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Posts posted by Briareos

  1. Are you for real? This alert was ridiculously hard?

    People don't complain about how Interceptions shoehorn you into whateverfloatsyourboat. They complain about how a broken scaling leaves you with no other choice than basically stop playing the game and press one button with a few frames forever because if you don't you get OHK'd. Nothing to do with the mission type. We are complaining about THIS alert. YOU are the one trying to make a generalization for a reason I can't quite figure out. People are just worried that this might become another trend that they never asked for, that's all.

    This alert was not "brutally hard". It was "brutally cheap". That's the point MANY try to convey. And yet, you fail to see it.

    I'm done trying to explain the obvious anyway. At least many saw it and understand what the issue was for me and for them.


    If you'd kept reading the thread, you'd have seen where I agreed that scaling is borked. Happy to help!

  2. That's so wrong. A lot of people, including yours truly (wink wink), complain about scaling all the time. It's the real issue brought to light by this alert and it's ridiculous.


    I'm not actually saying the alert was bad in itself*, I'm saying the alert was bad because it dealt with WF's horrible level mechanics, past beyond the point where any semblance of balance disappears.


    *someone may, but I'm pretty sure the general argument in the thread has moved on from that now.


    Ohhhhh. OK, I'm with you there. Scaling does get nutso, agreed.

  3. You do realize you're just giving more ammo to throw at you right? They basically all describe the EXACT SAME STRATEGY. Except with different frames.

    How can you not see this? It's the same damn thing EVERY SINGLE TIME: neutralize the enemy through hard CC and damage mitigation before they OHK you.


    That's ONE strategy. Not two, or three, or dozens. Do you know what the word "strategy" even means?^^'

    Just because you used frame A, B or C to CC, and frame D, E or F to kill enemies doesn't mean it's a different strategy, it still is the SAME one. That's the point of the thread. Point you either miss on purpose for some reason I can't quite figure out (fanboyism? I don't think so, but I don't see what else it could be...), or maybe you're just flamebaiting. Or trolling?^^'


    The CC part is not at fault here, the stupidely broken scaling is. How can you fix what revolves around a core, without fixing said core first? It's not about making EVERY strategy equally viable. It's about making more than ONE viable.


    Oh and also to make it fun, if that still matters to people.^^'


    I think the real irony here is that the Escalation part of the event was bolted on after people said, "Oh, this event is too easy! Give us a harder one!" Then DE gives a ridiculously hard mission and they get people complaining about that instead.


    Let me ask you this: How was this event any different from any other Interception mission with high-level enemies? If the answer is, "It's not" then you've got no ground to stand on with me because I haven't seen a single solitary complaint ever about how Interception missions shoehorn you into a "single strategy."


    I'm not trolling or being a fanboy. That's been my point the whole time: It's just a brutally hard Interception mission but nobody complains about Interception. Yet, here we are on page 17 of a megathread about how this event is so bad and wrong.


    The event's over so it's a moot point now. FWIW, I had fun figuring out what I had to do, coming up with a plan, and then executing it. I wouldn't want to do it all the time, but it was a nice change of pace for some fancy cosmetics.

  4. Easily you say?? how many ppl can afford multiple runs against high lvl enemies each time burning through 200 restores, small and medium restores will cost you 100k per run, even if they can afford it how long will they be able to keep it up, they will earn less than they spend and thats credits only.


    Pretty sure you totally misunderstood what I was saying, but thanks for proving my point: You want everyone to have an equal difficulty in completing the mission. A Saryn should have just as easy a time finishing it as an Irradiating Disarm Loki. Because if the Saryn has to bring a big pile of restores to do it because Saryn's not as good at CC as Loki, then that's a bad thing, is that what you're saying?


    I'm looking forward to your post that it's also unfair that Nyx can't go toe-to-toe with a Heavy Gunner like Iron Skin Rhino. I mean, sure, Nyx could bring a big pile of health and shield restores to do it, but that's unfair in the exact same way, isn't it?


    What can stop vauban, limbo and banshee?? only enemies immune to powers, which consist of bosses and stalker types. Not even nullifiers are immune once their bubble dies.

    Thats how few enemies can actually provide any challenge for these frames.


    Anything with an AoE attack. Enjoy your energy leech, blitz, and arson eximus. Though with the possible exception of Limbo I guess, though I couldn't say for sure because I don't have him yet so I don't know how the whole rift thing works.

  5. I can believe that someone completed it with saryn, but at what cost, 100 small energy restores, 100 medium and some large?? Can it ever be used as valid tactic if it requires so immense cost when there are setups who do it for no cost at all.


    So your complaint is that every setup should have an equal difficulty in accomplishing the mission? Sorry, I disagree most strongly. The fact of the matter is, certain frames are better at some things than others. Some frames can do things other frames can't do.


    The complaint here seemed to start out as, "OMG you need these particular things to be successful" and when people pointed out that that wasn't the case, the complaint turned into, "OMG you need these particular things to be easily successful."


    Again, nobody complains that CC-based frames aren't the best for things like Survival, so I don't see why having a tactical alert that favors CC-based frames is a bad thing.

  6. I went through that, only comp that wasnt complete cheese was 

    Rep Farm/Damage Comp

    • rep farm Trinity
    • support frame
    • kill frame
    • kill frame

    But that still involved excaliburs for both dmg and cc or ash + volt to save your ! if you screw up also with ashes being easy ress.



    The Scrub Carry Comp (I Put Da Team On Mah Back)

    • irradiated disarm Loki (max range, max efficiency, Irradiated Disarm augment)
    • scrub
    • scrub
    • scrub

    Does any argument is still needed...


    The latest post in that thread says they did it with a Banshee using Sound Quake, a Nyx using Chaos, a Loki running around being invisible and disarming, and a Rhino. How is that cheese, exactly? You could run the exact same squad in any defense mission on the starchart and people would just nod because it's basic defense strategy.


    Someone else said they soloed it with Saryn and a rank 0 Scindo. Cheesy? Sounds more like ballsy to me.


    Here's some more squads I pulled at random from the thread:


    3 Vaubans and a Trinity.


    Hydroid, Saryn, Ash, and Limbo.


    Limbo, Mirage, Trinity, and Excalibur.


    Loki, Nova, Trinity, and Nyx.


    Sorry, not seeing the cheese at all. The fact of the matter is, there are few if any missions that can be done with any frame doing whatever it wants. Nobody complains that we're being railroaded by DE because CC is a lousy strategy for Survival.

  7. Also, I should point out that I did the first two alert missions (for the stance and Stratos upgrade) just straight-up killing my way through it. Level 80 enemies? Did OP write this when the mission was still bugged?


    No fancy tricks, just some good old-fashioned alpha space ninja murdertimes. So I call BS on the whole "you NEED an X, a Y, and a Z frame" stuff. It was only the Escalation mission that really needed a tweaked loadout.

  8. Tell me these dozens of different strategies. Please. Humour me.

    People have been saying you can do it with any frame that has either hard CC or complete damage mitigation. Or in a team that has them. Apparently 8 or 9 frames have the abilities that can do that effectively. So less than half the "roster".


    The ACTUAL amount of strategies equals to ONE. NEUTRALIZE the enemy completely. There are only TWO ways to do that with this scaling ; complete damage mitigation, or hard CC. Okay maybe three, obviously kill everything before it can shoot you even once, though it's a bit complicated. So many options indeed, I'm lost!


    Sure, one could say it's always that : kill them before they kill you. But the HOW is very limited here.

    "Dozens" of strategies my sweet patootie.


    Sure thing. Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2xepq3/megathread_the_phoenix_intercept_strategy/ It's up to 161 comments as of this post. I'm not going to list them all.


    But seriously, you want to use any strategy to finish the mission? That sounds incredibly boring to me. I enjoyed the challenge of coming up with a build that worked and a strategy to deploy it. If you want to do anything you want inside of a mission without serious threat of failing it, I hear Mercury has a nice selection to choose from.

  9. I've seen dozens of strategies for completing this, each from someone who swears that's the only way to finish it. "You need these four frames for these exact roles or you just can't do it!" I was part of a PUG last night that did it with three Irradiating Disarm Lokis and a Limbo. If that vast array of successful strategies doesn't disprove OPs point, I don't know what does.

  10. After several PUGs which all fell over and died in the first five minutes, I finally did it last night with 3 Irradiating Disarm Lokis running around capping and doing mega-CC and a Limbo for revives and dropping Cataclysm on D. For a PUG without voice comms, we were surprisingly coordinated. There were a couple of moments where everything fell apart and the Grineer capped everything back, but for the most part we kept at least 3 of the 4 points blue at all times. A friend of mine thinks this alert was the most tedious thing ever but I had a blast. :D

  11. I like how you fix says you can short circuit the feel-bad part of the kubrow's drawback by paying the same drawback as the people who left their kubrow out.


    It's actually paying FOUR TIMES the "drawback", since the DNA damage is only -10% per day and my method would use an entire DNA Stabilizer with gives +40% DNA. It's still a penalty but it's a lot more reasonable than 10 plat.

  12. The 3-hour cooldown after you take your Kubrow out of stasis really makes it hard to switch from one type to another when you're playing. If I have my Sahasa out and a Spy alert pops up, I can't just switch to my Huras because I have to wait 3 hours before the Huras can be used unless I want to spend ten plat to rush it.


    Simply put, ten plat for this is highway robbery. I understand that you can rush building things for a plat cost, but then once you have it you can use it as much as you want. That's a one-time plat cost for the life of the weapon or frame. With Kubrow, that's ten plat every time you want to rush it. We're not making an entire Kubrow every time we take it out of stasis. We've already made it (sometimes spending plat to do it!), named it, colored it, modded it. It's ours, but it's behind a timegate that we have to pay plat to get through early. It feels like someone just looked at the cooldown and said, "Oh, rushing things costs plat, so boom" but it's unfair to players because we already own the thing. We're having to spend plat just to use it when we want to.


    I understand why the cooldown is there. If the cooldown wasn't there, people could just put their Kubrow in stasis, wait for the daily server time reset to go past so they didn't take Genetic Stability damage, then pull them back out so they wouldn't have to spend DNA Stabilizers.


    So here's how you fix that: Instead of costing ten plat to rush the stasis cooldown, just make it cost one DNA Stabilizer. If the whole point of the cooldown is to make sure the Kubrow will take -10% Genetic Stability every day, and the point of Genetic Stability is to force the use of DNA Stabilizers, just make the rush job cost a Stabilizer.


    Using one in this way would not count towards healing any pre-existing DNA damage, so it's still a penalty to the player since they'll be missing out on the +40% Genetic Stability that a Stabilizer normally gives, but it makes switching Kubrows much easier and more affordable for the vast majority of people without disposable plat.


    Alternate suggestion: Make switching from one Kubrow to another take zero time but keep the 3-hour cooldown for going from no-Kubrows-out to get-a-Kubrow. That way there'll still be a Kubrow active to take the Genetic Damage when the time comes but you've still got a cooldown in place for defrosting.

  13. The stasis cooldown is the biggest thing holding back Kubrows, IMO. They're all useful in different situations, but who wants to wait 3 hours before you can play the mission you want to play? Alerts don't last 3 hours.


    I have Raksa, Huras, and Sahasa Kubrows and I use Sahasa almost exclusively. I'll bring along Carrier if I'm farming for resources to make sure I don't miss any drops or running Survivals so it's a little easier to grab life supports, but my Sahasa hits like a truck and gives me free credits and drops. Who doesn't love free stuff?


    I'd use my Raksa and Huras too if I didn't have to wait 3 hours or spend TEN PLAT to rush it. Ten plat? REALLY?

  14. Please, send your "EE.log" from immediately after the incident to: http://support.warframe.com

    Make sure to also reference this thread in your support ticket.

    EE.logs can be found in /%localappdata%/Warframe on your PC

    (Please note: the EE.log will not help us restore lost items, but it will help us identify issues with Warframe.)


    I had the exact same bug hit me. I've had to stop all dojo pigment research until it's fixed. EE.log and screenshot sent, support ticket 305863.

  15. For demonstration purposes, I have used a couple garish colours to highlight the different custom regions. The energy colour and primary colour have no effects visually, although the energy colour will be prominent when channeling.


    The regions which are not pink/purple/yellow will not change colour with any of the options.




    Awesome, thanks a lot!

  16. 90% of the time I do my syndicate missions solo, because I like looking for the medallions and I'm tired of speedrunners blazing through the level and extracting. I'll team up with friends if they're available, but otherwise I solo them. I've found all kinds of hidden areas I never knew existed, it's a lot of fun. I have found a few rare medallions, but they're called rare for a reason. ;)

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