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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Hello DigitalExtremes-Team, hello WF-Community,

    I'm writing to you in regards to Kubrow breeding and the faultiness of said procedure.
    My clan and myself included have been experimenting with Kubrow breeding and the traits that are passed down through the imprints.
    I can only speak for myself, but I have bred the same Kubrow over ten times, with the reassured knowledge that height and gender are random, in order to have the largest height as a result. Thinking the above, I was surprised that the bred Kubrow was >always< the exact same as their parent.
    So I am asking you, is the RNG-System faulty? Is the chance of a different height so very slim? And if yes, what are the percentages?
    It is very frustrating to invest into that part of the game, when there is no success in sight.

    Looking forward to your help,


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