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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 16 hours ago, LycanPT said:

    There are 2 types of WF players: the ones that completed the Hema research and the ones that whine on forums about Hema research. As time goes on and more and more clans complete it all your salt is in vain, you could've man up long ago and farmed for it instead of waiting for a DE "fix". Also DE didn't made your clan, didn't invited casuals


    15 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

    You are running a solo clan... You shot yourself in the foot to start with so you are just lucky DE doesn't fix how dirt cheap the other research is.

    So what you are saying is casuals should never be allowed to join a clan if it want to progress anywhere? Only hardcore-everyday farmers are allowed in a clan?

  2. For the drop rate issue, here is my run:


    I can only go for 10 minutes in, since the update drop in midway (as you can see in the chat box). No boosters, and as you can see there's only Titania in the team.

    I got 7 Mutagen Sample for a 10 min run with a 539 kills

    7:539 = 1:0.012987

    slightly higher than what @Jorak_Falconstar and @Flirk2 got, but that may be attributed to the short run. More testing may be required. From this it seems the drop rate is still the same, but don't take my word for it.

  3. Just now, Almagnus1 said:

    Riiightt.... you need Hydroid.

    Who on earth plays Hydroid?

    That's like the derpiest frame of them all >.>

    Well, he has the Pilfering Swarm augment, which boost the drop rate. That's why most farmer recommend it.

    But hey, some people do like Hydroid. I don't know whether they like his design or his skillset, but some still like him, for some reasons.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Arkvold said:

    Incorrect.  Any one-shot kill on an un-alerted enemy counts as a stealth kill and provides a stealth kill affinity bonus.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't be having a 500% stealth kill affinity modifier right now, on a spy mission armed with nothing but carrier (no weapon) and a snipe rifle on Loki.  Can't perform stealth finishers without a melee weapon, after all.

    Yeah, but one of the patches made it that it has to be the FIRST bullet, not a second Bullet from Multishot. It's possible, but when enemy level get a little higher (2nd Sortie mission, for example), chaining stealth kills became a little harder since you may need that second bullet of Multishot.


    I agree on the little leniency for stealth windows, since split second awareness on the enemies is just weird. Besides, what's the point of a silencer mod on shotguns and burst rifles if you can't use it for stealth anyway...

  5. 1 hour ago, Arkvold said:

    My first Kavat.  It was the only time I broke my golden rule of "if it ain't worth playing through, it ain't worth paying for."

    Likewise in my case. After some time scanning Kavats (before Kavat DNA got introduced in Alerts), got 8 Kavat Genetic Code. Already getting a little sick of scanning Kavats, but too curious about the hype, I decided to buy the last 2 codes.

    Now that Kavat is in long time stasis, and I got 20 Kavat Genetic Code left-over from random scanning and alert reward. If only I was a little more patient....

  6. 11 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

    Everything that is on sale I guess.

    But you save plat on sales (You do mean stuff like Darvo's discount and the current Fire sale, right?).

    Or are you one of those people that got easily tempted to buy anything that is discounted? Even when you don't actually need it?

  7. 4 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

    Also "infinite time farming" is obvious exaggeration, expecially for your ghost clan.

    Mind explaining about this? This is seriously confusing. "Infinite time farming" is an exaggeration. I'm not getting what you're trying to say here.


    3 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

    You want everything day one is not the same as not everyone is required to obtain absolutely everything.

    Yes, I agree, not everyone is required to obtain everything. In fact, nobody is required to obtain everything. Half if not 25% of the weapons available to us already can take us to Sortie-level content no problem. But does that excuse barring people who want to get it casually while having fun?

  8. 39 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    well that was the other half of why I was in there and thus why I posted here.

    Trying to find out If anyone else has noticed similarly reduced drop rates and if they have then we can bring this to DE's attention as a Stealth Nerf which to be brutally honest I very nearly made a separate post.

    Well, I can't test it out myself, still at work. Furthermore, looks like I have a long day ahead of me so I would have little time to try the Derelict today.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    well was about 15 minutes per run was testing a rebuilt Tonkor  

    but still the drop rate was way less than what it used to be.. as I said, it used to average about 1 sample per minute with just a Nekros running desecrate and no booster.

    today with the resource booster and Nekros 2 and 3 drops respectively (giving a total of 4 and 6 samples because of the booster)

    2-3 drop each run in a 15 minute run with Nekros? Well, ain't that just perfect. The last hope to get Hema has been dashed... I sure hope you're just unlucky, otherwise there's no reason to even try...

  10. 4 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    Just an FYI and seeking some confirmation

    Anyone tried soloing ODS lately??

    I used to average 20-40 samples in there solo with Nekros and no booster

    Just did 2 run with Nekros and a booster.  4 and 6 samples..


    Stealth Nerf Detected??

    Really? Last time I got in ODS was before the Oberon rework, got about 15 samples in a 35 min-run. For confirmation, your 2 run is 20 min each, right?

    May need more testing.

  11. 2 minutes ago, -VV-william said:

    could be some invis frame or those that negate damage and some kinda surv mission or spy where you don't need to kill stuff, and hitting the enemy just enough so they don't die

    That's possible. Thanks for the info.

  12. 2 hours ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    Well check me out.


    I did 100% of the group's damage without even killing anything which means I just straight up broke them emotionally and sent'em running.

    Wait, how?! Even sentinel and ability kills will still register to the kill count. How is this possible?!


    Or don't tell me this is Photoshop...

  13. Let's see, the way people could make a flying decor is place some decor fodder, place the desired decor on top of it, and then remove the decor fodder. Now, what decoration that has the same height as the Incubator stand? Anybody knew?

  14. 7 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Wow. Someone finally noticed the elephant in the room. I've always said the sapping ospreys were far worse than nullifiers. I just find it funny that one now after nullies have been nerfed quite a bit does this topic come up about Sapping Osprey.

    Could this be because now that nullies are out of mind, some are now seeing what else is really killing them.  I don't even care what happens at this point. I've developed my tactic that works.

    No, I don't think they didn't notice. It's just that, most of the time, Nullies are protecting these killers in their bubbles (not just this. Techs, Bursas, as people mentioned). People have limited options to get rid of the bubble, making them the biggest elephant in the room, but far from the only one. Now that Nullies got a slight nerf, other problems became more apparent.


    To the topic, yes, as some people mentioned, the Sapping Osprey have received some nerfs. DE has limited how many of those grenades that can be deployed, the grenade can be destroyed before it's emitting it's field, and (maybe?) the damage has been reduced. Still a major pain, but at least we know DE didn't ignore this.

  15. 12 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

    Never really payed attention to them till Hema and I had several thousand on both my pc and ps4 accounts. Those just came with playing the game for the enjoyment of killing stuff. No farming required.

    You must really enjoy the Derelict, don't you? That's the biggest reason I think you can get that many.


    Aside, I think this thread will be merged with the Megathread.

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