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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 15 hours ago, Agent40Infinity said:

    That would be a problem if I didn't already have her.


    5 hours ago, Agent40Infinity said:

    Already can build Equinox 6 times over and he is my second used and was my second obtained warframe. X3

    Hm, looks like RNG has decided you got enough luck from those 2 Frames and decided to bail on you at Nidus...

  2. 1 hour ago, bronzebonobo said:

    the picture, how even? explain yourself lol

    I believe that picture is Photoshopped. There's already a Lith V3 Relic and it contains: 


    1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    I have reason to believe it is probably going to be a faint disposition very soon. 

    It's already 2/5. Are you saying it's going to be 1/5?

  3. On 5/16/2017 at 4:25 PM, cghawk said:

    whenever I see the HEMA I'm reminded why I stopped spending money, pay to skip grind is to be expected but not to this degree, it would take me a year to research this thing if I were to play nothing but derelict, this feels like I'm playing on a mobile game where the wait/grind time for something is so huge that that's no way to be competitive without spending money.

    Well, at the very least there are only 3 items like that. Here's to hoping it won't happen again.


    14 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    And now to add on, all Tennos to contribute and build a Death Star to fight with the Formorians :D

    But... but... what's the fun in just pushing one button to fight the Fomorian? :laugh: Isn't it more exciting to use our Archwing and make a daring sabotage on the Fomorian?

  4. It's just bloody RNG, which seemed really liking to troll us. I heard back in very early phases some frames drop from mission rewards, and bosses have a CHANCE to drop the Warframe component. It seemed DE want to re-introduce that feeling.

  5. 1 minute ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    its a Single Shot, Charged, Stick of death primary type of weapon.

    it should be more powerfull than a pistol and thats that, where is your argument towards that?

    By that logic, the Opticor should hit far more harder. It' as big as Rhino's chest, with a beam probably four times larger than Ferrox.


    But I can give another logic: Which one would hit harder, a mass-produced Corpus gun or an Ancient Prototype gun from a Golden Era?

  6. C'mon people, let's get this thread up to Speed.

    Atlas, I don't have the Fleeting Expertise for a good pun, but you have my Blessings for a good Renewal

    May this thread spread like Tornado through a Wildfire.

    Let us Focus on the task at hand, lest this thread got Wormholed into the Void.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:


    Been meaning to ask about this, but almost can't since it's pages ago.

    Clans are paralleled with houses. People who can only afford to pay for themselves should look for cheap, small houses that probably only hold one or two people. One person paying for a 10-man house is absurd, so that person should look for a cheaper living space if they can afford it.

    With that parallel, Solo players should look for a cheaper Clan, something that they can afford by themselves. Oh wait, they can't, since the smallest Clan is for 10 people. What they should do? Farm and grind for 10 people worth because there's no other alternative? Or not be in the Clan at all and be locked out of multiple gear (and Dragon Key) behind the Clan Research?

  8. 3 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

    I recommend saving your energy for future "hemas" so when it's actually needed and when DE seems to break their own words again. Reading through this thread every now and then gives me the question: "Why do they still bother if it's clear it won't get changed?". And it looks to me that this is just a mud fight anymore. I can only say as much that you anti-hema people should finally realize that you can't impress the opposition (defenders) to change their opinion on it no matter your arguments (the page count should really have made it clear). You're just fueling them more. And vice versa it's the same.

    Sad to admit it but, at this point, it's really time to move on before this turns into another "Bring back excalibur prime!".


    Sad to agree. But if DE decided to go back on their words again and put forth a new 'Hema', I think I'll just keep my opinion to myself. No more forums, no more feedback. DE doesn't listen anymore, so why should I say anything? This thread is just mostly to make sure to let DE know this decision is still not okay even with time.

  9. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Are you seriously suggesting I kick out all the AFK players from my clan and recruit fresh ones to replace them?  That clan happens to be RL friends from college, and includes one who's recently become a father.

    That's one of the most cold hearted and self serving suggestions I have heard yet on this thread.

    Actually, that suggestion have already been thrown multiple times in the earlier pages.

  10. 1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

    More like them wanting the Puncture Event mods also, they drop from him as rare drop, for me a hit in the face puttign them behind a grind wall instead of Baro who had Impact and Slash ones 2-3 times already.

    Oh yeah, that too. Didn't find those mods too appealing though, so I stopped after I got my full set of Gorgon Wraith (and using my leftover Cipher)

  11. 11 hours ago, Jaysus41 said:

    but the good news is if Kronia goes down and we get 2 more razorbacks with the same overinflated costs DE will have no choice but to rush that community relay reconstruction thing that is well overdue.

    That's... one way to see it...

  12. 50 minutes ago, kyori said:

    "Too easy. I deserve a challenge."

    Like this?



    Personally, I find the challenge to be a complete opposite of the previous one. The Sapping and Nullifier party was a major struggle. Entire squad was downed time and again by the pulsing mines and occasional snipe from Nullifier. The end surprise was quickly put down within seconds as we unload our weapons to him.

    Team was Volt (myself), Nova, Nidus, and Nekros.

  13. 24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)VIOLATER X said:

    this happens with all bows and weapons with punch through, say you hit two enemies when you shoot only once in a mission thats 200% accuracy.

    There wasn't any enemies behind it, so doubtful it's punch-through related.

    24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)VIOLATER X said:

    also ivara i like it very underused

    Would you be happy to hear that it is currently my most used Frame? :satisfied:

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