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Posts posted by H4wkstriker

  1. Okay, so after looking briefly into it, my friend told me this.


    "Japanese trickster spirits, their base form is a fox. They tend to form from fox spirits or foxes who have live a long time.
    I think their first manifestation of their power is that they can assume a human/humanoid form"
    That took him like, what, 5 minutes, tops.
    He went into more detail after more research, but he told me that's the "Gist of it", so to speak.
  2. Thanks. I don't try. 

    (you know you really shouldn't try to make fun of someone when you have numbers in your name in place of letters.) 

    All jokes aside, you should give some valid points on why the fox 'frame would be a good idea, instead of telling people to just "Read the lore". 

  3. As a guy I like playing as a guy and I love the design of this I would be happier if it was a guy

    "I would be happier if it was a guy" Is probably the stupidest reason why it should be a male. Going back to what fishworshiper said...


    "Valkyr is the psychopathic berserker-frame. And she's female."


    I did not see you S#&$posting about Valkyr. Grow up.

  4. So, I was doing the "Howl of the Kubrow" Quest line, and my Kubrow had matured. I started the mission, and someone joined in. It showed "Host migration in progress" and when it was done, my Kubrow was dead. The mission failed instantly. 


    Just letting you guys know. If anyone else has this problem, you can post it on this thread. 

  5. Hell, excuse my artwork, but may I present to you the Phantis. 


    Faction: Tenno. (That seems to be that big faction design here.)


    Grip: Sword like. ( On charge/ assassinate, holds hook/ barb)




    Special Features: The assassination is rather special. With any sidearm/firearm , you can aim your gun at an unsuspecting target (with their back turned to you) and throw the small, barbed kunai at the end of the sword. You then rip them towards you, as you prepare to slice them in half. You know what comes next. (no, you do not teabag the rotting corpse. Pervert.)


    Charge: I'm deciding on two charges.One of the charges is that you can use it to disarm enemies of their weapons. Heavy gunner? Not any more. Napalm got you down? Try setting me on fire without your gun, I dare you.The other one would be that you do the same thing for the charge as the assassination, but you don't slice them in half. They go flying towards you, so you can shoot them with a shotgun. This charge would also be able to take broken fans and fling them at your enemies. You thought those fans were just plain annoying? Think again. This time, with the Phantis.


    Desc: The Phantis is primarily meant for stealth combat. It's razor sharp edges make it a wise choice to bring into a firefight, though. 


    Why did I chose to make this?: (Wow, this is getting pretty long.) Well, I just don't think there are enough stealth weapons. Sure, most of the melee weapons are stealthy, along with some sidearms and the bows, but people don't use it for that purpose. Well, no one I've met, anyway. It would be pretty fun, seeing enemies fly across the room, only to be cut in half. 

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