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  1. so i love playing valkyr and always have. the berserker frame is amazing. but here first ability is only situationally useful and her third ability is kind of just under powered. i have an idea to improve both rather simply without dramatically changing her overall playstyle. so here it goes. Ripline is kind of only situationally useful. in modern warframe a single target CC is useless in the big hectic slayfest players quickly get into. i find that i never really use it for anything other then goofing around. so here is an idea: riplined enemies get reeled in to valkyrs grasp, she holds them above her head and can throw them back at enemies like a bowling ball for multitarget CC's. everybody gets knocked down and quick ground finishers become possible. bonus if this works with explosive barrels and other loose breakable objects, and more bonus if we can smack enemies with the one we are holding. this idea is inspired by the barbarian class from dungeons and dragons. they can use basically anything they can pick up as an improvised weapon and valkyr is kind of the barbarian frame with the rage and all. Paralysis is again not the most useful thing in the world. i find i dont really use if for anything except breaking containers. at lower levels the stun is nice but like ripline once things get hectic and high level its not as useful as it could be. i have no idea how to improve that as valkyr is not really a shield frame and paralysis depends on shields. kind of an odd choice to me but i didn't make the game lol. anyway my idea is to replace the ability with the effect from the Hysterical Assualt mod, rename it "Pounce", and have it try to perform a quick double slash finisher style attack with the valkyr talons. as bonus, if hysteria is on the finisher is impowered with a lethal damage style upgrade in a similar manner to ashs fatal teleport while using a dagger with covert lethality, essentially an attempt to instant kill. to differentiate Pounce from ashs teleport pounce should have an arch to the jump. the shockwave effect that is used for paralysis could be moved to that heel drop heavy attack that valkyr does while hysteria is on. i feel like these changes would make valkyr more fun to play and better fit her theme as the crazy cat lady/berzerker frame. :)
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