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Posts posted by Fuffles_

  1. - NeZha Augment
    Why are you nerfing it? NeZha could have used some spotlight. I feel like overguard already is the nerf to this augment since correct me if I'm wrong, but overguarded enemies can not be speared. And then again, to make his ult actually partially nuke rooms you had to do a relatively specific setup for it to work. Although, I'm kinda not surprised given how much CC frames got shafted with the introduction of overguard.

    - Further Overguard buffs
    Further Fs for CC frames. I just dread the day it starts making enemies ignore the last few remaining working "CCs". (Don't want to give any ideas as to what those are :P)

    - Dante nerfs
    Honestly; I expected the worst, that being Ember's World of Fire/Valkyr's Hysteria kind of nerf. Happy it didn't go that far, but that still doesn't mean the nerfs are just.
    I appreciate the summoned book getting a bit more damage, but adding possibly the poorest implementation of LoS to Tragedy just kinda makes it useless.
    It's not like Tragedy really does nuke on its own unless you are on low levels (so basically its the more expensive version of old World on Fire at 100 energy per cast).
    If you really had to nerf this, why not reduce its range instead like a lot of people already pointed out? Unsure if its gonna be worth to cast it anymore.
    I honestly didn't expect his Light Verse/Triumph to be touched with Styanax's ult existing, but okay? I feel like reducing it this hard is a bit too far, since keep in mind 100 energy cost per Triumph. If I had to change it, it would either be making it not a team wide buff or instead of giving instant overguard, have it basically generate that amount over a certain period of time.
    And even then, please remember that Dante is a frame you drop in the current end-game of Warframe. I don't know why all late-game warframes have to basically be on par with baby's first frames if not worse.
    I doubt that most if any of the nerfs will be reverted at this point if I'm being honest and I kinda regret spending plat on getting Dante, I'm just gonna hope this wont repeat with Jade nor that she will release like most of the forgotten frames, like that already forgotten concrete frame.

    Overall I feel like these nerfs came way too fast given they all of this had been out for like what, a week? Give things some time to actually take their place in the meta.

    - Deep Archimedea release
    Maybe it's because I managed to get Baruuk, but it honestly sounded so much worse on paper, I'm so glad it isn't. It's really an unique take on a sortie-like and I appreciate impairing yourself for greater rewards. Unsure if I'm happy with some of the Elite rewards, but I feel like that stuff will probably change in some future.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

    This is actually pretty standard for non-Prime weapons. Look at Corufell, for instance; the components can be traded, but not the blueprint. Cinta's blueprint being able to be traded would've actually been more unusual!

    (I feel like the pity mechanic should apply here, though. After all, you can buy Corufell's blueprint with the crystals you get from Mirror Defense; the Duviri merchant should let you buy the blueprint and parts for Cinta with some large number of the Enigma tokens.)

    It's hard to compare this to Corufell, since all of Corufells parts can be bought from Otak/drop from mission rotations. If anything I'd compare this to things like Ambassador etc. which all drop from certain enemies/events.
    It is highly unusual to have a weapon whose acquisition for all parts being the same excludes the main BP from being tradable for some reason.
    Why have components tradeable if you still have to rely on RNG to get the main BP?

    • Like 2
  3. Right place to post it? I guess so since there's no real indicator what is a suggestion section as far as I've seen.
    So this is it, a few ideas, mostly cosmetic, which I had a while ago, so here we go!

    1. Rewards for Scanning Objects
    We had scanning and Resource containers, as well as their drop and container as decorations, for pretty much ages.
    So here's an idea, how about if you manage to complete a Codex Entry for let's say an Agron Pegmatite, you'd get 1x Argon Pegmatite Decoration for your ship?
    It would be kinda nice to get a reward for doing Scanning, even if you'd rather give us the drop as a decoration, that'd be fine too!
    We've had Kurias and Glass Fish, why not something a touch more common 'swell? I think it could even attract more purchases for those items because you actually get one as a semi preview for what you get, and maybe you'd like more as well!

    2. Relics as Ship Decorations
    Relics look pretty fancy on their own, and Im pretty sure they have a 3D Model as seen here,
    so why not make them Decorations? How would you get them though is more a question of preference, DE could make it a store purchase, or maybe a rare drop from all relics so that relic fanatics could get a trophy for their obsessions.

    3. Another use for Flora from Earth, Ceres, Lua and Mars
    There are Plants on certain planets in our system, sadly they have barely any use, Apothics as cool as they are, cost a lot and aren't usually worth your time, Antitoxins apparently dont have any use anymore (Unsure if the Wiki is lying on this one), and as cool as an Ephemera maded out of 75 Lunar Pitchers is, its just one of those Plant Buddies.
    If you checked out the Market recently, you can find these cool looking planters for plat with some odd plants,
    why not add some of the familiar scannable ones? I know, you might ask yourself how in the living earth would a Vestan Moss Planter look like or Treshcone Planter, well you can't certainly use them all, sadly, but there are other cool ones like Ruk's Claw, Lunar Pitchers, Dragon Lilies and more! Now where would you get blueprints for these ones, well if you ask me, a fun option would be a drop from the Apothic Specters, rare, common or uncommon, its up to DE to decide, but it would defo make those a bit more worth while in my eye, another option would be buying the blueprints from the market for platinum, infinite or not, also to debate.

    That's all for now, if I ever get more ideas in my head, I'll post em here, or somewhere, cheers

  4. Chicken Cheer (Chicken Dance)

    Step 1:

    • Moa Slowly rises up sweeping his feetsies from side to side
    • Bops his Head and Body from side to side lightly (like the bootey in the Chicken Dance)
    • When reaches max height (max leg extension) (should take 'bout 1-2 seconds) goes over to Step 2

    Step 2:

    • Moa Bops up and down quickly (crouch, stretched)
    • After 2 full bops (should take 'bout 1 - 1.5 seconds) goes over to Step 3

    Step 3:

    • Moa does slight hops, 'clapping' its feet on the floor, possibly causing some small dust FXs
    • After 2 full hops (should take 'bout 2 seconds) returns to idle

    Idea when to play:

    • Player manages to complete their Objective
    • Player uses any of their Nartas

    Quick ROUGH Animation (Sadly I have no 3D enviroment nor am I a pro animator to properly represent) (anim slowed on purpose)

  5. Well here is mine! To my beloved Titania

    "Treshcones are common,

             Claw Ruk's too,

    The Razorflies you summon,

        Cut my attention in two

    Even if your beauty is naturally perfect and
    the razorflies in my stomach make it hard...

    May I ask...

    Will you be my Valentenno?"



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