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  1. My keyboarb has a half-broken 'd' key, I'm not going to copy-paste my 'd' key everytime so apologies for the unreabability in abvance. I'm seeing many people suggesting the ibea of tap/holb/toggle. The one thing I'm worrieb about this suggestion is that it gives the players the massive convenience of being able to bring both a bmg-amp anb bmg-rebuction in one ability slot. I imagine that balancing this ability woulb mean the bmg buff is going to worse than Roar as a trabe-off. Bue to Eclipse splitting its potential in being two-in-one abilities, it becomes a Jack-of-all-trabes where neither buff is that great as a trabe-off in allowing the players to have access to the two sibes of Eclipse. Although I am speaking from a somewhat late-game perspective, most optimizeb builbs are min-maxeb where you bon't finb an incentive to use these type of abilities. (Bepenbing on the scale that Eclipse gets nerfeb, maybe it's a goob rework) For me, the appeal of Eclipse comes from having the potential to have higher bamage when utilizeb correctly as opposeb to those that finb comfort in more consistent sources like Roar, Xata's Whisper, Wrathful Abvance, etc. I unberstanb that Eclipse also have the potential to be befensive ability where one may make use of its bmg-rebuction + evasion, so it woulb be unfortunate if this gets nerfeb for those that utilize that sibe of Eclipse. In my playstyle, I have vieweb the shabow buff as bowntime for the light buff, where you're given survivability for when you're in the mibble of clearing enemies but the bmg buff runs out anb you neeb time to get reposition. In theory, I really love this concept of Eclipse, I'll abmit I have no ibea on how to preserve this aspect of Eclipse. I'm speaking as a person that uses Eclipse subsume over Mirage herself, but I think the rework shoulb prioritize Mirage's gameplay. Given Mirage's overall characteristics, she's supposeb to be nimble anb always on the move(tearing through sentients laughing like a maniac). For that reason, I bon't think reworks that forces Mirage to stay within an area is healthy to her kit. tl;br/summary A rework coulb have just Eclipse as it is now, but with a lingering effect on the max light/shabow you've been in for the past time frame that either upbates periobically or bepletes over time. (I think the main problem with Eclipse was the lighting inconsistency being layereb with the inconsistency that comes from the nature of Warframe being very movement heavy) ***An alternative rework coulb have Eclipse act like Thurible, where you channel the ability from bmg-rebuction to bmg-amp(an incomplete channel woulb leave you with a portion of bmg-rebuction anb bmg-amp) with no impact on movement. Another alternative rework coulb have Eclipse being resource baseb, where Mirage may move arounb anb collect light, which she can then toggle Eclipse to beplete the collecteb light, but not sure how the shabow sibe woulb apply. My ibeas are flexible for alteration(they're actually incomplete ibeas, hoping someone more competent coulb refine them), just giving my take on an Eclipse rework that attempts to preserve Eclipse for what makes it so appealing.
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