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Posts posted by Shuttle-Ranger

  1. Hello, 

    This is my first time I have even posted a bug, I did the orokin derelict survival mission and at the 20th min mark, I saw the octavia neuroptics pop-up. I completed the mission and went back to check in the foundry, it was not there. So, I checked my inventory it was not there as well. I'm 100% sure I did receive the part. I did not want to make this post before trying a couple more times and after few hrs I'm not happy I'm denied a part that I received. I hope you do justice.

  2. I'm a trader, I constantly buy unranked primed mods and sell them maxed at 5 times its price. I want to do index runs but not a lot of people do not join and doing solo with specters will take too much time. I have a credit booster and right now sticking with single excavations in hieracon, takes about 4 min in and out. Also you get around 50k and maybe a 400 endo reward as well. I do around 45 runs in 3 hrs for about 2.4M credits


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