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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 5 hours ago, ominumi said:

    Make it so we can't slot them in Kuva/Tenet weapons as well. 

    I'm kinda ambivalent about this. On one hand, I understand why you would suggest that. On the other, I feel having these on the Kuva/Tenet weapons shouldn't be much of a problem? Their elements already combining with other mods anyway. So, maybe?

  2. 52 minutes ago, kerozen666 said:

    I invite you to do make a steel path viable build without those, especially without primed ravage or target chracker. a new player can reach sp witthin a month, and then they have to wait for that ewxtra base power that SP was BALANCED AROUND. 

    no one wants to wait for months for something they should have naurally been able to obtain to begin with

    Steel path is not supposed to be for new players...

    Why do people keep using Steel Path as the baseline for everything?

    • Like 5
  3. Personally, I would have the limitation of these mods be that you can only equip one of them at a time.

    For example, if you equip the heat "purity" mod on your Skana, you cannot equip the cold version on that same skana. Kinda akin to how we can't equip Point Strike and Critical Delay at the same time.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    It'd be pretty neat if that's how it worked, but sadly for us programmers it isn't. There are lots of reasons DE would never (and should never) consider doing such a thing.

    Yeah, I guess not.


    2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    To be honest, I think DE's excuse for not adding a proper toggle for Gara was simply that: an excuse. "Things might break" can be said about quite literally anything. Plus, we have plenty of toggles already. DE adds new toggles all the time. We just recently got a toggle for the new auto-semi-auto feature. If "adding a toggle adds significantly more complexity to the code and significantly more chances for things to break than just not having the effect at all" well then why do they keep adding toggles for other things? I think they just didn't want to devote the effort into a one-off toggle just for Gara. Which is totally understandable! It wouldn't have been worth their time.

    Let's not assume malice for this. Maybe it was a unique case that just got more complicated than it should be thanks to the numerous stuff getting in the way. Or it was the case that no longer became a problem. Who knows.


    3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    But they could have approached it as a new generic system which would have benefited many, many frames and given DE a new type of cosmetic to make and sell. If we could equip different VFX in a dedicated slot we could equip, for example, default vs Prime appearances. Glass vs no glass Gara. Different Iron Skin effects. Special Deluxe skin VFX like Nova Asuri's special arm VFX. Etc. That would definitely have been worth their time! It'd still be worth their time now.

    Similarly, they could approach a toggle for Jade as a generic system. Maybe instead of calling it a toggle it'd be better to call it a filter? They could have filters for various triggers and phobias, filters for silly cosmetics, filters for gory skins, etc. Yeah it'll add some complexity. So will Gemini skins. So will 1999. So did Railjack. So did the auto-semi-auto feature. Some complexity is worth it.

    Not sure DE will advertise it as a filter, but as an extra cosmetic sounds more likely.


    3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    And if they still don't want to add a filter despite all the good it would do, they could at least add an alternate skin. Being able to filter your own Jade by picking a different skin would get us 90% of the way there, and they make new skins all the time. It's an established system that would require zero new complexity, no new UI, no nothing.

    So in essence, the deluxe skin. Sounds like the easiest solution. Though that also means waiting for 9 months or even 3 years.

    • Like 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    Or for an even simpler explanation, we already have something like this in the Reduce Ally VFX setting. It already locally adjusts your allies' VFX to be toned down. If the game can locally adjust one thing it can locally adjust another thing.

    Okay, you know what you're talking about at least. I'm not a programmer, so I can't exactly comment much on that code you just posted.

    As a slight off-topic question, where do you live? If you feel this strongly about this situation, why not offer to do the job for DE? You know what they say: you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.

    I don't mean this as an insult. You can try to offer your help as a limited time contract or something. You get what you want, DE won't need to spend their limited man-hour on this, everybody wins. Plus, you may get some extra money with this, depending on the deal you can get.


    20 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    Yes, we should have gotten a toggle for Gara too. Or more specifically, ability VFX should have been made an equippable item. It'd have supported so many things. Just like how a client-side toggle system would support so many other things, like a silly cosmetics toggle or a hide spiders toggle or any number of nice things we could have.

    Keyword here is 'should'. The fact that we said that means the reality is not like that. Obviously, there's something on Warframe's criss-crossing code that prevent it from becoming feasible. It's not what people wanted, and from DE's response back then, they wanted to add a toggle too. But the reality is what we have here.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't know if it's ever mentioned in this thread, but I'm curious why people think it would be easy for DE to make a toggle for Jade. Those of you who already spent quite some time with this game should already know the infamous state of spaghetti code that made Warframe. We can't exactly know if it would be easy or not.

    And, do I need to remind you people of Gara's glass armor toggle demand? Have you forgotten what happened with it? By first glance, Gara's glass toggle should've been even easier to implement than Jade, yet look where we are now.


    The most feasible solution would be asking for some kind of Deluxe skin for Jade. Just keep in mind of the "schedule" for Deluxe skin, and set your expectations accordingly.

    • Like 4
  7. Personally, I would be down with it. More options is never a bad thing. Plus, having a tactical/military theme cosmetics could work well with the upcoming sniper frame. Maybe DE would add some then.

    Failing that, you could always submit a Tennogen. Can we actually submit armor parts, though? I haven't really kept track of what's permitted.

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Allow max leveling of arcanes in one click - Currently have to level one at a time even if you have enough to go directly to a higher level, and can only see the number needed for the next level, not how high you can currently go. Allow one click to highest possible level (and show highest instead of just next). Players currently have to memorize arcanes needed for each level, as well as watch manually for max 3 vs max 5.

    I thought it's already like that? You just need to click on the appropriate level if you have enough.


    50 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Show arcane levels in shops - Currently shows raw arcane number without regard to level. Lvl 1 shows as one, lvl 3 shows as one, lvl 5 shows as one. This requires frequent window changes (shop to arcane window and back) or an external spreadsheet to be able to tell what you have and what you need to buy. Also option for "buy enough to max level" would also be good, as well as allowing leveling within shop window.

    Definitely would be helpful. Going back and forth to the relevant shop and Arsenal/inventory screen is just busywork.


    53 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Equip one arcane at all time and show - Currently, if you have multiples of a particular level arcane, there is no way to tell which is already in use, so it is possible to have different identical arcanes on different items. Arcanes also lack any indication of equip status in trading, meaning you can only tell you tried to trade an equipped arcane AFTER clicking on it and getting a warning popup (removal requires accepting then canceling, leading to back and forth across several screens and buyer confusion). This also means in general you have to go into the upgrade screen every time you change anything to ensure the arcane you think is equipped has not been removed by accident during a sale. Should work as mods do.

    Never actually traded maxed mods, so I don't know about that notification on trading mods. Either way, this should be helpful.


    56 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Arcanes as a separate trade category - Currently, arcanes are mixed in with "items" in the trading window and cannot be easily sorted as a result (see the recently added sorting options in the equip and arcane screens).

    I guess there's the argument that with the number of arcanes we already have, it might as well be an equivalent of mods, which already have a separate trade window.


    58 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Arcanes search/sort by source - Currently, arcanes cannot be easily sorted or searched by source. This makes determining which activities to participate in difficult.

    Part of me want to say that no other items (tradeable or not) in this game have this kind of categorization, but the existence of Arcane pack from Fosfor create a weird situation, so maybe this is possible?

  9. 9 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    I didn't think it'd take them this long though. Oh well. Better late than never.

    I don't know if I just have low standard or just too patient, but didn't akvasto prime and vasto prime have a two year time-gap between their release? So I didn't get that surprised it took so long.

  10. Personally, it would be faster for me to mention those in my arsenal that I helminth-ed. But in the spirit of the thread, I'll try to list it. Most of them work well so I don't see a reason to replace anything














    It's kinda hard for me to include Styanax and Hydroid. They are in my arsenal, but I practically never use them.


    As for your secondary question, none of the frames in your list I helminth-ed by virtue of most of them not being in my arsenal.

  11. 2 hours ago, Famecans said:

    Market liquidity is the speed of buying and selling in the market in general, this market is supplied by different types of offers, some of these offers have no sales value and also no conversion value, but most of the time they have some value. The situation you mention above is related to the current market as it is extremely limited in terms of settlement, causing buyers and sellers to speculate on the value in order to profit from fewer transactions.

    Most items (including fragmented items) have market value, common mods like [Vitality] can be converted into endo or transmuted to obtain new mods, but realize that these mods cannot be sold (they do not have market liquidity) because the The market is chained to stationary rules(30 trades daily; 6x volume itens; no automated trade; no auction inventory...), it is not possible to buy volume of [Vitality] mods to compete with Ayatan endo this rules refuze factors of liquidity.

    Okay, thank you. This helps a bit on my understanding of what you want to see happen with the implementation of the auction house.


    2 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

    I'll save you a potential headache. Don't bother asking. The person you quoted has little to no idea, and as you can already tell from their response, has poor communication skills. You will not get a coherent response. 

    Funny enough, his response actually help me understand his desire and goals. Well, I already have suspicions before I asked, but his response truly help confirms it.

    Basically, a "market crash" is precisely what he wanted. Where the "junk" won't even enter the market or even consideration, and the only stuff circulating are the ones that have "value". A place where full-time traders are the ones in control.

  12. On 2023-12-13 at 9:32 PM, Famecans said:

    Exactly, I want to see liquidity more alive than ever, I want to see hundreds of thousands of sellers in the market, prices rising and falling rapidly like cardiac fluids, so what has no value will die, what is valued will live until the next cycle intermittent.

    In other words, you want the common stuff to be truly low value (for example, prime junk could go for 1 plat for 6-12 pieces), while the high value items will only have value for some amount of time until it became low value? Am I understanding your intention right?

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