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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. I think the Warframe universe functions perfectly from a story point of view with the limited information we get in-game. A movie or TV series would need to expand on those, and this is where things may start to fall apart. Also, there are limited actual "characters" in Waframe e.g. Lotus, Ballas, Dax, Hunhow... but the protagonists themselves, the Tenno, are basically nameless and almost absent from the action.

    I think adapting Waframe into a movie or something is a recipe for mediocrity.

  2. Even starting Warframes can be great.

    Also, don't be too quick to judge them. You may not like the playing style of a waframe at first, but when you get enough experience with the game you realize what each of them is good for (what type of situation, mission etc.) There have been times when I abandoned playing one, only to come back after many months and have a great time with it - at least in certain missions.

    Another thing: don't get obsessed with getting a specific one, try to be open-minded about it. In a game that has lots of grinding, farming, random things, seasonal stuff try to build your arsenal as it naturally comes.

  3. I'd love to have a bird companion. Sentinels are kind of dull, you could have all sorts of exotic flying species as bird companions. They'd have to be birds of prey I suppose, unless you could command a flock of pigeons that would spray their "stuff" on unsuspecting enemies. Guano Skoom!

  4. Without thinking what would happen if such a measure was implemented, I'd rather think of what has happened to me so far in the game to justify it or not. In the thousands of missions I've played so far there have been only 2 or 3 cases where I wished such a kick option existed. One was during the Pacifism Defect event where a player in a random group wanted to extract at 5 minutes and after complaining, whining for another 15 or so, proceeded to swearing and threatening. That's the best example I can give. There have been another couple of times in Eidolon hunts where there was an obviously "malicious" afk at work.

    With those examples in mind, and their rarity, I have to say "no" to the kick option. I'd rather not risk the potential abuse when it seems (to me, at least) so rare a need for it.

  5. OK, now take a whole potato from the pantry, paint it blue and get a picture of your Skiajati next to it.

    Then try to squeeze them together. I'm curious to see what happens.🥔

  6. 53 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Don't forget Cousin Clem!:laugh:


    Came here to post that. You could have his mug appear on screen on every mission giving detailed information:

    Clem Clem Clem Clem!

    It's basically the same amount of repetitiveness as Lotus in the long run.


    In a more serious and wild-guess note, I think when the next story mission unfolds that we will get, at some point, be able to control Lotus herself through some form of transference, and "free" her.


    Though Clem would still keep her former job of guiding us through missions with his insights.

  7. When you think about it, all this game does with rare/valuable/useful items is rewarding some form of "loyalty". In the case of some mods, you have to farm them through bosses or challenges. In the case of building new prime frames or weapons, you have to farm relics and then resources (often rare ones or ... ahem ... those that disappear after a few days). In the case of items sold by Baro, you have to wait for him to appear every 2 weeks, remember to visit him then, and then pray he brings the stuff you need, pay the cost (which can be steep depending on your point of view). I don't see the loyalty in the form of daily logins as being more unfair than waiting for almost a year to get your hands on a Primed Ravage for example, and that's just a reasonable estimate for a player neither "casual" nor "veteran".

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