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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. There's often a lot of information and rules that I'd like to share with clan members, and not all of us can be around 24/7 to explain things to fellow clan members who aren't around at the same time as us. There is the clan's Message of the Day feature, and rooms in the dojo can each have some description text, but those both have very limited space, and I wouldn't want to direct my clan to specific rooms in the dojo just to find out about certain things.

    See where I'm going with this? How convenient would it be to have a dojo decoration for the sole purpose of easily noticeable text, preferably with a large text limit, for those clans that just really need to get a wall of text out to their members! All you'd need to put in the clan MotD is "go see the big sign in the dojo for more info" and that way, the MotD could actually be used for a daily message, rather than tightly compacted rules and what's currently needed for donations.

  2. Well, considering how cheap potatoes go for in the market, I'd make the assumption that those probably make up only a small portion of revenue, at least compared to cosmetics, which I've spent a looot of plat on. I don't think they would lose too much in doing this, and it would make things much easier on the player.

  3. I think it's actually pretty nice. I knew for a long while that I would have to stop being so dependent on the carrier's precept to add some variety to my game. And, I feel that re-purposing carrier as an ammo mutation companion is a huge step towards the ammo management problem that full-auto weapons have; we now have the choice not to sacrifice a precious mod slot in a weapon because it eats up a lot of ammo, so that gets a thumbs-up from me (please don't change it!)

    My main complaints are: I do wish it were a little bit of a larger radius; carrier's vacuum radius was nearly unreasonable, being able to pick up items through walls, before you even knew they were there, but for the current model I think a slight range boost would be much appreciated. As well, I believe the vacuum should just be innate to warframes, not having to do with sentinels or companions at all.

  4. I've been playing fine for the past few days, and it just started happening to me when I booted up the game today. Very weird. I thought it had something to do with my own connection, but I checked and that doesn't seem to be the case.

  5. I feel like this topic may have gotten derailed. I don't care whether or not the new Bladestorm is a stance or some kind of kooky attack like you all do, there are other threads for discussing that. I just want to keep the animations.


    32 minutes ago, Mardana said:

    Or just simply get out his hidden blades and any enemies touched by them are killed with finisher damage, range and attack speed can be increased via melee mods, dmg can be upgraded with element mods but not with Pressure points, Primed one, and Spoiled Strike. Energy cost per second is 10 as start, can be reduced to minimum 3 like Mesa's.

    Nah, no matter what kind of rework, people will always complain. 

    Well, I wasn't actually discussing whether or not the Bladestorm change was good or not, my sole concern was the animations involved, because they are cool.

  7. I already know what you're all thinking, ">Ash rework suggestion kek getloadadis Ash scrub, probably here to cry moar about Poopstorm nerf". But, hear me out, I feel this is just a quick, neutral suggestion, whether you're supportive or against the upcoming Bladestorm revision. Also, let me preface this by saying, I have no idea what's been getting teased of leaked so far, since I don't really follow like, the Dev streams or prime time whatevers, so I might be missing a lot more than you folks are.

    I've always thought Bladestorm was a great ult, not for the effect, but because it's a cinematic sort of animation. No other ability has quite the same effect, of watching Ash brutally destroy enemies one at a time, with unique animations. I mean, sure, I guess it does get old after a few dozen times, if you're the kind of Ash with a worn-down 4 key, but it was always unique in that aspect.

    Now, I don't know what plans they have to replace or tweak the Bladstorm, but I really would hate to see those animations go to waste. My suggestion would be, to give Ash a passive ability (I know there are probably already passives planned for him at this point) that would give his melee finisher attacks bonus damage, whether from stealth, or teleport; maybe fix it at a static 32x multiplier, rather than the weapon's own finisher multiplier. And in addition, Ash could use his Bladestorm hand-blades animation, rather than the melee weapon. This way, we'd still get to see those brutal cinematic moves, if only one at a time.

    Anyways, tell me what you think, if you care :D

  8. This is something that I noticed after the Silver grove update, and is still not entirely fixed. The issue is the reload for the Sancti Tigris taking longer than the advertised time before being ready to fire again, noticeable when I tap the reload button to quickly reload. The details are lined out more clearly in this topic that I made in Weapon Feedback:


    And I have collected another screenshot to show that the effect is still the same as before the update, in regards to this weapon. It may affect other weapons as well, which I haven't tested.


    Notice the reload rotary meter is halfway full, but the ammo counter shows the magazine is full; however, I am unable to fire the weapon until after a certain time has passed.

    I have my reload speed set to 1.0 seconds with mods, however, the time is closer to 2 seconds before I'm able to fire again, after hitting the reload key, because the game will not let me fire until the reload progress bar is filled up, and it lags behind the actual animation. This is not how this weapon used to behave before the Silver Grove update. It may seem like a minor issue to have just a second of lag, and it is for most guns, but not for a weapon that spends more time reloading than actually firing.

    I hope this is making sense because it's really damn hard to explain just using pictures, but the reload speed is not consistent with the reload key presses.


  9. Well with charge weapons, you have an entire magazine to go through. Bows have to draw a new arrow after every shot. Besides, when you look at it, the double draw speed isn't really too much of a boost.

    Let's look at the 1.0 second charge speed, with a 60% fire rate mod.

    Without  x2 bonus: 1.0/(1.0+0.6) = 0.625 charge rate

    With the x2 bonus: 1.0/(1.0+2(0.6)) = 0.4545 charge rate

    Due to the formula used for determining charge speed, the higher your fire rate modifier, the less benefit you receive from it.

  10. I have done a bit more experimenting with the Sancti Tigris to uncover a bit more.

    What I found out is that, if I hit the reload button right after shooting, as I'm accustomed to, then the reload animation plays just as it used to in the past, without any pause whatsoever; HOWEVER, that little reload progress circle around the reticle does NOT start until after a short pause, and as a result, the reload animation is not synced up with the reload progress circle. Even though the reload animation is finished, and the magazine is replenished, the game will not let you fire your weapon until after the delayed reload meter is filled.

    On the other hand, whenever I let the weapon auto-reload after shooting the two rounds, there is a pause as well, although this time the reload circle DOES sync up with the reload animation and magazine counter. But it's still slower, as expected.

    I took some screenshots just to clarify the staggered reload sequences, and how quick-reloading does not sync up. I have done this experiment only with the Sancti Tigris, as it was pretty annoying trying to get just these screen shots, but I have the feeling this effect plays out on other weapons as well.


    This is when tapping the reload key (R) for a quick reload right after firing. Notice how the ammo counter shows my magazine is full, and it's not even halfway through the reload progress. And, you can't fire until the reload bar is complete.


    This is the reload sequence when you allow the gun to reload automatically. Notice how the ammo counter is still at 0, because it is synced up with the reload progress bar around the reticle.

    Anyways, so I guess this is considered a bug, and I should have posted it to the bug forums? Too late for that now, I guess.

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