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Everything posted by Alad_Vs_little_Pogchamp

  1. same for me - unknown error. crafting everything else works perfectly fine.
  2. smells like server issues to me. stuck in launcher with "network not responding". also it happened right as I finished a netracell mission. I bet I lost my reward.
  3. DAY ONE: PORTAL [i am obsessed with this spot in the plains; it always reminded me of a portal.] DAY TWO: FANGS [who else would be better than this than my trusted valkyr?] DAY THREE: DECADE [10 whole years <3 i went with mag for this one because not only was she my starter frame almost 8 years ago but she also was among the first prime frames.] DAY FOUR: CRYSTAL [citrine was the obvious choice here <3] DAY FIVE: BEETLE [this chroma skin instantly reminded my of a beetle] DAY SIX: THROWBACK [i have decided on this scene because it was one of my first captura scenes and i was obsessed with it for a long long time.] DAY SEVEN: KNIVES [i didn't want to use kullervo for this so i had to come up with something else and decided on titania and throwing knives <3] DAY EIGHT: WHISPER [it's xaku time!!] DAY NINE: MAN IN THE WALL ["hey kiddo" - my kiddo always reminds me off the harrow quest <3] DAY TEN: OROWYRM [i was fighting for my life when i took this picture - it's not captura, but virtual photography and i really liked it] DAY ELEVEN: INSPIRE [i love the commander pose and wanted to do something with banshee so i cooked up this one] DAY TWELVE: SOLIDARITY [yareli's story inspired me a lot and when i saw the prompt for this day i chose her] DAY THIRTEEN: COURAGE [i wanted to shoot a pic in this captura scene for a while but i didn't know what until this prompt came up <3] DAY FOURTEEN: RALLY [i couldn't think of a better motive tbh] DAY FIFTEEN: UPLIFT ["we all lift together" - fortuna was the perfect scene for this. I went with harrow here because I love him <3] DAY SIXTEEN: FAMILY [sometimes a family is a support warframe, a drifter and their lucky kitty] DAY SEVENTEEN: DEDICATION [there's not really a reason behind this pic - i just read the prompt and i was like BOWS???]
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