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Posts posted by rastaban75

  1. Heh... Dual Ether swords had been my #1 as most used melee item for a very long time... Not that these stats were correct, but I did use it a lot back in the earlier days.

    And honestly, I never complain about any daily reward, no matter how "boring" or useless to me it is. I say thank you to the computer screen and move on.

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  2. Banshee has one of the best passives in the game. She immediately turns into some sort of stealth frame with it, perhaps not on par with those that offer invisibility, but still very good. She's my choice when I play Corpus spy missions because she can also kill easily all security systems/cameras with her Quake which helps a lot in some data rooms.

    Her 2 and 3 are great skills, her 4 not so much in higher level areas.

    Yes, she is very weak defensively and can be killed rather easily. I would never take her into an Arbitration for that reason alone, even though that +300% buff can be tempting sometimes.

  3. I think as a good step for communicating that negative plat issue better would be for DE to send an e-mail to the player explaining the situation, and not having the player ask support to find out what happened. This can be automated, I suppose, with various set responses according to the specifics of the situation. Also advice can be added to that message as well.

    Here's some things to have in mind: Always check the profile of the player you are trading with, players with long hours in the game are less likely to be scammers. Also try to learn about item prices and what they are usually trading for; people who are eager to buy at whatever prices are suspicious. Always keep a reasonable plat balance on your account. Always wait for some time (a few weeks at least) to spend large amounts of plat that you obtained from any source outside of DE or DE's control.

    Although I have to say that six months is way too long (and scary).

  4. The time spent/reward relationship for the Wolf himself is abysmal. The best strategy is to trade for the parts in my opinion, if you really feel the need to acquire it.

    So many weeks in the event, near the end now, and the Wolf rarely appears and is a nightmare to fight if on that specific mission he spawned you took weapons to level up. So far I got two different parts, traded for the other two, made the sledge, maxed it quickly and forgot about it even more quickly.

  5. I find the game much more enjoyable when I have limited interaction with the community. I find that going to the forums too much or watching too many "meta" commentaries on youtube not very helpful to my personal enjoyment. Whenever possible, I will seek information in the driest way possible (i.e. wiki searches). There are times when personal views and biases, which everyone has, become too much and seem more like a barrier than help, and given that most of the comments focus inevitably on the negatives/problems it sometimes feels like I'm facing a wall of negativity, despite the fact that many of the negative comments have a core of being constructive, or at the very least, some good intentions. I believe this sense of "whining" comes from this.

    Notice I'm talking about limited interaction, not complete lack of it. I think it's up to the player to find a good balance of playing the game and seeking comments about it. I have taken youtube videos out of my daily diet of Warframe mainly because I don't want views from people who have skewed perspectives due to the resources and time they have available for this game; I don't really want the "meta", I'll have the regular experience first, thank you very much.

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  6. I'd support a change of having a "downgrading" recipe of mutagen mass to samples. It's not just Hema research, it's the rarity of this resource that is absurd in the first place, while the equivalent "rare" resources from Grineer and Corpus are not hard at all to come by (in fact, it would make sense on every single mission where infested are spawned that mutagen samples would be the resource they drop and not detonite/fieldron depending on the planet).

    Hema I just don't care about researching, I dished out the plat almost immediately after the release after seeing the requirements. By my calculations, my solo clan will have it researched by January 1, 2035.

    As for the people who worked hard to get this research done... I don't know if this a reasonable argument for keeping Hema behind such a research wall. The game is technically still in beta, and whether this is enough as an argument to have such a thing changed is up for discussion. But since the beta state is often thrown around to keep everything in this game "subject to change" I don't see why not.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thando said:

    I want the (very few) helmets that I don't have as well as any (weapon) skin being offered. 

    Not even that is possible with the amount of crews I've been getting. 

    You can get them at the next episode of Nightwave, I don't really see a problem here.

    If an episode lasts about ten weeks I don't think it is unreasonable to wait for some of the cosmetic stuff. Even people that have all these through the old alert system spent a lot of time getting them - maybe even a year, which corresponds to roughly 5 Nightwave episodes.

    (And that is under the assumption that it is worth getting those cosmetics in the first place, and that varies from player to player)


  8. Does anyone have a link to an up-to-date complete list of all items, warframes, companions etc. that contribute to MR? I'm trying to figure out which items I'm missing that are not listed in the personal "Show Stats" pages and I don't really have something I can compare my items against. I check the wiki often but the page related to that topic is not really updated and I find it somewhat counter-productive to check links to each category.

  9. I have mixed feelings about Nightwave. It is some sort of motivation to do some things I wouldn't normally do (getting out of a "comfort zone", so to speak) but at the same time I have done those things before, practically all of them. Repetition, and grinding, does not feel that great when what you repeat isn't to your liking in the first place. Or if there is excessive repetition.

    It's like when Nora says "When you've seen it all. Done it all..." ...yes, then you have to do it again and again.

    I'm in the for the rewards, plain and simple. With my current pace I should reach level 30 (probably around 35 by the end of it, assuming 10 weeks duration) and then I will re-assess the situation and see if I feel like doing it in the long run for more. I even thought of doing the exactly opposite for the next Nightwave series and completely ignore the objectives and do only those I'd normally do and see how much overall standing I'd get (not much, I suppose). I haven't decided yet.


  10. I've mentioned some of these in the announcement topic, but I'll do it here as well since it's for feedback purposes:

    * Ayatan treasures: I don't understand the purpose of this challenge and what it's supposed to show from a gameplay perspective. Assuming you have no sculptures left, you need to do the most efficient mission for them i.e. Arbitrations (which are locked for thepeople who haven't cleared the star chart), spend quite some time in there to get 5 of them and then spend several stars to fill them, assuming you have amber ones where applicable. I really don't see the point here. I am a hoarder of Ayatans so I didn't have any problem completing the challenge, but is this really a challenge? Fill some treasures which by all means and before Nightwave, you had a motivation to convert to endo as soon as possible?

    * Forcing "friendships" and clan memberships is pointless. I don't have in-game friends or other clan members. Now I'm forced to create fake "friendships" in order to complete a challenge i.e. send a friend request to someone who is not a friend of mine and then do a mission with someone who is not a friend of mine. Or, you know, I could complete a mission with some random people (who are also not friends of mine) - so what's the real difference? I get the impression of DE telling players "this is how we want you to play the game" for no reason of substance.

    * Sanctuary Onslaught: Please, do make the challenge requirement coincide with the rotation reward. You could ask for 4 or 6 or 8 waves (the latter being "elite weekly") so that players are motivated to get the SO rewards as well. With 3 waves, people that want to play the actual mission are punished with getting random players whose only interest is getting the Nightwave challenge done. Also, 3 waves is pretty easy anyway.

    * 10 Syndicate missions: I do those missions relatively often, but the challenge adds a factor of rushing that should not be there. What this challenge does is getting people who want to rush through them potentially play with others that want to patiently look for syndicate medallions. These are contradicting goals.

    * 8 Plains of Eidolon bounties: way too grindy for no real reason. The motivation to actually do those missions for the challenge means that any reasonable player will choose the Tier 1 Konzu bounties which are very easy and very unrewarding. This seems like a case where (frankly obsolete) content is being forced into the player base. This is a symptom of the whole system of course, where players will seek the path of least resistance (or least time) to complete something. For example, 3 assassinations for me meant rushing 3 times solo on the poor Sarge while planting 3 shots on his head and then moving on. This doesn't seem to me like an idea the coincides with "fun"

    * One-hour long challenges. OK, I just need to remember to unplug the phone on these. I guess.

    In a more general sense, the new system rubs me in the wrong kind of way in many respects. If I want to pin this down I'd say that it bothers the obsessive-compulsive part in me and thus pushes me to do things that I don't really find fun for the sake of completion. Or just things that I have already repeated so many times in this game that I don't feel like doing anymore. I have to go out of my way too many times to complete these challenges, they are not a part of a usual cycle of gameplay. I've noticed I played more Warframe in the last week, which is not a bad thing by itself, but it's mostly a sort of repetition that's doesn't feel right. The time-limitation imposed by these 10-weeks or so that this event will last goes against the logic of the vast bulk of the rest of the game which can be enjoyed at my leisure. Sure, I know I don't have to do all of it (people claim around ~60% is enough) but the very fact that a limitation exists is creating a pressure which I find unnecessary.

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  11. If you find the urge of buying plat uncontrollable, I think it's a good idea to make some plat in-game through trades so you can at least make some purchases without spending money (and not to mention, without grinding). I know that not all items are purchasable with plat (Prime Pack exclusives are not available for example) but trade plat helps a lot.

  12. I play in PUGs usually and what you describe as "toxic" is very rare in my experience. There is some disappointment sometimes, mostly in spy missions. For example if I see someone saying "dude" when another player triggers an alarm I won't call it toxic by any means, but rather an expected reaction - from some people. I tend to stay silent in cases like that, and plenty of other players too. We just do our part. The vast majority of the players won't escalate anything on the chat.

    Having said that, I think it's a courtesy not to spend too much time on the setup for the next part of the mission. It's a good idea to check all three missions before starting, see the special requirements and conditions that apply and prepare accordingly. If you want to use (for example) an Inaros in the second mission with a melee weapon only, prepare the setup before starting and don't have others waiting while you mod your frame and weapons. Switching frames and weapons is perfectly acceptable of course.

  13. I was recording some of my grind in another game, many years ago (Diablo 2 to be precise). It's oddly satisfying in a way, provided you are into numbers/stats and you have an easy way of recording whatever stats you want to.

    These days I'm kind of lazy (or normal, depending on your point of view). The only thing I keep track of is the daily login rewards since I reached 1000 days; I'm around 1025 at the moment so not many "observations" so far. I don't know if I have a purpose with those, but maybe they'll prove useful one day, to me or someone else. For example, many people complain about the rarity of 75% plat discount and I may be able to give some hard stats for that.

  14. Strategy aside, which is not really the point here, the first part of the complaint I get and agree with: Archgun deployment simply does not work in many cases. Perhaps it has something to do with host stability, ping or the general chaos that's going on in the area in that particular moment. Selecting it often takes several attempts, and I've had cases of runs where it didn't work at all (and yes, in plenty of cases it worked on the first attempt too). In general, this is not really acceptable.

    The second part, about the speed of deployment: I'm not a fan of it either but at least it serves a purpose i.e. the idea that a "special" weapon takes time to land in the hands of the Warframe.

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