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Posts posted by Allmantor

  1. The wiki says warding halo has an armor multiplier. I have noticed also, that the equation for Warding Halos health is an (unmodified-by-power-strength multiplier times armor), plus health), times power strength. Is the end resultant health affected by supposed (armor times armor modifier), or is all your armor converted to warding halo's helth? I would have thought that Warding Halo health is just the base warding halo health times power strength and that all the new health is affected by the damage mitigation from the newly multiplied armor.

    For example, this is the equation that I would expect for the health.

    900 (base health) x 2.49 (power strength) is 2241 health. This all being affected by 175 x (2.5 (base multiplier) x 2.49) = 6.225 x 175 =  1089 armor, wich is a ~77 % damage mitigation. A net health of ~9700.

    What do you guys think.

  2. Bug report: -Streamlined Form, isn't being counted as an Exiles mod as it should be.  Also, there is no option to see how Health Conversion and Energy conversion affect your build.  It is hard to tell how much net health your frame has wich each stack of Health Conversion.

    Just noticed, energy conversion is already calculated.


    17 hours ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

    It's good CC. I think the best strat when wanting to use it, is to let the mallet build up some damage numbers then send out the beach ball of death. 

    The damage that mallet has built up disappears when you put down Resonator. Doesn't it?

  4. Is it worth combining mallet with resonator? I have found that it doesn't help resonator much if at all and resonator doesn't help mallet ether.  Also, is there any situation where you would prefer resonator over malle. What is the point of mallet except to be a little funny?  I mean, if mobs could shoot while they were charmed by resonator it would be different, but what would happen to resonator if everything was shooting at it...

      Any tips or trick for using resonator effectively in other words.

  5. On 3/19/2017 at 4:27 PM, SortaRandom said:

    Telos Boltace waves are 100% unaffected by the combo counter. If you're planning on exclusively using waves for damage, then Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds, and Drifting Contact will have no effect on it whatsoever. Replace those with speed/elemental mods unless you're relying on the actual tonfas for damage.


    For the Atterax, if you don't mind a slidespam build, I'd replace Condition Overload with Maiming Strike. There's currently a bug that allows MS to stack with Blood Rush, so you can have a 684% crit chance at only 3x combo if you use the two together.


    :O that is is true, why didn't I look it up sooner LOL. THat's nub of me.

    Any suggestions on the other builds, like the Venka prime build?

  6. 15 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Weapon damage is a totall, including ALL mods and multipliers. The final value of a sort before it hits armor. It sure takes basedamage into valuation but does not represent nor affect it.

    Did you not read my reply, If your argument is true, then get rid of Primed Pressure point; Primed Pressure Point says weapon damage to. I have looked it up and people who have tested it say any mod that brings up your "Weapon Damage" brings up your base damage. Look it up for yourself. As for your build, you got ofly close to the combo counter build that I have suggested in the description of the Galatine Prime build.

  7. In this thread I would like to ask anyone who sees it to tell me what they think of my Bleed Out Builds and ask for advice on how to improve them, any use full feedback is much appreciated. Here are the builds :

    Venka Prime http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Venka_Prime/t_30_200000022_224-3-5-226-4-5-239-5-5-331-8-3-637-1-10-641-6-5-733-0-10-793-7-5-796-2-3_733-7-637-14-796-5-224-9-226-9-239-9-641-9-793-8-331-10/en/4-0-123/123869/

    Dual Kamas Prime http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Dual_Kamas_Prime/t_30_220000003_224-3-5-226-4-5-239-5-5-308-8-3-637-1-10-641-6-5-733-0-10-793-2-5-796-7-3_733-7-637-7-793-15-224-9-226-9-239-9-641-9-796-5-308-10/en/4-0-89/123868/

    Atterax http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Atterax/t_30_222000004_226-4-5-239-5-5-313-8-3-488-7-10-637-2-10-641-6-5-733-0-10-793-1-5-796-3-3_733-7-793-8-637-7-796-5-226-9-239-9-641-9-488-14-313-10/en/4-0-65/123864/

    Galatine Prime http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Galatine_Prime/t_30_220020004_224-7-5-226-3-5-239-5-5-494-8-3-637-0-10-641-6-5-733-1-10-793-4-5-796-2-3_637-7-733-7-796-5-226-9-793-8-239-9-641-9-224-9-494-10/en/4-0-109/122854/

    Nikana Prime http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Nikana_Prime/t_30_242000002_224-7-5-226-4-5-239-5-5-364-8-3-637-2-10-641-6-5-733-0-10-793-3-5-796-1-3_733-7-796-3-637-7-793-15-226-9-239-9-641-9-224-9-364-10/en/4-0-99/122855/

    If you would like me to try making this build on any other weapon of your choice, I will accept those requests.

  8. 5 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Condition overload only is a boosts "weapon damage". Slash scales off Base damage and crit. Period. So it's not exactly the best pick. There also seems to be a bug that makes stealth influence slash proccs to an ridiculous extend...

    Assuming I'm understanding you correctly, you think that boosting weapon damage doesn't affect the Slash procs.  If the mod says Weapon damage, it is affecting base damage and thus slash procs. If your argument were true, might as well put Relentless instead of Primed Pressure point, I was confused about this aswell, but now i can assure you that I know what I'm talking about. The extra base damage will make the slash procs damage increase, and Condition Overload seems to be the best at accomplishing this by a large margin, this only including the slash proc bonse alone, the more different procs at once, the better.  If you bleed a grineer with the furst hit while you have the stealth bonus on you, the 2x multiplier will affect the slash procs as well as the base hit, it makes sense to me. I don't think it's a glitch.

    6 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Feel free to add gas status (100something slash vs 500something gas buggy multiplier (!!!!) on stealth.)

    Does gas go through damage affect base damage or go through armor? I don't think so.  Your idea may be good, but it doesn't have anything to do with this Bleed Out Build and it will drop off at the high levels where this build is meant to shine (unless you have 4x corrosive projection [but this build still has a ton of normal DPS on it anyway so it will still be hard to beat]).  You should just develop your idea into a build of your own, this build will remain a Bleed Out Build not  a Gas Buggy Build :P

    If you still have some useful information that will benefit the Bleed Out Build, then feel free to tell me about it, but I'm not going to put any elements on this build no matter what though :).

  9. 23 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    It's kinda hard to say which one of the three (Venka P, Galatine P, and Nikana P) kills the fastest.  Without speed mods, then it can be a toss up between the Venka P and Nikana P for single targets.  Galatine P wins for speed in killing multiple targets.  Stealth finishers Nikana P with Blind Justice stance is the fastest melee period.  As for against very high level armored enemies, I would probably have to give the title to the Venka P because how it attacks, innate boosts, and ground finishers.  But then again the Nikana P has the chance to get headshots in some of its attacks.  Hmmmmm

    In the end, unless you are going for a > 2 hr solo run, like Cabesi or Vrcross. It doesn't matter, they are all powerful, use the one that suits you best :). I like using the nikana when i feel like zipping through a crowd like a Samurai in an anime.  And I like the galatine when I feel like swinging a skyscraper at grineer faces. If the Galatine can pull off a 2 hr run with that ease, i'm sure a Nikana Prime or Venka Prime could do so as well, though maybe with a little more difficulty, and that is all I myself really care for out of a weapon. 

    Why am I on this quest to make the Galatine more OP that it was before then? Just cause :P

  10. 3 hours ago, Cabesi said:

    Let's say it takes one direct hit and 3 procs to kill an enemy. You have 4 enemies coming towards you. You hit the first two and let them bleed, getting 2+2x3 = 8 hits added to your combo. You do the same to the other two enemies. You now have 16 hits. With P Reach, you hit all four at once, but once again, you get 4+4x3 = 16 hits total added to your combo. So how do you propose P Reach helps you with increasing your combo counter? It's not like reach allows you to hit enemies you wouldn't be able to hit otherwise (ever).

    Well, either way, I am glad I could help, and good luck!

    Well, now that you point it out, it is about the same case isn't it.   But in the end, the amount of enemies spawns there are seam, in my experience, to tend to be similar or equal to the amount of enemies killed.  I have never had  a shortage of enemies except when a teammate is killing them all in a room 5 tiles away, or once, in an excavation where enemies ceased to spawn all together! LOL.  This of course means, the more you kill, the more spawn.

    This of course is my unproven understanding of how spawns work and this leads to the point I was making. My point was that, with one swing of a Galantine with Primed Reach on it, you can get a lot of procs if you consider hitting 8 at once in on swing, and that plays out as more combos per hit. If the attack speed of both builds are the same, then one is clearly getting more procs in a shorter amount of time.  And if more mobs spawn as soon as you kill them, then you are both killing more mobs in a shorter time and getting your combo counter higher in a short amount of time.  But In reality, I'm making a case for Relentless more than Primed Reach (not being a total fan of it myself), I'm just saying that Relentless effects could become more prominent with Primed Reach equiped aswell; I would also like to point out that, this increase of rapidity at which the combo counter rises is mainly evident against higher level enemies, when the actual hit damage is negligible.  Of course, one must also take into consideration a lower damage output in general, this will mean more procs will hit and more combos are to be had, this increasing the size of your combo counter considerably fast; in this last case, Primed Reach would most likely help a lot: could you imagine being in the midle of 8 enemies and hitting them all at once with slash proc after slash proc without killing them until your combo counter got to a level at which your damage was sufficient (which probably wouldn't take so long considering the amount of slash procs you could be getting on them each second).

     With your build, if you lose the combo counter, you only have sword hits to bring your damage back to an acceptable power level, and dealing low damage, though it will accelerate the process as you will have a constant supply of things to hit, it won't speed it up to the degree at which Relentless can.  With Relentless, the more underpowered you are, the faster your combo counter can go up (there being a cap at which your combo counter can't go up any faster of course). But as I said befor, the extra security is at the cost of damage, and security isn't my goal at the moment.  

    P. S. I usually rely on well placed hits to get more combos for me, not on longer range :P. My focus was mainly on Relentless not Range.

    P.P.S. Good luck to you too and enjoy your masterpiece of a build :D

  11. You are ignoring the amount of combo counter that can go up from having slash procs on more than one enemy at a time. You are right that Primed Reach doesn't really affect the speed at which you can bring up your combo counter under any normal circumstances, but if you are getting 2 bleed procs on 4 enemies, with Relentless you are getting quite a bit if combo counter acceleration compared to only rising your combo counter per hits. That is 8 combos per second going, you can not say that isn't substantially faster than what you have going there. 

    Vrcross demonstrated this in his post: 

    But, as I said in my last post, your build has so much more DPS that the other build: meaning, it's combo counter doesn't need to go up faster. The damage over time scaling is about the same in both builds except in your build, it is more feasible to get higher than a certain point in the other build, which means that your build is superior in every way. "Probably"

    Even if your build might not be as forgiving than the other one, DPS is what  I am looking for so the path is clear. 

    Once again, thanks for your great idea! :)

  12. 3 minutes ago, Cabesi said:

    @Allmantor Regarding the builds, on Galatine P get rid of Relentless and P Fury and replace them with True Steel and Condition Overload. Both True Steel and Condition Overload are better dps wise than both P Fury and Relentless, while Relentless also becomes a useless mod later on when getting the next combo becomes unrealistic. Also, on Galatine P at least, you don't gain combo that much faster than without it, especially in the first 2h when almost everything is one-hit. From memory, it took something like 2h to get to 5x multi (11k hits) with Relentless and 2h30m to get 5x without it (against Grineer). You would probably be able to get to 5.5x (33k hits) within 3h with Relentless, but the dmg difference between 5x and 5.5x isn't big enough to justify it compared to True Steel or Condition Overload, and actually even at 6x the damage with Relentless is still slightly lower.

    Regarding which weapon is better, whether Galatine P or Nikana P, the answer is Galatine P by a huge margin. Not only does Galatine P do way more dps, it also has enough reach to allow you to keep your stealth multiplier up at all times, increasing your slash proc dmg massively. With Nikana P, Venka P or any other short range weapons it is extremely easy and pretty much inevitable to @#&$ up your stealth multiplier and then having to wait 3s before the target becomes un-alerted again - which, in other words, is 3s of pitiful slash proc dmg. However, even disregarding that, Galatine P does way more dmg than the other two weapons straight up, so there is that. Nikana P also suffers from terrible stances, with Heeding Call from Blind Justice being the only combo move with a decent damage, but unfortunately it ragdolls enemies all over the place, effectively lowering your clear speed.

    :O you are right, that does bring up the damage considerably, but Relentless does bring up the combo counter a lot faster when combined with Primed Reach as was clearly demonstrated by Vrcross. I'm not sure which build is better though, because this build has a considerably higher damage cap, but Vrcross's Relentless with Primed Reach build reaches it's own damage cap a lot faster allowing room for mistakes, beside the fact that it kills crowds.   Actually though, the time it takes to reach the damage cap of Vrcross's build is about the same on both weapons, except this weapon may be able to go further faster.

    The more I look at this idea the more I see  how superior it is against single targets, idk what to think. I suppose I should say it has to do with play style, because I think Vrcross's build is clearly better at getting to a damage level adequate enough for most anything pretty fast, while killing large numbers equally fast, meanwhile, this build that you are proposing, reaches the Damage cap of Vrcross's version of the build in about the same time or less against single targets or, generally, a lot fewer targets. I think I'll take your idea.  It looks a lot better for people who really mean business, or who don't want to adjust to a particular playstyle. 

    My previous build, as I tested out this morning could also rack up the combo counter pretty fast, but it required that I take a hit and run tactic. If I just burrow through a crowd with dempo royal, i could generally go to the next crowd and expect the previous one to die, while my combo counter would go up really fast. This obviously requires a tactic which is playstyle driven, this build you are suggesting doesn't seem to require anything of the sort, so i think I'll go with it.

    Thanks for the idea, as always i'll give you full credit.

    P.S. I new there was something missing in my build.


  13. 15 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Oh Ash isn't the only one who benefits from this class of weapons when using invisibility.  :D  Ash just gets to add in an extra insult to enemies on top of it. 

    Oh yeah, but I really can't wait to see how fast the combo counter builds up when using ash, and all those extra bleed procs also bring up the damage of these kind of weapons considerably in hindsight.

  14. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Ash for 2 reasons (that stack) based on your want to bleed everything to death:

    1.  Invisibility for stealth kill multiplier

    2.  Ash's passive

    Ash – Hemorrhage

    Any Slash b.svg Procs inflicted by Ash (from both weapons and abilities) deal 25% more damage and last 50% longer

    ...I assume duration doesn't negatively impact stacks but am not sure...


    Oh I see what you are saying, yes this would be an awesome class of weapons to use with ash :O. Good point.

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