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Posts posted by zerbsama

  1. Coils are still broken, tried many bonties to get through with the nightwave thingy ... everytime coil drive bounty is triggered we had to abandon the mission. Fun Fact, even stuck it's possible to hack the coil... The counter is also triggered, but it doesn't count for the bounty. If the timer finally reaches 0:00 nothing else happens... Please fix this or deactivate this bounty-type until it's fixed. 

  2. -.- why ... I mean, I understand the concept of this saving time. but this is the only game that takes this real-world concept into consideration for the game time. / server time... 

    but, anyhow, thx for the input, now I know I have to blame the Canadian government for this missing opportunity. (also this is proof, the Nef is part of the Canadian Government.)

    • Like 1
  3. Why exactly is Baro gone already? He was supposed to stay for this hour... several Tenno are spawning now on the Relay but "trader will depart in -20 minutes".... 

    As far as I can remember he always left on the same time. I don't get why it was changed, or why it was changed without a notification ingame... So please, bring us Baro back.

  4. Hi there, 

    It seems like a "cosmetic" thing, but for unknown reasons, two basic version Helmets are not listed in the Inventory after the Warframe was acquired. That's said they are there, available in the Arsenal / Appearance menu, useable... But simply missing in the List in the Inventory. 

    Affected is "Baruuk Helmet" and "Limbo Prime Helmet"

    Since I'm not a dev and I can't assume what could be in the background affected I just want this to be known.


    Limbo Prime - Missing his HelmetpS6mUqO.jpgin the Arsenal everything is fine...



    Baruuk, Frame is there, and 1 Meroe Helmet and since the other Objects feature "Baruuk" in the Description they are shown as well, but his "Baruuk Helmet" is not there.


    in the Aresenal, the Helmet is clearly there...



    and a Loki Prime as Example of how it should look like 🙂 1 Frame + 1 Helmet


  5. I got into the same situation 4 times today alone. Only dying or getting bumped around by the ancient tentacles seems to help. Once I got stuck during a bullet jump, ending in being able ONLY to move in the direction of the jump.. nothing else. Similar behavior. 

    Sidenote. In most (but not all) occurrences the Head is not affected, so you can "look around while standing in the room... while bleeding out"... BUT if someone is reviving you during bleed out (since they see you on the floor) you'll get stuck again in the stance you had before... 

    Quite a pain in this godly shaped A**...


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