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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. There is a lot of polarization going on (heh, pun) in the community right now over the inclusion of forma and nitain as sortie rewards. I have a possible fix to ease the suffering.

    As much as DE hates giving players the option to choose rewards, I would propose that the 2k endo reward be removed from the pool altogether. At the end of the sorties session, the player will receive their randomized reward, and they can choose between either taking the offered reward, OR swap it for 2k endo if they'd rather have the endo. Make sense? Of course, this option would not present itself when the reward is 4k endo/a legendary core.

    See, everyone wins, people who win their forma can have it, and people who like their endo can have that instead.

  2. On 11/24/2016 at 7:29 AM, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    How so?

    I am out of Forma, and I hate having to pick Forma in a fissure mission over something that I can sell for ducats. At least when we got Forma from a void key it wasn't something you had to deliberately CHOOSE.

    For players that are qualified to do sorties (multiple formas in weapons and warframe, fully potato'd equipment and maxed mods) it is effortless to farm forma from relics. Newer players are the ones that need forma handed to them, not sortie-prepped players.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:

    So completed sortie, got 3 nitain as a "reward".  This is a horrible reward.  The patch notes says most people "only" have 9 in inventory.  So? 


    9 is enough to complete most sets before searching for it.  I'd rather the endo.  Resource is not a reward. 

    This. People don't tend to stockpile it, only going after the resource when they need it. Once we've got the big nitain projects out of the way, there is nothing to spend it on, and therefore, no need to farm any until the next big weapon update. Please reconsider.

    Oh, and while forma is a huge priority for lower-powered players, it's effortless to farm for people who are actually qualified for sorties.

  4. Hmm, perhaps you're right. I didn't look at it that way.

    However, like you said, I do feel there needs to be a lot more weapons brought up to speed with the current handful of prized top-tiers. Power creep does have a huge presence in the game's arsenal that needs to stop. Slapping on a high MR requirement for a weapon doesn't always justify it being overpowered.

  5. Let me start by saying that I love the idea of Riven mods. It really does bring in the chaotic and dice-rolling feel of other games such as Diablo 3and Borderlands, which is a big part of what makes farming in those games so much fun. So, I'm all for riven mods staying around.

    However, Riven disposition is just a flat-out bad design choice. I find it hard to believe that, rather than rebalance old weapons that they still want players to be interested in to be on par with current weapons, they come up with this amazing new mod system instead. I wonder how much work has gone into this, that could have gone into rebalancing and repurposing low-tier weapons, it's just disappointing to me.

    Not only is Riven disposition a blatant "band-aid" fix, like many other mod-related fixes before hand, but it means that strengthening underpowered weapons (i.e. dumping multiple forma into it, a time-costly investment in preparation for end-game skirmishes) is still, for the most part, inaccessible to most players. Only high-end/affluent players will be able to farm and buy these things daily. So a low to mid level player is going to think, "hey, that miter weapon looks really cool. Ah, but too bad, it's really not as good as my tonkor. Maybe someday I can get a nice Riven mod for it". Shouldn't the bottom line of Warframe's vast arsenal be the ability to customize your loadout, to pick the weapons that you want to use in a given situation, without having to worry about how woefully underpowered they are compared to another weapon? (Prime/wraith/vandal variants aside, that's an entire new discussion). A player should be able to find a weapon that sounds good to them (shoots bouncing sawblades!) and have it reasonably live up to the handful of top tier weapons in the meta-game.

    This also came around with the introduction of Syndicate mods for weapons. Back then, they were seen as yet another band-aid attempt to breathe life into weapons wasted away by rampant power creep. As only a small handful of them were released and no more, I would consider it an abandoned endeavor. I certainly hope Riven mods meet the same fate, if their biggest purpose is to simply make weak weapons viable!

    TL;DR: Instead of making Riven mods more powerful on weak weapons, make weak weapons more powerful instead!

  6. So, instead of making older "discarded" weapons more relevant by balancing and tweaking their stats to be on par with the current meta, you're instead going with this incredibly convoluted chance system with RNG-based mods that you can't even get until late in the game? I cannot be the only person who sees the problem with this.

    Don't get me wrong, I -love- the idea of riven mods. I love the roll of the dice, randomized stats and all that. And I don't really like to lose my cool. However, after months, YEARS of pleading for more balanced weapons, "Riven Disposition" is a stupid bandaid patch for old weapons that just flies in the face of common sense. Please, reconsider.

  7. I agree, what's the point in giving you all these new abilities if they're borderline useless? The only purpose they have is to specifically take down a new enemy they introduced, which itself I find to be not such a great idea. The fear of punishment far outweighs the limited usefulness, so transference definitely needs some working on. 

    I would suggest one of two things: making the Tenno invincible when outside of their suit, like when using focus. It's not like the abilities can actually kill enemies (the laser is very weak and falls off quickly) and the warframe itself is still vulnerable to damage.

    The other would be to "mod up" your Tenno like a warframe or weapon, increasing durability, damage, and supportiveness. While that sounds fun, it would also require an entire new set of Tenno mods, and would bring about balancing issues and just a lot more hard work for the devs.

  8. Well that's gonna suck for Nova then, because AMD used to be able to clear out areas without having to look at them. Like, I'd just throw an AMD at a door where enemies were clumped up behind, and they'd be dead. But if explosions now do not go through solid objects, then, that's a bit of a damper for that strategy.

  9. I'm a fan of the creative new hazards, with a few exceptions, as commonly noted already.

    Friendly fire simply doesn't work for this type of game, and should effectively mean "solo play". That is because of troll players, give them a chance to disrupt other player's games, and they will do exactly that. I had one person in my alliance bragging shamelessly about how he kept destroying his cells with simulor and mirage like it was some accomplishment. Bottom line is, it's simply too much of a meta-hazard to fit in with the theme of the game.

    Energy drain, as well, is also highly annoying. The drain rate is unbelievably fast, I'm estimating 10e/s, which essentially amounts to a "no energy hazard". And as the community has repeatedly stated in the past (nullifiers, low energy events), this is a highly punishing and frustrating way to play, and outclasses all other hazards in difficulty.

  10. 14 hours ago, Kavat_Keeper_666 said:

    that looks like a spy mission but i NEVER came across this?

    Yeah, grineer Spy mission. Not all of the vault hacking console are like this, and the regular security hacking consoles are much less disruptive. But the main vault terminals are the highest-stress ones, since they determine whether you succeed or fail D;

  11. I suppose I worded it badly. While certainly not impossible, I expected to have to deal with dodging radiation bubbles, and quick hacking to release a prisoner, so I geared up as such. I didn't know I was expected to be able to tank radiation damage, and poor design like that is frustrating.

    Sorties are still plenty challenging themselves, the threat of being one-shotted by a mook is present. Just because you personally can face-roll them with your simulor-mirage combo doesn't mean they're not difficult for others.

  12. Just look at this atrocity. I know you want their computer colors to be yellow, but really, a yellow mini-game over a glowing yellow screen? This really throws me off when I'm trying to follow the game's motion. I would very much appreciate it if they either changed the color, made the cipher minigame opaque, or changed the computer screens in the background to be less disruptive.






  13. Today's sortie 3 was a radiation hazard rescue sortie. However, in my run, all of the panels to hack to free the prisoner were located inside the bubbles of radiation, and were therefore impossible to hack without dying. I feel like there needs to be more safeguards and testing against this sort of thing happening.

  14. I've used the waypoint to measure, and the blast radius is at least 16 meters, probably more than that. I blew up a barrel, and it froze me from 16 meters away. That's just annoying as hell. If anything, nerf the radius of the stupid things.

    Folks who are scouring the area for all lootables using an ignis are punished every few seconds by a frozen barrel. On the other hand, the regular 'blast' barrels have no effect, other than damage.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Fionntan said:

    To be fair, I saw Ember bring hrt Simulor S in same Elemental resist sortie + grineer, only it was interception, and still wrecked face till the end.

    Not sure if she has Augment as well that helps Synoid Simulor in anyway though.

    Really, it's not just mirage, it's the simulor itself that's broken. A massive AoE explosion like multiple penta blasts stacked on top of each other, with no risk to the user.

  16. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)FunyFlyBoy said:


    My Chroma out damages, matches, or keeps up just fine with Mirage Simular. Hell, he can keep up with Ash Bladestorm spam if I bother trying to. A PvE game with no incentive or reward for being the best killer; never saw the point in this frustration of someone getting a ton of kills. Move to a different part of the map. Set up your own parties and request no simular. Go solo. Not everything should have to be fixed by developers. I find that to be extreme coddling.

    The mirage simulor combo is highly disruptive in the meta. There's nothing "coddling" about having a semblance of balance in the game.

    People miss the main point that's often made by these complaints: while a lot of people believe there's no reason to have balance in a mainly PvE game, they often miss the obvious consequence: if there's one particular build that completely eclipses everything else with very little effort, then there would be no reason to even consider using any other weapons or warframes available in the game. When you look at any other PvE game with multiple equipment options, it's just bad game design to have one weapon completely outstrip any other weapon.

    This is a particularly extreme case, since the combo in question completely destroys the one scenario crafted to limit it.

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