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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. I first noticed this when using my Sancti Tigris, a weapon where you spend 50% of your firefights reloading, so a quick reload is paramount. I had gotten into the habit of firing off two shots, and immediately hitting the reload key to instantly start a reload, because otherwise there is a fraction of a second before your warframe will automatically reload, so that little extra time save really means a lot to weapons with small magazines.

    However, the latest update places a noticeable amount of lag from when you hit the reload key, to when the action actually happens. Noticed it on my S. Tigris, as stated above, but it also seems to apply to other weapons as well, the reload just feels longer than it used to. This may be related to the reload fixes mentioned in the silver grove update, but not having instant reloads is really throwing off my Tigris game!

  2. There has been plenty of meaningful discussion on the forums about many possible changes and tweaks that would greatly increase quality of life against nullifiers, while still keeping them the same threatening enemy. But as you can see, none of that feedback is ever even looked at, and they continue to behave the same as they did at their introduction.

  3. 5 minutes ago, zY_Spartan_Yz said:

    Select a mod, click fusion and then you should be able to see an option to use a legendary core if you have one.

    Alright that's cool, I saw that just now. I guess there's no official word on the value of any other fusion cores though.

    I'm probably not going to rank up any mods until they iron out the system more, there's very probably bugs in there.

  4. So since the new fusion system just popped up, the conversion rate of any fusion cores to "Endo" is never covered. The only bit I saw was:


    5 Endo = 1 Unranked Common Core.

    Ok, so how does that translate into R5 cores? I have no idea. I don't know if DE gave us all the correct amount of endo needed to level the exact same amount of mods as we could before with fusion cores, I just don't trust their conversion to be fair. Is the actual conversion rate for higher ranked cores given somewhere?

    And what of legendary cores? I don't see those anymore in my inventory, are they still there somewhere?? If these questions ARE answered in a thread somewhere, I would appreciate a link in the right direction!

    UPDATE: Alright, once I stopped being $&*&*#(%& for a minute, I remembered sorties, and checked the possible rewards.

    4000 endo = 50 R5 reward

    2000 endo = 25 R5 reward

    So by that math, R5 cores are worth exactly 80 endo. Case closed.

  5. I have never ever been able to shoot missiles down with any weapon other than the ignis. Even then, missiles find their way through to me more than half the time. The hit detection must be completely flawed in that respect, and what player would bring an ignis to high level missions anyway? The thing barely gives enemies a sunburn at high levels.

    I think OP has a valid complaint still. I wish that bombard missiles weren't homing, that's just another nuisance.

    Anyone who's played the original Doom knows how annoying revenant missiles can be, especially on custom maps where mappers throw revenants at the player by the truckload. Why? Because they know that homing projectiles are extremely annoying and overpowered. But hey, at least those rockets didn't have splash damage that can knock you down from a dozen yards away.


  6. This is the fite me irl thread, but you lil dweebs won't even step outside cuz you're all NERDS! And also probably because you live too far away.

    This is me:


    Also my dad works at DE so I get to play all the cool warframes before they come out, so haha

  7. I'm going to add another tally to "genetic code rate needs to be way higher".

    Considering how easy it is now to get kubrow eggs, I would expect the acquisition rate for kavat genetic codes to be near 100%. After all, no one wants to in and CC hidden enemies just to scan them, that's boring.

    Just because something is new content, does not mean it has to be much harder to acquire than previous content, especially when said content is on par with something previously released (in this case, kubrows).

    Luckily for me, I have obtained the kavat I wanted at this point, and I will never be farming those codes again if I can help it.

  8. Since Mesa's ult works with a big ol targeting circle thing to determine its attacks, I feel like the area you can target should be more clear. The "crosshair" is quite light on my screen, and tends to blend in even moreso because the screen gets a greenish tint whenever I activate Peacemaker, so in the heat of a battle, I often times lose track of the targeting circle on my screen, depending on the tileset, lighting conditions, etc.. 

    Took a few pics to show how that reticle can blend in with the screen:



    Initiating Peacemaker


    Partially closed in


    Fully, or almost fully focused

    Anyways, my feedback is to make the target circle thingy more visible and easier to make out, it would help out.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

    not only that, getting the one relic you wanted out of a relic farm would be worse then getting the prime part out of rotation C....

    They should have just kept the old void. It was so much more fun, and none of these headaches.

    Alright, I need to go on record here, saying that the new void system is miles better than the old one. You have much better control over your rewards, and risky key shares are no longer an issue. Obviously there are some people here that did legitimately enjoy the old system, but I feel like they are the minority here.

  10. Just now, Kenshin98 said:

    the PV (prime vault) is like another PA (prime access), but it's for older prime items and accessories, they're basically the same imo >.> 

    I forgot that the "Prime Vault" is another form of prime access, I was talking only about the discontinued prime items. Now I feel stupid, guess I ought to change my title some

  11. 7 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    There are quite a few reasons.

    1. It's a source of valuable income, and gives discounted plat to the players who buy it.

    2. It puts a boost in the game economy, which again promotes the purchase of plat.

    3. It creates an air of exclusivity, which causes players to want things more, and again promotes purchases.

    There is a lot of mind games and exploits to human psyche that goes on under the hood in all forms of marketing practice across nearly every company. 

    I think you may have gotten my topic confused, I was talking about the prime vault, not necessarily prime access.

  12. (Note: I am not talking about the Prime Vault, the mirror to Prime Access, I'm only talking about retired prime items.)

    I've been around since the very first primes released: Latron, Frost, and Reaper prime, and have been through all the subsequent prime vaultings. Originally, this vault dealy was understood as a necessity so that the void drop table wouldn't get over saturated by the continued, relentless release of newer prime gear.

    However, with the new Void 2.0 system in place, with relics and the like, here's the biggest question I have at this point: Is the Prime Vault an intended feature now? As a note, I do not watch any prime time or dev streams or the like, so I have no idea if this question has been asked and answered before.

    Void 2.0 is far from perfect, however there is plenty of room for more relics and technically unlimited space for prime drops at this point. I had heard that, since the earliest conceptual stages of Void 2.0 years back, that the idea was to ensure that prime parts need not be retired to a vault, however we can see that this has not happened. So, rather than fixing up enough room to accommodate every prime piece so far, my logic is to say that Warframe's Prime Vault is now an intended feature by the devs.

    While this isn't necessarily a destructive thing, it is a controversial move I feel, because it only serves to keep certain prime items out of the hands of newer or less fortunate players after a certain point.

  13. I don't like this progression either. For one, I thought the original intent of void 2.0, from the very earliest announcements, was to avoid having to deal with vaulted prime items; there would be sufficient room for everything without the need to continue vaulting. Of course we can see this never came even remotely close to passing, and instead we have basically a reskin of the old system. Except with this one, there is no limit to how many relic/keys can be in each tier, so things can easily become immensely diluted now.

    I liked the system at first, I liked the idea of being able to see your rewards. But unfortunately, now I can see this looks like it will be only a short-term fix, and I strongly feel the system needs further work.

  14. The biggest thing that bothers me about the desecrate change, is that with the old system, if desecrate failed to loot a corpse, the body still stayed there, and you could keep on casting until something popped out, theoretically making no corpse go to waste. But now, if the desecrate chance fails, there is no re-try. I understand where the 54% comes from, as the old desecrate had a 60% chance to loot health, with a 90% chance after that to loot items, so 0.6*0.9 comes out to 0.54. I think this should be balanced by bumping up the loot chance to something higher than 54%, but lower than 100%.

    I have never used a SotD build, and I have never actually run into anyone who used Nekros for anything other than extra looting, so I think all the people who complain about SotD being nerfed are a small, but vocal, minority, and I have no opinion on that change.

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