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  1. I guess thanks in advance, I posted because was not sure if it is intended or not. They changed the explosive barrels to be more lethal and may instakill enemies within a range. The further the enemy is the less damage they get but Inaros with this amount of hp and armor instakilled. But it seems it is a bug then.
  2. Hello there! This is my first topic I opened and possible not using the tags very well so please forgive me. I decided to write about this because the recent changes to explosives, especially the barrels on maps are now causing non shielded warframes a headache simply because they have no option to mitigate the damage they getting from the explosive barrels. I am mr 10 and still no have very exotic mods but I have a good variety mods and I mainly playing low-medium levels and I am now just casually played with Inaros, over 4000 hp and more than 700 armor I instakilled by 1 explosive barrel 2 times one was a testing purpose the other was not my fault because a mob shot a barrel near the entrance and I did not see it there and instakilled. Frames with shields have benefits and can avoid being instakilled also the overguard could save them. My suggestion is to give non shielded warframes a similar protection like the overguard to keep them alive because this was just a lower level encounter and basically the mobs were harmless to me but the barrels after the changes instead of killing the mobs it's killing frames with no shields. I did not tested this with Nidus yet but considering he have the nearly same amount of armor and have lower overall hp I believe he would be instakilled too. Also I know this topic is more of a feedback and not really belongs to the general discussion, but I did not seen any topic with this subject maybe because not too many Inaros or Nidus main faced with this until now. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this subject. Cheers.
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