needs a few minor tweaks and a better 4 (it's pretty much as dated as her old 1 used to be, and I mean really old 1)


    and personal opinion, but frost is way more boring than mag, due to his immobility and slowness (presuming you play frost due to that being your profile pic)


  5. As someone who really likes mag, I focus on two abilities her magnetize and polerize. I have one build that works really well for my playstyle and haven't changed much from it. 

    I use polarize while bullet jumping or double jumping to regain shields and also gain overshields with the augment. Polarize will be the ability you will use the most in almost all cases.

    Magnetize you will put on heavier hitting targets such as heavy gunners in later levels or eximi, or on melee enemies if there is a fallen tenno. You can also use magnetize in choke points and then stand inside the bubble while shooting into it, allowing you to be completely safe from most or all projectiles (watch out for melee).

    I do occasionally use pull, but that is if I see a large group of enemies attacking a defense objective or if there are a large group close but not close enough to an already set up magnetize you are standing in for safety.

    Crush I use rarely, it's quite possibly her worst ability. Use it only for a source of cc and while protected such as in a magnetize bubble.

    As for build, I was planning on adding another forma so I could max redirection, but it's not that important, because you anyways will have over 2k shields a lot of the time.

    The build:


    As for focus, I use zenurik.

  6. I have seen quite a few good ideas for a crush rework, but yours is by far the closest to my personal idea, but better. (basically to have mag pull enemies above her and she can walk around slowly and she'd then throw them in a direction.)

    I do however like the current magnetize (of course a few changes wouldn't hurt such as making it apply an effect on the enemy that makes them more influenced by her other abilities). 

  7. I think with that phrase of how they will balance it, they mean that that the game itself will not be affected around how good your riven is. That way, you should still be able to do everything and all high end game things of current and future patches will not be based on how good your riven rolls are. Instead, they will monitor what riven combo is simply too strong or what can be done to equal out the power levels of the rivens for each weapon and compared to all other riven mods and how they buff up other weapons. Basically this is why they have the tier system of dispositions for rivens, and why they recently changed the aklex riven disposition from strong to neutral.

    If anything this riven system was only recently introduced, and other than for weaker weapons getting buffed by the strong disposition riven mods, the actual damage output is still enough for the higher end weapons to kill rooms with or without rivens.

    They have stated multiple times though, that they are trying to balance the game around "skill" and "tactics" instead of the amount of damage you can deal with your weapons. How this will turn out? No one knows. Will damage be a useless stat? Most likely not, it'll be probably an option now where you could with positioning etc. clear in similar ways with a 6 forma'd tonkor by putting in more effort for the kills.

    They are just implementing the system, building the support for future content so it has something to stand on. The base game already exists, but as everyone already knows, there are some glaring issues (end game, armor scaling, etc.). I believe they are trying to rework all systems into something more accessible and at the same time enjoyable and challenging for new and old players.

  8. Just now, rapt0rman said:

    Woah woah woah woah, no, don't replace point strike. increasing charge speed is great ant all, but if he's going to be dropping anything else, heavy cal really is the weakest link.

    I just tested the on paper dps and replacing point strike gave the most dps boost. However if he wants to keep it in instead of heavy cal it also works. That is why I also added the edit at the end.

  9. So I put your build into warframe-builder.com to test on paper dps and damage. If you replace point strike with any of the two fire rate mods, you will get a lot more damage on paper.

    with point strike

    - dps: 54k

    - damage in 1 shot: 54k


    with speed trigger (instead of point strike)

    - dps: 84k

    - damage in 1 shot: 38k


    with vile acceleration

    - dps: 103k

    - damage in 1 shot: 37k

    PS: if you replace heavy calliber with vile acceleration you will still have higher dps than before (88k)

  10. With the removal system you will be able to remove the cyst once it comes, if you want to go through the effort of infecting all your frames is your choice. It really wouldn't make a difference as it's purely cosmetic. Also, nidus will always be able to enter the room, so if they add the feature that infected (and even cured) frames will be able to enter, it really doesn't matter much. If you so badly want it cured the instant the feature comes, then do so on your most played warframes, and doing it with others just seems like a waste of time since the Likelihood of them getting infected is slim. Even if they do get infected you can always cure them later on.

    In general, if you really want to go through all the effort of a small "cosmetic" effect removal, then sure, do so.

  11. This sounds like a pretty interesting way of touching her up. I really like the idea of combos and having abilities interact with others in a tactical way. While the exact effects may be op in some cases (spam 3 for example), something along the lines of this would definitely make her 3 more viable as an offensive ability, not to the extent it used to be before, but that's why the crush change would make sense (since it would actually make it useful).

    I personally think mag needs a new ability for her 4th ability, however your suggestion I would be fine with if they went with it.

    I don't completely agree with what you said about mag not being good against infested. Her problem before the rework was that she had no way to keep them in control, and the amount of toxin damage meant that she would die quickly if exposed. Now though, her magnetize allows for better control over choke points, keeping enemies in one place (which makes her better against infested than before).

    (P.S. mag was my first frame as well and will usually be my first choice for missions)

  12. You may have noticed a zit of some sort on one of your warframes, once that purple blob on the neck has this hair standing out, you can go to the incubator and try and create a new kubrow. However, on the screen where you can use imprints, you can drain the cist to create your own infested kubrow.

  13. The room is definitely going to have more uses in the future. As of yet, it was more meant to be a small easter egg/tease, same with the helminth charger, which they have already stated they will edit a bit to work better once the people come back from their winter holidays.

  14. With a 0% status chance, there will be no procs of any kind from my understanding, just like 0% crit will result in no crits occurring.

    The reason why you do boost impact damage though is because each element and status damage will still deal damage, and each element and status type will also have their own effect. Impact will stagger, fire will cause a D.O.T., etc. However, each damage type (impact, radiation, etc.) will also deal more or less damage to each type of enemy. When it shows damage numbers it's the total combined damage that each damage type gave to that enemy. Each damage is calculated separately though, so the resistances can be calculated. So for example: 

    Corpus Crewman:

    60 Flesh (scaling added afterwards)

    - Flesh (the red health) will take from your build

    • 25% less damage from all impact damage sources
    • 50% more damage from all toxin damage sources
    • normal damage from all radiation damage sources

    150 Shield (scaling added afterwards)

    • 50% more damage from all impact damage sources
    • 25% less damage from all radiation damage sources


    This means from one shot of the staticor, each damage type will be calculated based off the resistances and the type of damage it is dealing. That taken into effect, each damage type has special properties, for example, toxin will bypass having to damage shields, and will thus damage health/armor instead directly.

    With this said, you want to buff the damage of all damage types. This current build is an all round build, that should work for all factions. So by buffing all the separate damage types, you can increase the total damage you will deal to all factions.

    Does this help?

  15. at a quick glance it seems decent. Everything there is pretty much decent and from what you said you would use it for, should do the job without a problem. It isn't anything special though from what I can see. It seems like an ok deal. If you just wanted a second opinion and need to buy it quickly, go ahead, otherwise I'd recommend waiting for someone to comment who knows himself out a bit more than I do on computers.

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