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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 2 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    Are you sure you didn't kill anyone?

    Kinda forgot to be honest. I did remember trying to kill one enemy, but it was slightly to tough to be one-shotted (denying stealth kills), so I just went along and finished the Spy objective.

    4 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    AFAIK this can result when you have a multishot mod. Shooting the weapon counts as one shot, but each of the projectiles counts as a hit, hence a >100% accuracy.

    That could be it. I did remember seeing two arrows. But the mission reward display is still amusing nonetheless.

  2. 12 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    New Grineer Chemstrike Enemy - Nox
    • New Grineer unit part of the Chemstrike team -- he is exposed to dangerous chemicals that have melted his flesh and will also have a custom gurgly voice
    • Uses a new gas weapon -- it's unclear if Nox's weapon will be available to players since it features an unusual minigun type grip

    Oh no. Does this mean Grineer will have units spraying toxic clouds everywhere? Much like the Mutalist Osprey?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Let's do the math the math on expected average contribution for a Ghost clan from a solo to max size clan, shall we?

    Clan Size Samples/Player
    1 5000
    2 2500
    3 1667
    4 1250
    5 1000
    6 833
    7 714
    8 625
    9 556
    10 500

    The above shows why many of us looked at the Hema and went "oh hell no", because most people in the larger clans assume that there's more active players in the Ghost clans than there probably are.  For my clan, we had 4 active players and 2 others that were there whenever - which essentially means the four of us have to grind out 1250 samples each.  Thanks to RL and one of us having a kid, that means it's now effectively 3, and we'd have to collect 1667 each.  During the school semesters (which is relevant because Hema was released prior to the start of the semester, and we're at the semester's end) that means my clan's effective size dropped to 2 - so two of us would have to farm out 2500 samples.

    Yeah, that calculation was already called out since Hema release as absurd and unrealistic. Not every clan has 100% capacity and/or contribution, hence the reason why most people just said, "Forget it. Not bothering with that." I think my clan already had the same sentiment without saying anything to each other.


    5 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    IMO the entire resource collection system needs some way for players to convert resources to either credits and/or endo (so we can bleed off our excessive amounts of resources), because that would keep things sane as the problem isn't the collection of stuff, it's that we've got almost nothing to do with said stuff so it piles up to absurd levels.

    Well, some people have asked that. And I heard DE planned for a project to rebuild the destroyed Relays, which will require massive amount of resources from the community. It's not a constant sink, but it's a nice start.

  4. 1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

    There was a post of someone who created new account and effortlessly researched everything exept Hema. That's solo researching almost everything, in a clan that should have 10 people. I'd say that's way too low

    Yes, since he is an active player who can play everyday. Those who can't play everyday should never get Hema research finished, am I right?

  5. 19 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    This is more like leading a horse to water, having it kick you, then watching it run off into the desert.

    Now, now. Let's not resort to insults.


    22 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

    It's almost like Javlok and Ferrox were never designed to be harder to get. But hey, everything needs to stay at no effort level because that's how it used to be, right ?

    Pure comedy.

    From what you're saying, everything should require a 3-months grind to be accessible? Everything should be acquired from a grindfest?

  6. 23 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    Negative reinforcement, that's why it's 400 instead of 200. 

    I think they need to tell players directly that they want to lower the amount of solo clan lol.

    Well, it could help to remove the exclusivity of the Clan research first, then do something like this.

  7. 7 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    This would be a non-issue entirely if you didn't NEED clan access to get clan-tech weapons. In a game where progression is entirely based around collecting everything you can't reasonably cite "well you don't HAVE to get clan-tech weapons" in defense of the current system. It shouldn't be that difficult to simply consider ghost clans=1 member the same as solo.

    Agree with this entirely. Right now Clan seemed mandatory to get a lot of the gear. Not just weapons, too. Some Warframes and most Archwings are clan-based. Dragon keys are acquired from Clan research. Because of that, people who want (or only can) play Solo basically need to make a Solo clan to get any access.

  8. On 5/5/2017 at 5:44 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    increase in lift jockeys huh? yeah, those guys are a$$holes, I always wait and waypoint for other people when there's an elevator. guess it's because they want those beacons a little too badly..

    The funny thing is that speed-running / blitzing through the map could actually yield less beacons. Saw a group blitzing through an exterminate mission and got 5 beacon each run, passing each potential tileset because they can't wait. When I went solo spy and slowly went through the map, I could get 20 beacons in one run.

  9. 9 hours ago, Omnipower said:

    So it is confirmed electricity i havent seen it proc'd using the beam though and it feels like it got a buff somewhat the dmg feels stronger

    Could be. But @Kyryo said that the color is slightly different. As for the Beam itself never proccing any status, maybe DE gave it 0% status chance.

  10. Further experiment:

    So, as per @Omnipower suggestion, I tried the combined elemental damage.

    Blast (Is it just me, or is it almost the same as Heat? I already made sure it's Blast damage):










    Magnetic (Nothing changed, as expected):



    Even compared to the combined elements, the closest color is still Electricity.


    Now, with @Somb3rBivalve tip, I put on the Funnel Cloud augment to make sure the enemy stay put. The result:





    It Proc Electricity alright.

  11. 4 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    It's technically either non-elemental or "void" elemental, based on how it interacts with sentient-types. The idea of the tornado accepting "void" element is strange, though, because I doubt they created that power with that type of attack in mind, so I guarantee it'll probably just go with some electric procs or no procs at all, or something.

    Yeah, it should be. The Void power should've been something unique. But I can understand if DE just put an existing damage type instead of making up a new damage altogether and just code that the Void beam remove Sentient's damage adaptation. More easier that way.

  12. 7 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

    If you really wanted to test it, get the tornado augment where it spawns more tornadoes yet they don't ragdoll enemies around. They will be more likely to take a proc that way.

    That's an option. I think I have standings to get it. Thanks for the tip.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    It just deals Void dmg.

    And the "void-tornado" is  a completely different degree of purple. 

    Really? Sorry, can't exactly tell. You got a sharp eye for color to notice that.


    3 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    PS: For the love of Lotus majestic B-side, buy a suit for that poor kid XD

    I don't really like the other suits that are available at the moment, that's why I stick with the default (plus, I'm cheap like heck :P)

  14. I think you people misunderstood what OP meant. He's asking why is Volt's shield seems to more rapidly decrease compared to other Frames, not the general survivability of Volt.

    To OP, you might want to revise the title, since it caused some confusion.


    As for the actual question, it doesn't seem it should be the case. Shield has it's own property, with the only difference between each Frame is the amount they have. But different damage type interact with shield differently. Some damage type deplete shield fast, some deplete it slowly, two bypass it entirely. Is that what happened?

  15. 1 minute ago, Chewarette said:

    Add enemies to the simulacrum and check the Status they take from the Void-Beamed Tornadoes, I think that's the easiest way.

    (but I think the void beam is a special type of damage)

    Tried that. But the enemies flew away in the Simulacrum before any status can proc. And any enemies that don't get flown around (Sentients and Juggy) don't want to stay long enough for the status to proc either.


    2 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

    Yeah i would recommend trying the mixtures to gas, magnetic. viral, corrosive, blast and what not cause it could be magnetic too(which some powers usually default to or radiation). 

    Examples hydroid's 4= magnetic and nova's 2 = radiation

    Will do. Maybe tomorrow I'll give it a shot. I don't think it's magnetic though, since Zephyr's Tornado is magnetic by default.


    To be honest though, I've already tried doing it in a closed area, where the enemies got stuck so the Tornado can proc some status. After getting hit by the void beam, Tornado proc electricity status as well, in line with my little experiment. Unfortunately though, I didn't take any screenshot of it.

  16. So, after we finished War Within, we got what is essentially a watered down version of the Void Beam we saw in The Second Dream. Most people (even the Wiki) thought the beam has no damage property or deal Finisher damage. Makes sense, since the most obvious way to test a damage type is from the Sentient's damage resistance. But since the Void Beam strip Sentient's damage resistance, that method is useless.

    But there is something else that also absorb damage type: Zephyr's Tornado. As we all know, the Tornado absorb whatever damage type we (or the enemy) deal towards it and change it's property and color to match.

    So with that in mind, I decided to test and match the damage type of the elements with that of the Void Beam










    Void Beam:



    As you can see, the color matches with that of the Electricity damage type. What do you people think? Is that the Void Beam elemental damage? or should this experiment be extended to the combined elements damage, just to make sure?


    I apologize if this is not the section to post this. I don't know which sections is appropriate, since I don't think this is either Warframe abilities or weapons. If I'm at the wrong place, maybe a Moderator can move this to it's correct place.

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