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  1. Movember collaboration idea with Prolific Games who makes Flapjacks and Sasquatches. A close friend and clanmate suggested that Warframe with mustaches would make great additions to a great party game we love: https://prolificgames.net/products/flapjacks-and-sasquatches I foresee axe weapon variants, loid or ordis as apprentices, special trees, konzu early lunch cards… It may be worth the effort to check with them on making some Warframe cards, like Magic the Gathering editions are ongoing…
  2. For Warframe abilities with a rotating list, such as for Wisp, Xaxku or Vauban, may we choose our default option, like our color of Equinox choosing night or day form? Maybe put these selections in the abilities screen to promote people to see this artistic showcase of the Warframe and navigate these screens for further understanding the ability definitions. You would also be able to track what people choose and if you impact the abilities, how many people change with that and how fast. This would allow us to get playing each mission faster. Thanks.
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