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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. More Nerf threads :/ when will it end?


    NO FUN ALLOWED THREADS back to back EB Nerfs and Hysteria Nerfs now this to put icing on the cake 


    Yeah, well if it's not "nerf x ability" it's "buff x ability" so there's obviously a lot of work that needs to be done, the first thing being to actually agree on what needs to be changed! That's why I made a neat little list.

  2. -

    People that beg for nerfs, go play what you want. Avoid what you dislike. If you dislike how other people enjoy playing, maybe you should just go it alone or play with people of like mindedness.



    I can see the points you made in your post, but mind if I borrow this snippet for a quick while?


    I don't like that people always tend to bring this up, "if you don't like it then go away". The whole point of having a feedback forum is to give, what else, feedback. If a game dev was like "it's my way or the highway" then they wouldn't bother setting up feedback forums. So, I'm within my right to give my points of view on what would make things more balanced. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but even if I have the most $&*&*#(%& ideas in the forum, I've stated my views in a reasonable manner.


    After all, I care about this game because it's loads of fun, and I want to be part of making it better, so other players have no right to tell me to simply "go do something else". I hope it's not too much to ask for constructive threads and not all this "salt" that people are already throwing around, yeesh.

  3. okay

    okay OP


    if you want to nerf all abilities

    then let's nerf energy gain


    no more energy


    unlimited ability spam


    I singled out a small handful of abilities. I don't see where you people are thinking that I want to "nerf all abilities".

  4. The way focus works right now, each new ability you add to your focus increases the cooldowns. However, given the intensive costs of unlocking ways, I think it's a given that most people just unlock the passive abilities, level them up, and leave it at that. After all, who wants to waste time unlocking further abilities, each one making it longer and longer between each focus use, especially when most of the effects only activate for a short time after consuming focus charge?


    There is the mastery perk/way, which decreases cooldown, but (again) given the cost, it's always just an after-thought for me, something that I might get around to eventually, but probably not in this lifetime.


    My suggestion would be to kill two birds with one stone; unlocking nodes in focus should DECREASE the cooldown/charge-up for your focus ability (maybe by 10-15 seconds each), EXCEPT for passive nodes, which would increase the cooldown as usual. This would encourage people to unlock and play around with most of the other ways, while getting rid of (in my opinion) a superfluous focus point sink.


    Anti-frustration features, you could say! Tell me what you think.

  5. Some warframe abilities are just game-breakers, I think most of us will agree. I have a small list of (in my opinion) broken warframe powers. Certain factors, like just straight up damage, are not usually taken into consideration when I look at these abilities. I've also put some thought into what can be done to fix or tweak said abilities to being more moderate.


    If there's one thing no one likes, it's a one-button wonder, right guys?


    Mag's shield transference: Make it so that it can ONLY cause damage to shields, and not health. While this ability does damage, the fact that it scales infinitely makes corpus missions insanely easy.


    Valkyr's hysteria: Remove the invincibility, and replace it with an armor modifier instead (maybe 400% or something)


    Ash's bladestorm: Being invincible makes this ability highly spammable. Ash could still take (reduced?) damage during the animation, but be able to cancel it any time.


    Trinity blessing: Have damage resistance cap out at 95% or something to defeat the "trinity blessing build". On this note, I feel like trinity needs a rework for most of her abilities anyways.


    Mirage's prism: It should require line of sight to be able to blind an enemy. I mean, that's what they did to excalibur's radial blind because blind builds made missions trivial


    And that's all I got for right now, let me know what you think about these and other abilities like them.


    EDIT: added one I forgot.

  6. So I got a strun wraith stock AND 25 fusion cores from the sorties today, is that a new fix or has it always been like that? Because I think that getting 25 cores on top of a sortie reward is actually REWARDING.

  7. The cryogenic condition in Sorties is supposed to halve your Shields and hamper your mobility, while for Fire is reducing maximum health and health regeneration.

    Combining both sounds like a decent idea though. It is one of the easier Sortie conditions, that's for sure.

    Wait, are you sure? Today's sortie was just half shields, there was no mobility effects at all for me.

  8. Yes, even experienced players can mess up on spy missions. But that doesn't change the fact that spy is still a solo experience, rather than a team experience. I think that there should be more leeway for error, like at least 2 extractions rather than all 3.

    Or if you want to keep the difficulty, put in MORE data vaults! Like maybe 4 or 5 vaults in a mission, but only require 3 successful extractions. That way, you put in the same amount of work, but you have more room for error.

  9. The main topic here seems to be "comparing ults to excal/ivara/valkyr". Bottom line is, a lot of the frame's ults just cannot compare to the sheer strength of these moves. Not all 4 abilities are pure damage, but the ones that are are only effective in lower level missions (ember, volt, saryn) because of the set damage. Other ultimate abilities are simply CC to knock enemies away and get some breathing room (banshee, rhino, frost, broberon, etc.)


    So uh, yeah, I guess a lot of frames could use a bit of a effectiveness rework in that regard

  10. I personally think that some of the mods do need some tweaking in their effects. Like, I think the whole "stacks with combo multiplier" effect is kinda teetering on the edge of being broken (looking at blood rush here). Not to mention, that if you're looking for a guaranteed status proc on your weapon, just grab yourself a lacera. After all, why sacrifice mod slots on a weapon that's already meant for damage?

  11. to be honest the design council isnt even really much of a thing anymore. its been overrun with random new people and really no longer holds a significance of any kind. youre also like 2 years late to the party. It ended in a november IIRC.


    Also the skana isnt that good its just a shiny trophy. you really arent missing out on much.

    i was going to agree with you... but then mfw


    How did the design council get overrun by new people? I thought it was only open to grandmaster founders

  12. It's because they're not being smart about how they should change it. All they had to do is replace the formas in higher level missions with cores or something else while allowing you to get forma blueprints in t1 missions.


    I personally think getting a forma for doing a T4 mission where you get a single reward is silly unless it's already pre made. 


    Why couldn't they make forma a non issue in T4 missions while making them abundant elsewhere?  


    I'm getting fusion cores as a reward from T4 intercepts. This just frustrates me beyond all belief. I would love it if they got rid of all fusion core, orokin cell, and key drops from the table and just put in forma BP or something else. No one goes into the void expecting to get these things! It's stupid.

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