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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

    It's simple.  How many go even 40 mins/waves now compared to how many used to?  Many fewer.  Now it's optional as you have pointed out but going 40-60 or beyond used to be a necessity.  Since it is optional many never go further than 20.  This means that the average level of missions completed has decreased.

    Sure you can make your own difficulty but there is no reason to anymore so most don't.  I think that change has been bad overall for the community.

    So, you just need a reason? How about the simple reason because you want to? and I'm sorry, going beyond 40-60 is a necessity before? I never did, even back in the old void. People might want to maximize their keys, to get the most out of a given key. But it never was "mandatory", for the strictest sense of the word.

    With your point, because there are less people going hardcore 2-hour survival / 40 waves of defense, it is bad for the community? Why? Because there are less people willing to go along with you on deep-long endless runs? Because there are less people willing to please you it is bad?

  2. Just now, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

    You also miss the point.  The average difficulty of warframe has gone down. That's a shame, and is why I don't play as much anymore.

    How is the difficulty have gone down? You can still go 2 hours on Void survival or fissure mission, and the enemy scaling is still broken like heck, so care to elaborate on this point?

  3. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

    To the first part:

    Not you or DE apparently since you both like the new system.

    To the second part:

    You don't get it.  No one cares about trash.  I hoped you would see that.

    If you want difficulty or challenge, you can still go to endless Fissure or endless void, they're not locked up. You can always pick up your group, since in the old void you either get a group or play solo. What, it's not rewarding? No shiny reward waiting for you at the end of that long run? To that I ask, do you want reward or do you want challenge?


    What you call "trash", other people call Ducat/plat fodder. People are selling Ducat fodder still, or using them to get ducat themselves.

  4. @Ditto132 yeah, I saw that you said it before pages ago. Sorry about that. That being said though, why do you think the Credit cost didn't change?

    5 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    Ok, regardless of it being a resource sink or cash grab, the absurd cost should be reduced, especially after some time.
    So that it would be more consistent with other researches and removing the resource sink after it done its job of removing and dishonoring player stockpiles.
    Heck, even games on Steam got cheaper after some time while more games/contents are introduced.

    I personally feel that the benefit of directly purchasing research weapon like Hema with plat is sufficient, no need for such absurd resource cost.

    • You get one weapon slot(6 plat)
    • You get one catalyst(20 plat) and skipped the 24hours and resource requirement for crafting it
    • You don't need to farm for resources(researching and crafting)
    • You don't need to do invasion mission for get the resource(e.g. Mutagen Mass)
    • You avoid crafting and spending Forma(20 plat)(24hours crafting time)
    • You skipped 3 days of research time(huge benefit since research cannot be rushed with plat, directly bypass it)
    • You don't need to research those pre-requisite researches if you have not done so.
    • You skipped 12-24hours of crafting the weapon or rushing(25-50 plat) after research is done

    To be honest, people that defended Hema cost are probably too igorant to see the implications and/or are in delusion.
    See the amount of effort they put into their post.
    Not much supporting data, facts, analysis and thoughts put into it.
    Some are short and quick responses such as "just lazy", "want it on Day One", "just farm with ... setup".

    Come to think of it, most of my posts, each took me about 1-2hours to write, format, check for some errors/typos(still miss out some, not perfect), find links, data/facts and try my best to verify them.
    I also take some time/days to ponder about it before replying, to get rid of bias and see from different perspectives.

    Agreed. We already got a pretty healthy option for a long time. But at this point, why do I feel like DE left it just as a mark. As painful reminder on where they shouldn't have gone.


    As for people ignoring, I think they're just too wrapped up that this "can" be farmed in a few days, ignoring the non-optimal condition since to them, that is not "the way to play". Yeah, screw people having fun, huh?


    P.S. I commend you to take the time to double-check and validate your posts. I respect a man who can (or at least try) to watch his word.

  5. You know, after looking at the research cost again, something doesn't seemed right to me. We have been focusing on the Mutagen Sample (I know, it's the most blatant one). The other resource cost have also increased, by 10x (compared to Mutagen 100x). Some people (and I do believe the people still here as well) have noticed. But that's not what I think is weird.

    What I found odd is the credit cost. It's only 5000 credits for Ghost Clans, the average amount of other researches. If DE wanted to make the players do some hunting for newly released weapons (or, at least for Hema), then why is the Credit cost the same average value? We already established that Credits are quite easy to farm (Dark Sectors, Secura Lecta, Nekros, PilfHyrdoid) that amassing tens of thousands is actually quite fast.

    I could make a joke how the Mutagen Sample Cost and the Credit Cost have the exact same value should clue in DE that the value is kinda off, but let's not get to insulting DE.


    This makes me think that DE didn't miscalculate the numbers. They intended this cost, and by extension, the reaction of the players. They were anticipating this from the start. The lack of justification, the stance to not do anything. It makes people wonder. Why would they make it like that? A simple cash grab? If that's were the case, the cost would rise with the same multiplier, not just the Mutagen Sample. Especially the Credit cost. Or could it be that DE trying to make a statement? Whatever it is...


    Ok, just saw that Ditto123 already said it as well, which still leaves a big question.


    Sorry if this sounds like some rambling from a conspiracy theorist. I guess I just needed something to vent, since this research will just keep on taunting me whenever I open up my Clan dojo. But I do think something is odd with the Credit cost, just I don't have any explanation for it. Feel free to laugh at this if you find it too ridiculous.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ditto132 said:

    After pondering a few days, some things to consider:

    • Does it contribute to clan affinity?
    • Skin can be purchased with plat from market or exclusive to research?

    Since I am not really a fan of comestics, only like a few comestics, rest of the comestics are not really my style.
    Players who enjoy/purchased lot of comestics/skins would probably contribute more and better ideas than me.

    I think it shouldn't contribute, since it's just something extra for those who want to put the effort. Right now there aren't any, but Clan rank will play some role in future content. So if these "upgrades" gives clan affinity, it would mean locking out those clan who don't want / can't put those effort. It will be the Hema debacle all over again.

    Whether or not the new skins will be research exclusive or purchasable from the market, there will be some who think it's unfair. I heard some (not many, to be honest) that feel it's unfair for the Conclave Armor set (The Riv one) to be available from the market. But like I said before, these upgrades will only be something extra, so it won't be a prerequisite to anything. Personally, I say it should be research exclusive, just to please those who want some bragging tools.

  7. So, with Ayatans already out for quite some time, a lot of you most likely already got a lot of them and maybe decorate your Orbiter with them.

    Now share with everyone just how much you decorate your ship. Not limited to Ayatan Sculpture, of course.

    To start with, here's mine:






    As you can see, the only plat-bought decoration I have is the Orokin Cell Array and the Polymer Case. Because I'm a cheap prick.

    I just know there are people who decorated their Orbiter far more than I do. Like the OP in this thread:

    Here, you can brag about it. Show everyone just how much you care about the aesthetic of your Ship. FashionShip, am I right?

  8. So, here's the scenario. I'm playing Sortie, a Mobile Defense with Radiation Hazard Condition. Nothing unusual when defending the terminals. And then, when the objective is to defend an Orokin artifact, the Warframe Cryopod, I do just that. Then one of the enemies hit me, giving me a Radiation status. When I cast Chaos with the Radiation proc, the Cryopod itself also got hit with Chaos. Not only that, after it got affected by Chaos, it began to spin and rotate, as if to face the enemies.

    I think it may have been due to the Radiation status enabling Friendly Fire, thus affecting the Cryopod.



  9. 14 minutes ago, hidd3nsh4d0ws said:

    There is no need to block IP ranges tho.. almost every ISP gives you dynamic IP address...

    I did guess it was dude to blocking IP because I could launch the game from neighbors wifi and VPN.

    If I turn off VPN during mission, I can still play with others but updating information does not work at end.

    So yeah, only problem is connecting with DE servers.


    Not to mention most good VPNs are not free, and charge extra for port forwarding, UPnP.

    They should fix their servers, instead of telling people to basically go F*** off.


    What I heard that the block is done by some attackers, not by DE themselves. They tried to fix it, but at the moment we need some workaround, VPN being one of them. I don't know exactly what is done or the problem, so I can't say much.

  10. Good news guys, Nyx is getting looked at. From Devstream 90:

    Other Warframe Changes

    • Nyx: Discussion has been going on in regards to the Assimilate change. A possible side-grade might be coming instead of a direct reversal of recent changes.

    Let's see what that entail for us.

  11. 3 hours ago, Insizer said:

    Its fine.  And she is well made and is blast to use.  Have Mallet soak up some damage from enemies, then pop her ult and have enemies across a massive range take 300+ damage per beat.  The biggest thing with her though is that you need to find/make a song that has an easy to recognize/easy to use melody tune segment.  In the process of doing the quest you also get to learn that Simaris is actually Tsunderis.

    Oh, I already done the quest and have the parts. Just not interested in building her at the moment. Thanks for the tips, though.

  12. 1 hour ago, Insizer said:

    I didn't know that.  So let me get this straight, it not only shoots itself in the foot, but it also fires blanks?  Fantastic.  Meanwhile Octavia has a roller that distracts everything perfectly and goes and seeks out more enemies to distract... on top of everything else she has.

    Well, it's still able to charm a lot of people, so it's quite handy for a small CC. I agree that it pales in comparison to Octavia's Resonator, but it has some uses. The fact that both abilities are non-ultimates as well doesn't help matter.


    Regarding @Somb3rBivalve point, I agree that it makes Lantern more of support type ability, where you could coordinate or cooperate with your teammate to get the most of it. But as many has said here, Lantern itself need some adjustment and QoL work to make it useful.

  13. 2 hours ago, Blink.Ensu said:

    Warframe is now a weeaboo focused cash cow where it used to be a respectfully Asian culture oriented F2P. Octavia et al are not fecking ninjas of the same (ex)calibur as previous frames.

    If by "Weaboo focused", you mean far more centered toward Anime's convention than real life ninja, it has been like that since DAY 1. Take a look at the way our Warframe sit on navigation, the way we have been able to go One-man army towards dozens of dozens enemies, our weapons (the starter sword, the Skana? yeah, tell me that's the normal way people in real-life make a sword). The way ninjas in real-life works are to blend in with the crowd, not the so-called ninjutsu or shadow-blending. They disguise as civilians, workers, or whatever they could to get where they need.

    Octavia not the same ninja as previous frames? Why? Because it has a dancing and music theme? I think you're far too late saying that, since there are: Mirage, a jester-themed frame. Nova, a Nuclear-themed frame. Banshee, a screaming spirit. Volt, an Electric master. Titania, a floating fairy. Zephyr, a wind and bird-themed frame. Nekros, a necromancer. Inaros, a mummy. The list goes on. What I'm saying is, Octavia was not the first non-conventional design. In my opinion, Ash is the only conventional ninja design, and even then that only follows Anime convention.

  14. 1 hour ago, Insizer said:

    But how long would it be useful?  Lantern causes itself to become useless within a few seconds unless you are inside of a hallway.

    Even when you're in a claustrophobic vent, Lantern occasionally fail to charm the enemy. DE already tried to fix it. Before 50% of the enemy in range still occasionally shoot you, now only one or two. It was improvement, but it still happened.

  15. On 3/12/2017 at 11:22 PM, (PS4)urkonse said:



  16. 1 hour ago, -CLM-Joker said:

    With the 500th day milestone getting closer, I would like to suggest a new mechanic for the alternative fire of the daily tribute primary weapon and possibly a replacement to the Azima's one. I know i'm kinda late, but i figured out it might be a good suggestion anyway.

    Let's start saying that the first time I have heard about the Azima, this immediately came into my mind:

      Reveal hidden contents

    From 2'11'' to 2'31''.

    That is the Gyro Burster from Jak3, a popular game for PS2. It fires a disk that hovers mid-air and auto-targets enemies for a short duration of time. The disk used to consume a large pool of ammo, but it rewarded the player if threw in the right direction.

    The problem with the current alt fire is that it doesn't really feel rewarding, as the disk just fires in a fixed height and it's not really effective on some of the maps, because of all the objects and height differences.

    I would really love to see a similar mechanic replacing the azima's and possibly the primary's one aswell.
    I would also appreciate to hear devs' opinions about that. Thanks in advance.

    I agree with this one. But personally I think the rifle should be unique on it's own. Make the Azima behave like the Gyro Burster. But my idea would be to make the Rifle's disc akin to some kind of second Sentinel that follows you. It probably won't happen, but I figured I'll get my idea across. 

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