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Everything posted by Kainosh

  1. Floating guns never bothered me in any way (i actually hate when they get replaced by an orb...) But they can clip with each other if there is too many. Doesn't look good. I think it should cap the amount of visual guns at 5 or so, and then simply increase their Fire Rate based on how many you actually got.
  2. RN im using Lega + Phahd + Certus. Lega procs bullet attraction, then Phahd disc sticks to targets, dealing nice damage. Good with damage buffs and to trigger Naramon's bonus. Another one is Cantic + Shraksun + Certus. Good for close and long ranged combat. Klamora + X + Certus is obvious... I also wanted to try Dissic scaffold + Eternal Logistics + Void Fuel. With Void Strike active this might work decently. Its Madurai only tho.
  3. Hitting enemies sounds like im hitting nothing. A clean "swoosh" through the air. No "slap". Makes them feel underwhelming if you didn't kill the target (because melee kill has its own, special sound).
  4. Yeah, I figured. I don't like Invis because of how cheap it feels. Enemy AI has no interaction with it....as if it was not supposed to exist as ability, but were added anyway (pretty much like many other abilities that DE had to counter with Overguard). But I do use it. And I don't really mind if it stays. Its just....eh. Wish it was better.
  5. I suggested this once......people hated the idea. I still think it would be awesome to have a real smokescreen that simply blocks enemy vision within the area. I would prefer "shotgun" style. Like Garuda's talons, but 1 guaranteed to go straight at the reticle. No charge, obviously. Or split on hit into several, smaller shards, that home in on closest enemies. I think this is more likely to hit stuff fast in a required area. Glaives tend to go off too much. Even with lots of homing like Cedo glaive. Too random.
  6. Without any mods in the weapon. Only using Transistor Shield for damage. And it is done against lvl 185 heavy gunner with FULL armor....so yeah, thats somehting. I also tested it in SP, right after Shock Trooper (people complained that i ruin their elements with it)....so i switched and found that TS is better in many cases, including Orphix and Disruption Bombers. With what OP suggests, you will also need to wait for energy to regenerate, and for it to even start regenerating you will need to run around first. TS build that I use on the Screenshot doesn't need any running. Every enemy bullet stopped by E-Shield grants 1000 damage. With multiple enemies around, it becomes constant enough. And stop being rude....relax. I do not know what experience you had with it. On my side its purely positive. Of course im gonna try to protect what i enjoy....You would do the same. There is nothing wrong about it. Sheesh.
  7. Shock trooper is not better. Its % based, needing high base damage weapon. Look at my old test screens (Unmodded Synapse....but it works with Soma and any other Crit weapon) AI Disabled, No Passive bonus damage: And this is + 1000 boosted damage output. Its constant when under fire: Difference grow larger with Crit Mult mods, rivens and all that. Shock Trooper is % based....and in this case it only adds 20 electric damage at 100 power str. It also depends on power str. So you will want to invest in it. Meanwhile, Passive only needs an Augment and maybe some Duration or Efficiency to cast Shield. Crits are not necessary, but a good boon.
  8. Im not overpraising. Dont say chainsaw is bad because you dont know how to turn it on. And I don't say Energy regen is bad. I just want to keep his old passive intact somwhere, ok? Even if it goes to a TS mod. Nobody will tell you. You gotta try it properly, instead of refering to a completely different Embolist case. Try Transistor Shield. Do it with a Crit weapon. You dont even need base damage mods. Synapse's base 20 becomes 1020 for every shot landed at your shield. Unmodded, it kills lvl 180 Heavy gunner really fast. And if you add mods on top, that becomes a really angry "back-at-ya-beam". You gotta see that beauty. Because what you guys are doing here is just....throwing a very interesting gem away like its trash. I love this mechanic of turning incoming damage into my own damage. And even if you all call it sht, I will still try to save it.
  9. His only point was "Volt is fine". If that point is Valid, then you also should delete your thread this instant. Or am i not getting sumthin? If anything, then i suggest a compromise: Add old Passive effect to Transistor Shield augment (incoming damage converted to your bonus damage), and then give Volt whatever new Passive you want. That would be ok, since my TS build will not be butchered....And i don't use Volt's passive in any of my other builds.
  10. Passive is not. But 1000 electric damage is. It can potentially turn any weapon into a "1000 base damage monster". Other damage passives, like Garuda's, for example, are % based. This one is not. It doesn't care if you have a bad weapon. Thats why i like it. There are issues with how it works, and i made a thread with a few suggestions. You can read about it here if you wanna:
  11. It is. For example, Soma's base kinda low, and damage mods don't add much. But TS adds 1000 Electric damage to your shots, that can be amped by Crits. It also works with Status builds on other weapons and such. Besides, low energy is not just Volt's issue. Mag and Excal also lack energy (I started as Mag btw. Volt was a boss drop at that time). I remember barely casting anything, mostly gunning stuff down. And it wasnt bad. Learned to aim and plan on how to use energy instead of spamming it everywhere. Duviri, btw, has energy spawners here and there. And its an "alternative start" so....
  12. BS. Newer players usually lack Weapon Damage. Volt's passive greatly helps to push through certain bosses and enemies. Getting Transistor Shield is not that difficult, and that juicy + 1000 damage on almost every shot is a huge help early on. And it even works on melee. It is also much more useful in Duviri SP. There are energy saving decrees (that break efficiency cap to the point when Wisp's 4 didnt cost me anything) but no decree buffs base weapon damage.
  13. Always bugged me. It functions just like Electricity proc on steroids.... But somehow doesn't make that proc icon appear... Frost's 4 does proc Cold....2 stacks even. Its nothing big really....Just want this for consistency.
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