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Posts posted by Quasar-Sandwich

  1. These peeps in here are considerably blind to logic if they think lotus a.k.a Natah is Marguils. Marguils is gone. She was sentenced to death by he sentient council. Although I don't remember much of the lore behind lotus since I did Natah quest a long time ago, but her name is Natah for sure.


    Lotus = Natah != Marguils


    It's like really really simple to understand if you paid attention to even a little bit of the quest. It was explained pretty thoroughly and lotus even says that Marguils got wonded and maybe even died and Lotus a.k.a. Natah took over the job as mother. Why would she take over the job as mother fromm herself?


    She always spoke in terms of third term, never giving any intonation that she was Marguils.


    come on tenno! This isn't quantum physics this is blatantly obvious lore spilled out in the quest line.

  2. So when using Ivara's second ability with the penta or any weapon with a secondary firing mechanism, you are unable to initiate the secondary fire.


    Example: When I was using the penta earlier today, I could not detonate it within the ability and could only smack enemies around with the round.


    I don't know if this is a bug or something that DE doesn't want to implement it, but it seems like something that was missed or is simply not working as a mechanic of the ability.


    Are there any other weapons that don't work as intended?


    This was just my first experience with a glaring problem and I thought I'd post it.



  3.                                                                               Hellow people.

    I selling all 27 arcane helmets for 10000p. WTS EMP aura pm me price.

    /w -RS-AlukarD message. 

    What? lol you have no idea how overpriced that is. Every helmet excluding pendragon and vangaurd sell around 75. 25 * 75 = 1875. Pendragon sells for 150-175 and vangaurd sells for 225-250. 1875 + 150-175 + 225-250 = 2250 - 2300 platinum. That's 22.5% - 23% of what your asking for.



  4. There have been many threads about this problem, and it always boils down to people abusing it. It may not be problem right now, but what about when Warframe gets so popular that we have eight year-olds joining the game all the time who don't have a sense of humor? What about when they host a game and then just kick everybody for the sheer fun of it?

    bro, he only said for tower keys, there isn't any abusing when your the actual owner of the match.

  5. It is easy to tell if a person in your game is not doing well, say if they are constantly going down, or playing in a way that hurts the team. In fact most games have that one guy who just doesn't do much in the way of helping, and too be fair, at one time or another we have all been that guy.


    On the other hand separating the skilled player from the average is much more difficult, kills aren't a great indicator, due to the powers of the 4 key, and most other end-screen stats are bugged.


    So I ask you, the community, what is it that makes another player skilled in your eyes?


    Examples are welcome

    Being able to play the tank, healer, support, and dps as a nekros.

  6. They're probably going to rework Invisibility, anyways.


    They could probably band-aid stealth with a separate Stealth kill multiplier(similar to melee combo multipier) that doesn't reset until 3 or more enemies become alerted at once/alarm is activated. Ex: 3 kills on unalerted enemies increases damage by 50%, 8 kills increases it by 100%, etc., Once an enemy is alerted, you lose all your damage bonuses and can't build them back up again until no enemy is aware of you.


     Finishers outright need to deal much higher base damage, though.

    they probably wont rework invis, if anything smoke screen will get reworked

  7. Hi,i know DE told us that the  ship its still in progress,but it will be realeased togetehr with the kubrow in U14?

    well considering you can't make a kubrow without the ship I would assume so...

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