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Posts posted by Don_Revulous

  1. So, I went to go start farming out the Kuva Ayanga, and noticed a bug on the third run. Every time I down the Larving, it doubles the Kuva I receive. First it was the standard 100, then the next run gave me 200 (that's when I got curious if I had a booster, which I don't), and on the 3rd run it gave me 400 kuva. I'm going to stop farming for the Ayanga until this is fixed though, as to not abuse this. Hopefully it gets fixed fast though!!

    PS: I would add a screenshot of this, but I've no idea how to on this forum tbqh.


  2. I keep trying to do the Mastery Rank 10 level, however every time I spawn in, the area is covered in a thick fog, and there's nothing I can do about it. It remains persistent even when I jump onto the disappearing tiles. 

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