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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. I don't think this damage rework is coming for a very long time, so I'm not worrying about it now. I'm sure that as the time draws closer for this decision to happen, they'll take community feedback to make things as streamlined as possible.


    At least, that's what I hope, we all know that big changes in the past haven't always been handled well by the devs.

  2. This is really an "out there" suggestion, but I think it'd be a good idea to reduce the standard elemental damage mods' (hellfire, molten impact, heated charge etc) energy drain from 11 down to 9 (at rank 6). Back before all the elemental damage mods were standardized, cold damage mods for rifles, pistols, and shotguns only took 9 mod energy, which I thought was pretty nice.


    Having lower mod costs on these essential mods would alleviate the frustrating grind on leveling up weapons somewhat!

  3. Basically put, I feel that the new mods that drop from the even enemies are based primarily on critical damage, and in my opinion, critical-based weapons do not need any more damage boosts, as they already enjoy the highest damage outputs in the game when compared to non-critical weapons.

  4. As soon as I saw "excavation changes/fixes" I was hoping there would be some mention of the health getting scaled up to meet the demands of very high level missions, such as sorties. However, I can see it's not happened, so I'd like to submit the notion that excavator health be modified.

  5. I think excavators need health that scales up just like objectives in defense type missions do. It's quite frustrating having your excavator blow up from 2 hits in higher level stuff when some random guy gets through your bubble (cough cough sorties).

  6. I'm not even remotely interested in having this stance mod or the weapon; I'm not a collector, I don't want this mod "just to have it" nor do I want to use that rapier.


    Even so, I'm still quite concerned with this entire development. There is absolutely no reason to make anything so difficult and frustrating to get. It's unfair and it's not fun seeing so many people angry about this.


    Every time a new stance needs to be released, you do NOT have to make it steadily more difficult than the last stance to obtain, especially when the main difficulty in this game is completely luck-based. Some people can't afford to sit around for 18 hours a day on their computer grinding away.


    This is coming from a veteran player with 1400 hours of playtime. I want this game to be more fun, and less frustrating.

  7. And they still thought that sorties weren't challenging enough, so they BS'd a couple of the hazards to be even worse. The rewards are lousy, and basically all it's done is show me how ridiculously broken enemy scaling is.


    At this point, I don't even play it for the rewards, I simply go into them for the thrill of the challenge, and to learn whatever exploits people use to destroy these high level challenges. It is quite fun, but it just feels like DE doesn't care about what's balanced at this point.


    This is feedback, not anger.

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